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D. describing her personal experience as a citizen of the United States.

12. The phrase learn it by heart as well as by head in line Passage 1, line 14 suggests_____.

A. an emotional and intellectual response. B. rote memorization.

C. learning from experience rather than books. D. accepting an argument on faith.

13. In line 27 of Passage 1, anxious most nearly means_____.

A. irritable. B. neurotic. C. apprehensive. D. eager.

14. Lines 26–32 of Passage 1 portray American women as_____.

A. rebellious. B. ambitious. C. patriotic. D. uneducated.

15. Which of the following best describes the author’s strategy in Passage 2?

A. summarizing public perceptions of the issue B. anticipating opposing viewpoints and then refuting them

C. relating an incident and describing its significance D. persuading his audience through emotional appeal

16. As used in Passage 2, line 9, novel most nearly means

A. rare. B. original. C. untried. D. brilliant.

17. In the third paragraph of Passage 2 (lines 23–33), the author characterizes the activists of the women’s suffrage movement as A. ardent. B. courageous. C. conformist. D. modest.

18. The author of Passage 2 cites the example of a woman’s right to her property (lines 29 and 30) in order to_____.

A. show that women are well represented by the legislature even if they cannot vote.

B. demonstrate that if women can be responsible for property, they can be responsible voters.

C. prove that unjust laws affect the condition of women.

D. support the belief that political change should happen quickly..

19. Which aspect of the topic of women’s voting rights is emphasized in Passage 2, but not in Passage 1?

A. the interpretation of the Constitution B. the contributions of American women

C. the tax-paying status of women D. how the judiciary treats women

20. The two authors would most likely agree with which statement?

A. Most women do not desire the right to vote. B. Women are not meant to be soldiers.

C. Voting is more of a burden than a privilege. D. American society is ready for female voters.

21. The approaches of the two passages to the topic differ in that only Passage 1

A. describes an incident from the author’s personal experience. B. gives a point and argues its counterpoint.

C. cites several specific examples of laws that benefit women. D. addresses its audience in the second person

III. Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp nhất trong số các gợi ý A,B,C, hoặc D để điền vào mỗi trong số các khoảng trống trong các câu văn sau đây.

22. _____ the double, she took the victim to the hospital.

  1. In B. for C. On D. With

23. That flowers are_____ everywhere is a sign of spring

A. Coming out B. breaking out C. Taking over D. going over.

24. The boy is hyperactive. I put it_____ wrong diet.

A. Down with B. Down to C. up against D. Up with

25. I finished my homework a few days ahead _____ the deadline

A. Of B. To C. By D. At

26. A good dictionary is indispensable_____ any English majors.

A. To B. For C. At D. With

27. These oranges are sold_____ the dozen.

A. At B. For C. By D. Of

28. Largely through the work of the World Health Organization, most developed counties have eradicated malaria or brought it_____ control.

A. In B. below C. to D. under

29. “ Why did you move?” “ All _____ a sudden, I realized I was in a dangerous position.

  1. Of B. in C. at D. by

30. He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit_____ reach

A. near B. inside C. within D. at

IV. Xác định các từ/ cụm từ được gạch dưới đánh dấu A, B, C, hoặc D cần sửa để câu trở nên đúng.

  1. Before television became so popular, Americans used to entertain each other in the evening by playing games, saying stories, and singing songs. A B C D

  2. Some bumper stickers are very funny and make us laugh, yet another can make us angry because of their ridiculousness. A B C D

  3. Certain pollens are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than another.


  1. John lived in New York since 1960 to 1975, but he is now living in Detroit.


  1. The equipment in the office was badly in need of to be repaired.


  1. The influence of the nation's literature, art, and science have captured widespread attention.


  1. Despite of the fact that backgammon is easy to learn, it is as difficult to play as chess.


  1. When he was a little boy, Mark Twain would walk along the piers, watch the river boats, swimming and fish in the Mississippi, much like his famous character, Tom Sawyer. A B C D

  2. They are going to have to leave soon, and so do we.


  1. Edmund Hillary, a famous climber New Zealand, learned the basics of his sport on the steep cliffs hanging over a rocky bay near his home. A B C D

V. Đọc kĩ đoạn văn rồi chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp nhất trong số các gợi ý A,B,C, hoặc D để hoàn tất mỗi trong số các câu theo sau.

Social parasitism involves one species relying on another to raise its young. Among vertebrates, the best known social parasites are such birds as cuckoos and cowbirds; the female lays egg in a nest belonging to another species and leaves it for the host to Line rear. (5). The dulotic species of ants, however, are the supreme social parasites. Consider, for example, the unusual behavior of ants belonging to the genus Polyergus. All species of this ant have lost the ability to care for themselves. The workers do not forage for food, feed their brood or queen, or even clean their own nest. To compensate for these deficits, Polyergus has become specialized at obtaining workers from the related genus (10) Formica to do these chores.

In a raid, several thousand Polyergus workers will travel up to 500 feet in search of a Formica nest, penetrate it, drive off the queen and her workers, capture the pupal brood, and transport it back to their nest. The captured brood is then reared by the resident Formica workers until the developing pupae emerge to add to the Formica (15) population, which maintains the mixed-species nest. The Formica workers forage for food and give it to colony members of both species. They also remove wastes and excavate new chambers as the population increases.

The true extent of the Polyergus ants' dependence on the Formica becomes apparent when the worker population grows too large for existing nest. Formica scouts locate (20) a new nesting site, return to the mixed species colony, and recruit additional Formica nest mates. During a period that may last seven days, the Formica workers carry to the new nest all the Polyergus eggs, larvae, and pupae, every Polyergus adult, and even the Polyergus queen. Of the approximately 8,000 species of ants in the world, all 5 species of Polyergus (25) and some 200 species in other genera have evolved some degree of parasitic relationship with other ants.

41. Which of the following statements best represents the main idea of the passage?

A. Ants belonging to the genus Formica are incapable of performing certain tasks.

B. The genus Polyergus is quite similar to the genus Formica.

C. Ants belonging to the genus Polyergus have an unusual relationship with ants belonging to the genus Formica.

D. Poltergus ants frequently leave their nests to build new colonies.

42. The word “raise” in line 1 is closest in meaning to_____.

A. rear B. lift C. collect D. increase

43. The author mentions cuckoos and cowbirds in line 2 because they_____.

A. share their nests with each other B. are closely related species

C. raise the young of their birds D. are social parasites

44. The word “it” in line 3 refers to_____.

A. species B. nest C. egg D. female

45. What does the author mean by stating that “The dulotic species of ...are the supreme social parasites”(line5) ?

A. The Polyergus are more highly developed than the Formica.

B. The Formica have developed specialized roles.

C. The Polyergus are heavily dependent on the Formica.

D. The Formica do not reproduce rapidly enough to care for themselves.

46. Which of the following is a task that an ant of the genus Polyergus might do?

A. Look for food. B. Raid another nest. C. Care for the young. D. Clean its own nest.

47. The word “excavate” in line 17 is closest in meaning to_____.

A. find B. clean C. repair D. dig

48. The word “recruit” in line 20 is closest in meaning to_____.

A. create B. enlist C. endure D. capture

49. What happens when a mixed colony of Polyergus and Formica ants becomes too large?

A. The Polyergus workers enlarge the existing nest. B. The captured Formica workers return to their original nest.

C. The Polyergus and the Formica build separate nests. D. The Polyergus and the Formica move to a new nest.

50. According to the information in the passage, all of the following terms refer to ants belonging to the genus Formica EXCEPT the _____. A. dulotic species of ants (line 5) B. captured brood (line 13)

C. developing pupae (line 14) D. worker population (line 19)

VI. Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp nhất trong số các gợi ý A,B,C, hoặc D để điền vào mỗi trong số các khoảng trống trong đoạn văn sau đây.

When faced with some new and possible bewildering technology change, most people (51)____ in one of two ways. They either recoil (52)____ anything new, claiming that it is unnecessary, or too complicated or that it (53)_____ makes life less than human. Or they learn to adapt to the new invention and (54)____ wonder how they could possibly have existed (55)____ it. Take computers as example. For many of us, they still (56)_____ a threat to our freedom and give us a frightening (57)____ of a future in which all decisions will be (58)_____ by machines. This may be because they seem (59)_____, and difficult to understand. Ask most people what you can use a home computer for, and you usually get vague answers about how ‘they give you information’. In fact, even those of us who are (60)____ with computer and use them in our daily work, have little idea of how they work. But it does not take long to learn how to operate a business programme, even if things occasionally go wrong for no apparent (61)_____. Presumably, much the same happened when telephone and television became widespread. What seems to alarm most people is the (62)____ of technology change, (63)_____ than change itself. And the objections that are made to new technology may (64)_____ have a point to them, since change is not always an improvement. As we discover during power cuts, there is a lot to be said for the oil lamp, the coal fire, and forms of entertainment, such as books or board (65)______, which don’t have to be plugged into work.

51. A. react B. treat C. solve D. perform

52. A. of B. out of C. away from D. from

53. A. somewhere B. someplace C. someway D. somewhat

54. A. eventually B. possibly C. initially D. naturally

55. A. with B. without C. on D. for

56. A. show B. meet C. face D. represent

57. A. possibility B. sense C. idea D. prospect

58. A. invented B. changed C. taken D. done

59. A. unsteady B. unsure C. mysterious D. obvious

60. A. accustomed B. familiar C. used D. commonplace

61. A. reason B. cue C. excuse D. cause

62. A. rate B. swiftness C. speed D. tempo

63. A. more B. less C. rather D. other

64. A. badly B. better C. worse D. well

65. A. sports B. games C. plays D. shows

VI. Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp nhất trong số các gợi ý A,B,C, hoặc D để điền vào mỗi trong số các khoảng trống trong các câu văn sau đây.

67. When her schoolwork got to be too much, Pam had a tendency to ______, which always put her further behind.

A. dedicate B. rejuvenate C. ponder D. procrastinate

68. Racha’s glance was a ______ invitation to speak later in private about events of the meeting.

A. treacherous B. scintillating C. tactful D. tacit

70. The busy, ______ fabric of the clown’s tie matched his oversized jacket, which was equally atrocious.

A. mottled B. bleak C. credible D. malleable

71. Kendrick’s talent ______ under the tutelage of Anya Kowalonek, who as a young woman had been the most accomplished pianist in her native Lithuania.

A. bantered B. touted C. flourished D. embellished

72. The children were ______ by the seemingly nonsensical clues until Kinan pointed out that the messages were in code. A. censured B. striated C. feigned D. flummoxed

73 The chess master promised to ______ havoc upon his opponent’s pawns for taking his bishop.

A. wreak B. warrant C. ensue D. placate

74. I have always admired Seymour’s ______; I’ve never seen him rattled by anything.

A. aplomb B. confluence C. propriety D. compunction

75. The soldiers received a military ______ to inspect all their vehicles before traveling.

A. allotment B. dominion C. affectation D. mandate.

VII. Pick out the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others.

  1. A. triangle B. refugee C. recompense D. opportune.

  2. A. magnificent B. memorial C. humanism D. tobacconist

  3. A. candidacy B. casually C. commentary D. asymmetric

  4. A. commerce B. consent C. access D. advent

  5. A. amateurish B. bureaucracy C. amplifier D. humanism

--------------THE END--------------







Thời gian: 90 phút

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions from 1 to 5

Question 1: “I think the idea is absolutely ridiculous,” he said.

A. He absolutely agreed with the idea. B. He appreciated the ridiculous idea.

C. He dismissed the idea as ridiculous. D. He complimented the idea as ridiculous.

Question 2: Tim will not be persuaded to lend you his money, so do not try.

A. Why don’t you try to beg Tim for money? B. It is not necessary to lend you Tim’s money

C. There is no point in convincing Tim to lend you his money. D. It is no use to ask Tim for money, so do not try.

Question 3: He said, “If there were an oven in my house now, I could make you some cakes, Linda.”

A. He told Linda if there were an oven in his house then, he could make her some cakes.

B. He told Linda if there were an oven in his house then, he could have made her some cakes.

C. He said to Linda if there had been an oven in his house then, he could make her some cakes.

D. He said if there were an oven in my house then, I could make Linda some cakes.

Question 4: But for the company’s aids last week, they would be in prison now.

A. If the company had not aided them last week, they would have been in prison now.

B. If the company had aided them last week, they would be in prison now.

C. If the company did not aid them last week, they would be in prison now.

D. If the company had not aided them last week, they would be in prison now.

Question 5: No sooner had Charles enrolled in the army than he received the scholarship to study abroad.

A. Rather than receive the scholarship to study abroad, Charles enrolled in the army.

B. Enrolling in the army helped Charles receive the scholarship to study abroad.

C. Charles enrolled in the army soon after he had received the scholarship to study abroad.

D. As soon as Charles enrolled in the army, he received the scholarship to study abroad.

II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 15

Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to be a trained programmer to work online. Of course, there are plenty of jobs for people with high-tech computer skills, but the growth of new media has opened up a wide range of internet career opportunities requiring only a minimal level of technical expertise.

Probably one of the most well-known online job opportunities is the job of webmaster. However, it is hard to define one basic job description for this position. To specify the job description of a webmaster, one needs to identify the hardware and software that the website the webmaster will manage is running on. Different types of hardware and software require different skill sets to manage them. Another key factor is whether the website will be running internally (at the firm itself) or externally (renting shared space on the company servers). Finally, the responsibilities of a webmaster also depend on whether he or she will be working independently, or whether the firm will provide people to help. All of these factors need to be considered before one can create an accurate webmaster job description.

Webmaster is one type of internet career requiring in-depth knowledge of the latest computer applications. However, there are also online jobs available for which tradition skills remain in high demand. Content jobs require excellent writing skills and a good sense of the web as a new media. This term is difficult to define because it encompasses a constantly growing set of new technologies and skills. Specifically, it includes website, email, Internet telephony, CD-ROM, DVD, streaming audio and video, and so on. With many companies having to downsize in touch economic times, the outsourcing and contracting of freelance worker online has become common business practice. The internet provides an infinite pool of buyers from around the world with whom freelancers can contract their services. Additionally, many of today’s Internet careers are becoming paid-by-the-job professions. An added benefit to such online jobs is that freelancers are able to work on projects with companies outside their own country of residence.

How much can a person make in these kinds of careers? As with many questions related to today’s evolving technology, there is no simple answer. There are many companies willing to pay people with technical Internet skills salaries well above $70,000 a year. Generally, webmasters start at about $30,000 per year, but salaries can vary greatly. Freelance writers working online have been known to make between $40,000 and $70,000 per year.

Question 6: According to the passage, many people think that_______.

A. One can work online even if he or she is not good at computing.

B. Online work requires qualified computer users. C. One does not need to be trained for online work.

D. A minimal level of technical expertise can still ensure us many internet career chances.

Question 7: It is true that a webmaster________

A. is one type of website. B. is a person whose task is to identify hardware and software.

C. has to get himself updated with computer science. D. never works on his or her own.

Question 8: The job of a webmaster is______________

A. quite free from the company C. a job with traditional skills

B. either alone or with partners D. given a simple description by the author

Question 9: The word “specify” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by “__________.”

A. name after B. set up C. show up D. narrow down

Question 10: The word “downsize” in paragraph 3 most likely means “_______”

A. dismiss workers B. reduce the salary

C. become bankrupt D. collapse some company’s branches

Question 11: It can be understood that a freelancer_____.

A. can work for companies overseas C. is better at computing than writing

B. has to own a lot of CD-ROM D. has few opportunities of job

Question 12: All are true, EXCEPT for_____.

A. The more skilful at the Internet the people are, the more they earn.

B. We do not know exactly the total money an online worker makes a year.

C. On average, a freelancer can earn much more than a webmaster.

D. It is impossible to describe online careers.

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