SỞ gd- đt vĩnh phúc trưỜng thpt liễn sơN

A. suffered serious loss of mental ability B

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A. suffered serious loss of mental ability B. could no longer think lucidly

C. abandoned his family D. had a problem with memory

Câu 43: According to the passage, what makes mobile phones potentially harmful is ______.

A. their radiant light B. their power of attraction C. their raiding power D. their invisible rays

Câu 44: According to the writer, people should ______.

A. only use mobile phones in urgent cases B. only use mobile phones in medical emergencies

C. keep off mobile phones regularly D. never use mobile phones in all cases

Câu 45: The most suitable title for the passage could be ______.

A. “The Reasons Why Mobile Phones Are Popular” B. “Technological Innovations and Their Price”

C. “The Way Mobile Phones Work” D. “Mobile Phones: A Must of Our Time”

VI. Chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ/cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa để các câu sau trở thành câu đúng.

Câu 46: Educated in the UK, his qualifications are widely recognized in the world of professionals.


Câu 47: Many successful film directions are former actors who desire to expand their experience in the film industry. A B C D

Câu 48: We admire Lucy for her intelligence, cheerful disposition and she is honest.


Câu 49: However small, the sitting room is well designed and nicely decorated.


Câu 50: In my opinion, I think this book is more interesting than the other one.


VII. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi câu từ 51 đến 60.

Traditionally in America, helping the poor was a matter for private charities or local governments. Arriving immigrants depended mainly on predecessors (người tiền nhiệm) from their homeland to help them start a new life. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, several European nations instituted public-welfare (phúc lợi xã hội) programs. But such a movement was slow to take hold in the United States because the rapid pace of industrialization and the ready availability of farmland seemed to confirm the belief that anyone who was willing to work could find a job. Most of the programs started during the Depression era were temporary relief measures, but one of the programs - Social Security - has become an American institution. Paid for by deductions from the paychecks of working people, Social Security ensures that retired persons receive a modest monthly income and also provides unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and other assistance to those who need it. Social Security payments to retired persons can start at age 2, but many wait until age 65, when the payments are slightly higher. Recently, there has been concern that the Social Security fund may not have enough money to fulfill its obligations in the 21st century, when the population of elderly Americans is expected to increase dramatically. Policy makers have proposed various ways to make up the anticipated deficit (tiền thiếu hụt), but a long-term solution is still being debated. In the years since Roosevelt, other American presidents have established assistance programs. These include Medicaid and Medicare; food stamps, certificates that people can use to purchase food; and public housing which is built at federal expense and made available to persons on low incomes. Needy Americans can also turn to sources other than the government for help. A broad spectrum of private charities and voluntary organizations is available. Volunteerism is on the rise in the United States, especially among retired persons. It is estimated that almost 50 percent of Americans over age 18 do volunteer work, and nearly 75 percent of U.S. households contribute money to charity.

Câu 51: New immigrants to the U.S. could seek help from ______.

A. the people who came earlier B. the US government agencies

C. only charity organizations D. volunteer organizations

Câu 52: It took welfare programs a long time to gain a foothold in the U.S. due to the fast growth of______.

A. industrialization B. modernization C. urbanization D. population

Câu 53: The word “instituted” in the first paragraph mostly means ______.

A. “executed” B. “studied” C. “introducedD. “enforced”

Câu 54: The Social Security program has become possible thanks to ______.

A. deductions from wages B. people’s willingness to work

C. donations from companies D. enforcement laws

Câu 55: Most of the public assistance programs ______ after the severe economic crisis.

A. were introduced into institutions B. did not become institutionalized

C. functioned fruitfully in institutions D. did not work in institutions

Câu 56: That Social Security payments will be a burden comes from the concern that ______.

A. elderly people ask for more money B. the program discourages working people

C. the number of elderly people is growing D. younger people do not want to work

Câu 57: Persons on low incomes can access public housing through ______.

A. low rents B. state spending C. donations D. federal expenditure(chi tiêu LB)

Câu 58: Americans on low incomes can seek help from ______.

A. federal government B. government agencies C. state governments D. non-government agencies

Câu 59: Public assistance has become more and more popular due to the ______.

A. young people’s voluntarism only B. volunteer organizations

C. people’s growing commitment to charity D. innovations in the tax system

Câu 60: The passage mainly discusses ______.

A. public assistance in America B. immigration into America

C. funding agencies in America D. ways of fund-raising in America

VIII. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi chỗ trống từ 61 đến 70.

The wind controls our planet's weather and climate. But how much do we understand about this complex force (61)______ can kill and spread fear? On the night of October 15, 1987, the south of England was (62)_____ by strong winds. Gusts (gió mạnh) of over 130 km/h (63)______ through the region. Nineteen people were killed, £1.5-billion worth of damage was (64) ______ and 19 million trees were blown down in just a few hours. Although people thought of this (65)_____ a hurricane, the winds of 1987 were only a (66)______ 7 storm. They remain far better known than the much more serious storms of January 25, 1990, (67)______ most of Britain was hit by daytime winds of up to 173 km/h. On this occasion, 47 people were killed, even though, (68)______ in 1987, the weather forecasters issued accurate warnings. Extreme weather events such as these are dramatic (69)______ of the power of the wind. It is one part of the weather that people generally do not give a second (70)______ to, but across the world the wind plays a crucial role in people's lives.

Câu 61: A. what B. which C. when D. where

Câu 62: A. attacked B. besieged (vây hãm) C. struck D. beaten

Câu 63: A. ran B. blew C. flew D. spread

Câu 64: A. paid B. created C. resulted D. caused

Câu 65: A. like B. unlike C. same as D. as

Câu 66: A. strength B. length C. power D. force

Câu 67: A. until B. why C. when D. while

Câu 68: A. when B. like C. unlike D. such as

Câu 69: A. recalls B. remains C. memories D. reminders

Câu 70: A. help B. think C. care D. thought

IX. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi chỗ trống từ 71 đến 80.

Health and fitness are not just for young people. They are for anyone willing to accept the (71)______ for a good diet and (72)______ exercise. With age, there is a tendency to feel that the body is no longer able to (73)______. Aches and pains are (74)______ normal. Instead of pushing the body to do (75)_______, activities become limited. Yet examples after examples have shown us that older people can – and should – be (76)______. Men and women in their sixties have run in marathons, races of more than twenty-six miles. Some professional athletes stay (77)______ into their forties and fifties. For most people, simple activities like walking and swimming are all that is needed to stay in (78)______. It’s important to include exercise in your daily routine. In the winter, (79)______ push-ups, sit-ups, and other indoor exercises. Of course, such exercises will be of little use (80)______ you follow them with soda and chips.

Câu 71: A. discipline B. ruling C. strictness D. regulation

Câu 72: A. regular B. useful C. much D. little

Câu 73: A. run B. malfunction C. operate D. perform

Câu 74: A. believed B. thought C. made D. considered

Câu 75: A. weaker B. more C. greater D. faster

Câu 76: A. eager B. active C. bold D. passive

Câu 77: A. passive B. competitive C. equal D. comparative

Câu 78: A. need B. form C. contact D. shape

Câu 79: A. make B. get C. work D. do

Câu 80: A. although B. unless C. if D. otherwise






Thời gian: 90 phút

I. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi câu từ 1 đến 10.

Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term “reading” undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become commonplace (phổ biến). One should be wary (thận trọng), however, of assuming that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud was a distraction to others. Examinations of factors related to the historical development of silent reading have revealed that it became the usual mode of reading for most adults mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character. The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy and thus in the number of readers. As the number of readers increased, the number of potential listeners declined and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices, where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers. Towards the end of the century, there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully and over whether the reading of materials such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening. Indeed, this argument remains with us still in education. However, whatever its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a specialised readership (độc giả đặc biệt) on the other. By the end of the twentieth century, students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use reading skills which were inappropriate, if not impossible, for the oral reader. The social, cultural and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term “reading” implied.

Câu 1: Reading aloud was more common in the medieval world because ______.

A. people relied on reading for entertainment B. silent reading had not been discovered

C. there were few places available for private reading D. few people could read to themselves

Câu 2: The word “commonplace” in the first paragraph mostly means “______”.

A. for everybody’s use B. most preferable C. attracting attention D. widely used

Câu 3: The development of silent reading during the last century indicated ______.

A. an increase in the average age of readers B. an increase in the number of books

C. a change in the nature of reading D. a change in the status of literate people

Câu 4: Silent reading, especially in public places, flourished mainly because of ______.

A. the decreasing need to read aloud B. the development of libraries

C. the increase in literacy D. the decreasing number of listeners

Câu 5: It can be inferred that the emergence of the mass media and specialised reading materials was an indication of ______. A. a decline of standards of literacy B. a change in the readers’ interest

C. an alteration in educationalists’ attitudes D. an improvement of printing techniques

Câu 6: The phrase “a specialised readership” in paragraph 4 mostly means “______”.

A. a requirement for readers in a particular area of knowledge

B. a limited number of readers in a particular area of knowledge

C. a reading volume for particular professionals D. a status for readers specialised in mass media

Câu 7: The phrase “oral reader” in the last paragraph mostly means “a person who ______”.

A. is good at public speaking B. practises reading to an audience

C. takes part in an audition D. is interested in spoken language

Câu 8: All might be the factors that affected the continuation of the old shared literacy culture EXCEPT _____.

A. the inappropriate reading skills B. the specialised readership

C. the diversity of reading materials D. the printed mass media

Câu 9: Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Reading aloud was more common in the past than it is today.

B. Not all printed mass media was appropriate for reading aloud.

C. The decline of reading aloud was wholly due to its distracting effect.

D. The change in reading habits was partly due to the social, cultural and technological changes.

Câu 10: The writer of this passage is attempting to ______.

A. explain how reading habits have developed B. change people’s attitudes to reading

C. show how reading methods have improved D. encourage the growth of reading

II. Chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu.

Câu 11: A. apply B. persuade C. reduce D. offer

Câu 12: A. preservative B. congratulate C. preferential D. development

Câu 13: A. president B. physicist C. inventor D. property

Câu 14: A. economy B. unemployment C. communicate D. particular

Câu 15: A. recommend B. volunteer C. understand D. potential

III. Chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.

Câu 16: He’s a very ______ person because he can make other workers follow his advice.

A. creative B. influential C. deciding D. effective

Câu 17: Increasing ______ of fruit in the diet may help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

A. the amount B. an amount C. the number D. a number

Câu 18: - "Why wasn't your boyfriend at the party last night?"

- "He ______ the lecture at Shaw Hall. I know he very much wanted to hear the speaker."

A. should have attended B. can have attended C. was to attend D. may have attended

Câu 19: The doctor decided to give her a thorough examination __ he could identify the causes of her illness.

A. after B. so as C. unless D. so that

Câu 20: My computer is not ______ of running this software.

A. able B. compatible C. capable D. suitable

Câu 21: The room needs ______ for the wedding.

A. decorating B. to decorate C. decorate D. be decorated

Câu 22: That hotel is so expensive. They ______ you sixty pounds for bed and breakfast.

A. charge B. fine C. take D. cost

Câu 23: I am considering ______ my job. Can you recommend a good company?

A. to move B. moving C. to change D. changing

Câu 24: I'm sure you'll have no ______ the exam.

A. difficulty passing B. difficulties to pass C. difficulty to pass D. difficulties of passing

Câu 25: - Janet: "Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?" - Susan: "______."

A. I don't agree, I'm afraid B. You’re welcome C. That would be great D. I feel very bored

Câu 26: I’m afraid I’m not really ______ to comment on this matter.

A. qualifying B. qualified C. quality D. qualitative

Câu 27: Today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical ______.

A. utilities B. applications C. appliances D. instruments

Câu 28: The curtains have ______ because of the strong sunlight.

A. faded B. fainted C. lightened D. weakened

Câu 29: The referee ______ the coin to decide which team would kick the ball first.

A. caught B. threw C. cast D. tossed (tung sấp ngửa)

Câu 30: - Laura: “What a lovely house you have!” - Maria: “_______.”

A. Of course not, it’s not costly B. Thank you. Hope you will drop in

C. I think so D. No problem

Câu 31: I accidentally ______ Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.

A. caught sight of B. kept an eye on C. paid attention to D. lost touch with

Câu 32: How long does the play ______?

A. last B. extend C. prolong D. stretch

Câu 33: The price of fruit has increased recently, ______ the price of vegetables has gone down.

A. whereas B. whether C. when D. otherwise

Câu 34: It is blowing so hard. We ______ such a terrible storm.

A. have never known B. have never been knowing C. never know D. had never known

Câu 35: When the old school friends met, a lot of happy memories ______ back.

A. had brought B. were brought C. brought D. had been brought

IV. Chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn sau đây.

Câu 36: "Why don’t we go out for dinner?” said Mary.

A. Mary suggested a dinner out. B. Mary ordered a dinner out.

C. Mary demanded a dinner out. D. Mary requested a dinner out.

Câu 37: We've run out of tea.

A. There's not much more tea left. B. There's no tea left.

C. We have to run out to buy some tea. D. We didn’t have any tea.

Câu 38: The sooner we solve this problem, the better it will be for all concerned.

A. If we could solve this problem soon, it would be better for all concerned.

B. It would be better for all concerned if we can solve this problem soon.

C. If all concerned are better, we can solve this problem soon.

D. If we can solve this problem soon, it will be better for all concerned.

Câu 39: My friend told me, “If I were you, I would not smoke so much.”

A. My friend advised me not to smoke so much. B. My friend warned me against smoking so much.

C. My friend prohibited me from smoking so much. D. My friend suggested not smoking so much.

Câu 40: "I will let you know the answer by the end of this week,” Tom said to Janet.

A. Tom suggested giving Janet the answer by the end of the week.

B. Tom promised to give Janet the answer by the end of the week.

C. Tom insisted on letting Janet know the answer by the end of the week.

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