360R-06 Design of Slabs-on-Ground

—Compressive strength and shrinkage

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Design of Slabs-on-Ground

13.5—Compressive strength and shrinkage
In the competitive concrete supply market, increases of
1-day, 3-day, and 28-day compressive strengths are often
obtained at the expense of increased shrinkage. More cement
and more water per cubic yard (cubic meter) (not necessarily
a higher w/c), a higher shrinkage cement, or a water reducer
that increases shrinkage are the typical means for increasing
compressive strength.
The main reason for controlling compressive strength (and
therefore modulus of rupture) is to ensure that the unreinforced
slab thickness is sufficient to transmit loads to the subgrade.
A 60-day, 90-day, or longer strength, rather than a 28-day
strength, might be considered for designing slab thickness.
This would assume that the design loads would not be
applied during the first 60 or 90 days.
Instead of using a high design strength to minimize slab
thickness, designers might consider other alternatives, such as
adding conventional reinforcement or post-tensioning. For
another example, quadrupling the slab contact area of equiva-
lently stiff
base plates beneath post loads (8 x 8 in. [200 x 200
mm] plates instead of 4 x 4 in. [100 x 100 mm] plates) could
decrease the required slab thickness by more than 1 in. (25 mm).
13.6—Compressive strength and abrasion 
Abrasion resistance is a function of the w/cm (and
compressive strength) at the top surface of the concrete. The
cylinders or cubes tested to measure compressive strength
are not a measure of surface abrasion resistance.
The upper parts of slabs have a higher water content than the
lower portion because of the gravity effect on concrete material
before set takes place. Pawlowski et al. (1975) report that
compressive strengths are always higher in the lower half of
floors, and shrinkage is always higher in the upper half.
The finishing process, primarily the type and quality of the
troweling operation, significantly affects the abrasion resistance
at the top surface. When concrete cannot resist the expected
abrasive action, special metallic or mineral aggregate shake-on
hardeners may be used to improve surface abrasion of floors
placed in a single lift. A separate floor topping with low w/cm
can be used to improve abrasion resistance.

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