Bedroom Checklist Know your snore score How to do it

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu09.12.2023
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R6 BlueZones ChecklistInfographics-BEDROOM 231023 231046

How to do it: 
Dim the lights in your home an 
hour before you go to sleep.
Why do it:
Practicing good sleep hygiene is 
the first step to getting the optimal 7-8 hours 
of sleep each night. Dimming the lights 
before bedtime prepares your body for sleep, 
allowing you to fall asleep faster and stay 
asleep longer.
Use light-blocking window 
shades or sleep mask 
Remove the tv and computer 
from the bedroom
How to do it: 
Hang dark shades and heavy 
drapery that can block out all outside light 
when drawn. Make your room as dark as 
possible for the best sleep. If replacing 
window treatments is not an option or you 
share your room and darkness is not 
always possible, try a sleep mask to block 
out light.
Why do it:
Light can be disruptive to sleep, 
even light from a clock or a computer.
How to do it: 
Remove all screens from 
your bedroom including televisions and 
Why do it:
The bedroom should only be used 
for sleep and sex. Removing screens from the 
bedroom helps reinforce the association 
between the bed and sleep. In addition, 
artificial light from screens including digital 
clocks can disrupt sleep.
Put a lavender plant next to 
the bed
Minimize noise in the bedroom
How to do it: 
Purchase a lavender plant 
for your bedroom or keep some lavender 
sachets or essential oils by your bed.
Why do it:
The smell of lavender is 
calming, soothing, and helps induce 
sleep. Studies show that plants also have 
proven stress-releasing qualities.
How to do it: 
Install double-paned windows in 
your bedroom.
Why do it:
Double-paned windows help block 
out noise, which can be disruptive to sleep. 
Noise-reducing curtains and blinds are 
another good alternative. If those are not an 
option, another way to block out unwanted 
sounds is to use earplugs or “white noise” 
such as a fan, air cleaner, or sound conditioner.
Set up your bedroom for better sleep 
and downshifting.
S E E B L U E Z O N E S . C O M / C H E C K L I S T S F O R S C O R I N G A N D S O U R C E S
© 2 0 2 1 B L U E Z O N E S , L L C . A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D .

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