Công phá 8+ MÔn tiếng anh đỀ thi tuyển sinh vào lớP 10

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Công phá 8 Môn tiếng anh đề tuyển sinh vào lớp 10

Double Up on Vegetables
Vegetables are great for weight loss, as well as all-around health. They are low in calories and high in water and fiber – two things that keep you feeling full. Save cash by shopping for those that are in season. Frozen vegetables can be a great bargain, with just as much nutrition as fresh, since they are picked and frozen at their peak ripeness.
Get Creative with Your Exercise Options
You don’t need to shell out a monthly gym fee to get moving. Instead, find fun activities you enjoy for free. If you’re just getting started with a regular exercise routine, try your beginning with daily walks: start slowly and build up time and speed.
Make Friends with Someone
One of the most powerful resources you have for helping you lose weight is your social network. Find a friend who is also trying to lose weight and agree to help each other stay motivated. One study found that when friends participated in a group weight-loss programme together, they lost more weight than people who did the same programme on their own.
28. The advantage of cooking at home is __________.
A. to have food that is high in calories
B. to enjoy a variety of rich proteins and more processed grains
C. to plan out your costly prepared meals
D. to choose foods that keep you full and is cheaper

29. In order to cut down on your daily calories, you should do all the following things EXCEPT __________.

A. follow vegetarian diets for your meals
B. eat less meat and poultry
C. eat more beans, lentils, tofu and eggs
D. cut down on animal proteins for some of your meals
30. All of the following are true about vegetables EXCEPT that __________.
A. vegetables can keep you feeling full
B. they help you lose weight effectively
C. frozen vegetables are not good for your health
D. you feel healthier and save money with fresh vegetables in season
31. We can infer from the article that __________.
A. you should join in a social network instead of going to a gym
B. a partner can make you feel more motivated in losing weight
C. you should find fun activities at the gym and follow them
32. The phrase “shell out” is closest in meaning to __________.
A. become more interesting in something
B. pay money for something
C. peel something out
D. take someone out of a shell

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