BÀi thực hành số 11 Mục tiêu

tải về 55.42 Kb.
Chuyển đổi dữ liệu23.08.2016
Kích55.42 Kb.

Khoa Khoa học & Kỹ thuật Máy tính, trường Đại Học Bách Khoa – ĐHQG Tp.HCM


  1. Mục tiêu

    • Xây dựng ứng dụng gởi nhận file.đơn giản.

  1. Các bước thực hiện

  1. Xây dựng giao thức đơn giản

    • Lệnh Upload: PUT FILENAME


    • Lệnh thoát: QUIT

    • Giá trị trả về:

      • Thực thi lệnh thành công : 200 OK

      • Không tìm thấy tập tin để download : 201 File Not Found

      • Tập tin đã tồn tại khi upload : 202 File Existed

      • Các lệnh chưa hỗ trợ : 203 Bad Request

  1. Soạn thảo tập tin FileServer.java (Lưu ý: hiệu chỉnh các đoạn …)

import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class FileServer {

  public static void main (String argv[]) throws IOException {
    int port = 8000; // server port number
    // Create a ServerSocket object
    ServerSocket server_socket = ...
    System.out.println ("Server started");

// Loop indefinitely while waiting for clients to connect

    while (true) {

      // accept () does not return until a client requests a connection

      Socket client_socket = ...

      // Now that a client has arrived, create an instance of our special

      // thread subclass to respond to it.
      Worker worker = new Worker (client_socket);
      System.out.println ("New client connected");

  } // main

} // class FileServer

  1. Soạn thảo tập tin Worker.java (Lưu ý: hiệu chỉnh các đoạn …)

import java.net.*;

import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;
/** Threaded process to serve the client connected to the socket.**/

class Worker extends Thread {

Socket socket = null;

/** Pass the socket as a argument to the constructor **/

Worker ( Socket client_socket ) throws SocketException {

socket = client_socket;
// Set the thread priority down so that the ServerSocket

// will be responsive to new clients.

setPriority ( NORM_PRIORITY - 1 );


* This thread receives a message from the client that will

* request a web page file. The file name is found relative to

* the directory location of this code.


public void run () {

try {

// Use the client socket to obtain an input stream from it.

InputStream is = ...

// For text input we wrap an InputStreamReader around

// the raw input stream and set ASCII character encoding.

InputStreamReader isr =

new InputStreamReader (is, "8859_1");

// Finally, use a BufferReader wrapper to obtain

// buffering and higher order read methods.

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (isr);
// Now get an output stream to the client.

OutputStream os = ...
// For text output we wrap an OutputStreamWriter around

// the raw output stream and set ASCII character encoding.

OutputStreamWriter osr =

new OutputStreamWriter (os, "8859_1");

// Finally, we use a PrintWriter wrapper to obtain its

// higher level output methods.Open in autoflush mode.

// (Autoflush occurs only with println() method.)

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter (osr, true);
while (true)


// First read the message from the client

String str = in.readLine ();

System.out.println ("Client message: " + str);

// Example: GET example.txt

// Split the message into substrings.

String [] tokens = str.split(" ");
if ((tokens.length >= 1) &&

tokens[0].equals ("QUIT")) {



// Check that the message has a minimun number of words

// and that the first word is the GET command.

if ((tokens.length >= 2) &&

tokens[0].equals ("GET")) {

String file_name = tokens[1];

// Now read the file from the disk and write it to the

// output stream to the client.

try {
// Open a stream to the file.

FileInputStream file_in = new FileInputStream (file_name);

// Send the header.

out.println("200 OK\r\n");

File file = new File (file_name);

out.println("Content-length: " + file_in.available ()

+ "\r\n");
// Creat a byte array to hold the file.

byte [] data = new byte [file_in.available ()];

file_in.read (data); // Read file into the byte array

os.write (data); // Write it to client output stream

os.flush (); // Remember to flush output buffer

file_in.close (); // Close file input stream

} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

// If no such file, then send the 201 message.

out.println ("201 File Not Found" );



// Check that the message has a minimun number of words

// and that the first word is the GET command.

//else if ((tokens.length >= 2) &&

// tokens[0].equals ("PUT")) {

//String file_name = tokens[1];
// Now read the input stream from client and write it to the disk.

//try {

// Open a stream to the file.

//FileOutStream file_out = new FileOutputStream (file_name);


//} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

// out.println ("202 File Existed" );


} else {

out.println ("203 Bad Request");


} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

out.println ("202 File Existed");


catch (IOException e) {

System.out.println ( "I/O error " + e );


} // End while

// Close client socket.

try {


} catch (IOException e){

System.out.println ("I/O error " + e );


// On return from run () the thread process will stop.

} // run
} // class Worker

  1. Thực thi FileServer

    • Copy tập tin example.txt tại thư mục chứa 2 tập tin Java nói trên (ví dụ c:\bai2)

    • Biên dịch và thực thi File Server:

C:\bai2> javac Worker.java FileServer.java

C:\bai1> java FileServer

    • Mở một Command Prompt:

telnet 8000

GET example.txt

    • Quan sát kết quả trên Command Prompt.

  1. Soạn thảo tập tin FileClient.java (Lưu ý: hiệu chỉnh các đoạn …)

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import java.io.*;

import java.net.*;

* This program provides a graphical user interface to

* set up the connection to a server and to download/upload

* the file from/to the server.


public class ClientClient extends JFrame

implements Runnable, ActionListener


JTextArea fTextArea = null;
JTextField fIpField;

JTextField fPortField;

JTextField fFileField;
// Default address is local

String fIpAddr = "";

// Default port

int fPort = 8000;

// Socket to connect with server.

Socket fSocket = null;

// File name

String fFilename = "example.txt";

// Change the button name as needed

String fButtonName = "Get";

JButton fButton = null;
Thread fThread = null;
/** Start the program. **/

public static void main (String [] args) {

FileClient f =

new FileClient ("Client for FileServer ");

f.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);



* Create user interface for client. Includes text fields

* for the server IP address, the server's port number, a

* text area to show the data returned from the server, and

* a button to initiate the connection to the server.


FileClient (String title){

super (title);

Container content_pane = getContentPane ();
// Create a user interface.

content_pane.setLayout ( new BorderLayout () );

fTextArea = new JTextArea ("");

fTextArea.setLineWrap (true);

content_pane.add ( fTextArea, "Center");
// Create a panel with three text fields to obtain

// the server address, the port number,

// the file to download, and to initiate the link

// with the server.

fIpField = new JTextField (fIpAddr);

fPortField = new JTextField (""+fPort);

fFileField= new JTextField (fFilename);
// Button to initiate the download from the server

fButton = new JButton (fButtonName);

fButton.addActionListener (this);
JPanel panel = new JPanel (new GridLayout (2,2));

panel.add (fIpField);

panel.add (fPortField);

panel.add (fFileField);

panel.add (fButton);

content_pane.add ( panel, "South");

setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

/** Process events from the frame menu and the chooser.**/

public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ){

boolean status = false;

String command = e.getActionCommand ();
if (command.equals (fButtonName) ) {
// First get the server address

fIpAddr = fIpField.getText ();

// Get port number

fPort = Integer.parseInt (fPortField.getText ());

// Get the name of the file to download

fFilename = fFileField.getText ();

start ();




* Start the thread to connect to the server

* and read the file from it.


public void start (){

// If the thread reference not null then a

// thread is already running. Otherwise, create

// a thread and start it.

if (fThread == null) {

fThread = new Thread (this);

fThread.start ();


} // start

/** Connect with the server via a thread process. **/

public void run () {

// Clear the text area

fTextArea.setText ("Downloading...");


// Connect to the server via the given IP address and port number

// Assemble the message line.

String message = "GET " + fFilename;

// Now get an output stream to the server.

OutputStream os = ...

// Wrap in writer classes

PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter (

new OutputStreamWriter (os, "8859_1"), true );
// Send the message to the server

pw.println (message);

// Get the input stream from the server and then

// wrap the stream in two wrappers.

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (

new InputStreamReader ( ... ) );

String line;

// Get some first line to get file size


// Prepare buffer to get data from File Server and save to local file


fTextArea.setText ("OK");

// Send message QUIT to the server

pw.println (“QUIT”);

} catch ( UnknownHostException uhe) {

fTextArea.setText ("Unknown host");

} catch ( IOException ioe){

fTextArea.setText ("I/O Exception");

} finally{


// End the connection



} catch ( IOException ioe) {

fTextArea.append ("IO Exception while closing socket");



} // run

  1. Thực thi FileClient

C:\bai1> javac FileClient.java

C:\bai1> java FileClient

  1. Bài tập

    • Hoàn chỉnh phần hỗ trợ lệnh PUT của FileServer.java (Lưu ý các dòng comment // khi lệnh gởi đến là PUT.

    • Hiệu chỉnh FileClient.java hỗ trợ lệnh PUT.

    • Mở rộng giao thức với các lệnh DIR, CD

    • Mở rộng FileServer.java để hỗ trợ các lệnh DIR và CD

Về việc nộp bài thực hành:

    • Bài làm gồm các tập tin .java, .class, … được đặt vào một thư mục và nén thành 1 tập tin .zip cùng có tên là MSSV_Hovaten (ví dụ: 505032411_NguyenVanA.zip)

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tải về 55.42 Kb.

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