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Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 66: I didn’t see Marry since she went to live in the capital.


Question 67: Ice always melts if the air temperature will be warm enough.


Question 68: Even on the most careful prepared trip, problems will sometimes happen.


Question 69: People today use aspirin to relieve pain, alike past genaretions, who used the bark of the


White willow tree in powder form.


Question 70: Our supervisor advised to take a course in reseach methods.


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 71: You’re not to blame for what happened.

A. You are not accused of what happened.

B. What happened is not your fault.

C. You’re responsible for what happened.

D. We blame you for what happened.

Question 72: Tom acts as if he knew every thing.

A. Tom knows every thing so he acts that way.

B. The way Tom acts shows that he knows every thing.

C. Tom acts like that he knew every thing.

D. Tom doesn’t know every thing but he wants to appear he does.

Question 73: Jim is my best friend. I borrowed his car yesterday.

A. Jim, whose car I borrowed yesterday, is my best friend.

B. Jim, whose car I borrowed yesterday is my best friend.

C. Jim, who is my best friend, borrowed my car yesterday.

D. Jim, whose car I lent yesterday, is my best friend.

Question 74: Tim is likely to fail if he takes the exam without studying.

A. Tim will fail if he takes the exam without studying.

B. It’s probable that Tim will fail the exam if he doesn’t study.

C. It’s certain that Tim will pass the exam if he studies.

D. It’s certain that Tim will fail because he doesn’t studies.

Question75: At this time tomorrow, hopefully, I'll be relaxing at home rather than working this hard.

A. Tomorrow, rather than relaxing at home as I'd hoped to do, I'll be working quite hard.

B. I hope that, instead of working so hard at this time tomorrow, I'll be at home resting.

C. I'm planning to relax at home tomorrow, instead of working so hard.

D. Resting at home is something I hope to be doing at this time tomorrow, but I'll probably be working quite hard instead.

Question 76: I’ve been here for two hours, and I’m still waiting.

A. I’m still waiting here in two hours.

B. I was still here waiting two hours.

C. I still waited here tow hours ago.

D. I’ve been waiting here for two hours.

Question77: In spite of doing well in the contest, Jane didn’t win.

A. Jane did well in the contest, but she didn’t win so.

B. Jane did well in the contest. However, she didn’t win.

C. Jane did well in the contest. Therefore, she didn’t win.

D. Jane didn’t win because she did well in the contest.

Question 78: “Where were you last night, Mr. Jenkins?” he said.

A. He asked Mr. Jenkins where was he last night.

B. He wanted to know where Mr. Jenkins was the night before.

C. He wanted to know where Mr. Jenkins had been the following night.

D. He asked Mr. Jenkins where he had been the previous night

Question79: I think you should revise for the exam.

A. If I were you, I would revise for the exam.

B. If I am you, I will revise for the exam.

C. If I would be you, I revised for the exam.

D. If I will be you, I revise for the exam.

Question 80: No sooner had gold been discovered in California than thousands of people set out for the west coast of North America.

A. It was not soon after the time that gold had been uncovered in California that thousands of people departed for North America’s west coast.

B. The west coast of North America became the destination of thousands of people the moment that gold was found in California.

C. Thousands of people had already begun their journey to the west coast of North America by the time gold was found in California.

D. Thousands of people were heading for California on the west coast of North America when the news of the discovery of gold there reached them.

1. A

11. A

21. D

31. B

41. D

51. C

61. D

71. B

2. D

12. D

22. C

32. C

42. B

52. D

62. D

72. D

3. D

13. C

23. B

33. A

43. D

53. C

63. A

73. A

4. B

14. B

24. B

34. A

44. A

54. B

64. C

74. B

5. B

15. B

25. C

35. D

45. D

55. B

65. C

75. B

6. A

16. B

26. A

36. D

46. D

56. C

66. A

76. D

7. C

17. B

27. C

37. D

47. A

57. B

67. C

77. B

8. D

18. B

28. D

38. A

48. B

58. A

68. C

78. D

9. B

19. C

29. D

39. B

49. B

59. B

69. A

79. A

10. C

20. C

30. D

40. A

50. A

60. B

70. B

80. B

Каталог: data -> file -> 2016
2016 -> VnDoc Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
2016 -> Những cặp con giáp hợp nhau nhất khi kết hôn
2016 -> Lịch sử ra đời ngày thành lập Đoàn 26-3 Ngày 26-3 hằng năm được chọn là ngày kỷ niệm ngày Thành lập Đoàn Thanh niên Cộng sản Hồ Chí Minh
2016 -> 50 cách siêu đơn giản giúp con thông minh ngay từ khi lọt lòng Những hành động tưởng chừng rất đỗi bình thường như thè lưỡi, cù vào ngón chân, cười với bé… cũng góp phần phát triển trí tuệ cho trẻ từ thuở lọt lòng
2016 -> Lời bài hát: Em đã biết Suni Hạ Linh tên thật là Ngô Đặng Thu Giang, từng cover rất nhiều ca khúc trên Youtube và đã từng tham gia cuộc thi Chinh Phục Ước Mơ tại Hàn Quốc cùng nhiều tên tuổi nổi tiếng như Soo Bin Hoàng Sơn
2016 -> CÁch khắc phục lỗI: htkk không chấp nhận bảng câN ĐỐi kế toán có SỐ ĐẦu năm của chỉ tiêU 411 = 0
2016 -> Hướng dẫn lập mẫu tk1 ts theo Quyết định 959/QĐ-bhxh
2016 -> Bài thuyết trình mẫu hay cho hội thi cắm hoa 8-3

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