Lêi nãi ®Çu Tiªu chuÈn Ngµnh tcn 68-186: 2003 "DÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c ng céng Tiªu chuÈn chÊt l­îng"

tải về 136.28 Kb.
Chuyển đổi dữ liệu04.08.2016
Kích136.28 Kb.

TCN 68 - 186: 2003

môc lôc
* Lêi nãi ®Çu 5

* QuyÕt ®Þnh ban hµnh cña bé tr­ëng bé b­u chÝnh viÔn th«ng 7

* TCN 68 - 186: 2003 9

Lêi nãi ®Çu
Tiªu chuÈn Ngµnh TCN 68-186: 2003 "DÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng - Tiªu chuÈn chÊt l­îng" ®­îc x©y dùng trªn c¬ së so¸t xÐt, bæ sung Tiªu chuÈn Ngµnh TCN 68-186: 1999 "DÞch vô viÔn th«ng trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng - Tiªu chuÈn chÊt l­îng" ban hµnh theo QuyÕt ®Þnh sè 834/1999/Q§-TCB§ ngµy 24/12/1999 cña Tæng côc B­u ®iÖn (nay lµ Bé B­u chÝnh, ViÔn th«ng).

Tiªu chuÈn Ngµnh TCN 68-186: 2003 do Côc Qu¶n lý ChÊt l­îng B­u chÝnh, ViÔn th«ng vµ C«ng nghÖ th«ng tin biªn so¹n theo ®Ò nghÞ cña Vô Khoa häc - C«ng nghÖ vµ ®­îc ban hµnh theo QuyÕt ®Þnh sè 161/2003/Q§-BBCVT cña Bé tr­ëng

Bé B­u chÝnh, ViÔn th«ng ngµy 30/9/2003.

Tiªu chuÈn Ngµnh TCN 68-186: 2003 ®­îc ban hµnh d­íi d¹ng song ng÷ (tiÕng ViÖt vµ tiÕng Anh). Trong tr­êng hîp cã tranh chÊp vÒ c¸ch hiÓu do biªn dÞch, b¶n tiÕng ViÖt ®­îc ¸p dông.

Vô Khoa häc - C«ng nghÖ

bé b­u chÝnh, viÔn th«ng

Sè: 161/2003/Q§-BBCVT

Céng hoµ x· héi chñ nghÜa viÖt nam

§éc lËp - Tù do - H¹nh phóc

Hµ Néi, ngµy 30 th¸ng 9 n¨m 2003

QuyÕt ®Þnh cña bé tr­ëng bé b­u chÝnh, viÔn th«ng

VÒ viÖc ban hµnh Tiªu chuÈn Ngµnh

bé tr­ëng bé b­u chÝnh, viÔn th«ng

  • C¨n cø Ph¸p lÖnh ChÊt l­îng hµng hãa ngµy 04/01/2000;

  • C¨n cø NghÞ ®Þnh sè 90/2002/N§-CP ngµy 11/11/2002 cña ChÝnh phñ quy ®Þnh chøc n¨ng, nhiÖm vô, quyÒn h¹n vµ c¬ cÊu tæ chøc cña Bé B­u chÝnh, ViÔn th«ng;

  • C¨n cø QuyÕt ®Þnh sè 27/2001/Q§-TCB§ ngµy 09/01/2001 cña Tæng côc
    B­u ®iÖn (nay là Bé B­u chÝnh, ViÔn th«ng) vÒ viÖc x©y dùng, ban hµnh vµ c«ng bè tiªu chuÈn trong ngµnh B­u ®iÖn;

  • Theo ®Ò nghÞ cña Vô tr­ëng Vô Khoa häc - C«ng nghÖ,

quyÕt ®Þnh
§iÒu 1.- Ban hµnh kÌm theo QuyÕt ®Þnh nµy 03 Tiªu chuÈn Ngµnh:

1. DÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i trªn m¹ng ®iÖn tho¹i c«ng céng - Tiªu chuÈn chÊt l­îng,

M· sè TCN 68-176: 2003;

2. DÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng - Tiªu chuÈn

chÊt l­îng,

M· sè TCN 68-186: 2003;

3. DÞch vô Internet - Tiªu chuÈn chÊt l­îng,

M· sè TCN 68-218: 2003.

§iÒu 2.- C¸c tiªu chuÈn nªu ë §iÒu 1 ®­îc ¸p dông thay thÕ c¸c Tiªu chuÈn Ngµnh t­¬ng øng:

1. DÞch vô viÔn th«ng trªn m¹ng ®iÖn tho¹i c«ng céng - Tiªu chuÈn chÊt l­îng,

M· sè TCN 68-176: 1998;

2. DÞch vô viÔn th«ng trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng - Tiªu chuÈn

chÊt l­îng,

M· sè TCN 68-186: 1999;

3. Tiªu chuÈn chÊt l­îng dÞch vô Internet (ban hµnh theo QuyÕt ®Þnh sè
683/1997/Q§-TCB§ ngµy 14/11/1997 cña Tæng côc B­u ®iÖn).

§iÒu 3.- HiÖu lùc b¾t buéc ¸p dông c¸c tiªu chuÈn nªu ë §iÒu 1 sau 15 ngµy kÓ tõ ngµy ký QuyÕt ®Þnh nµy.

§iÒu 4.- Ch¸nh v¨n phßng, Vô tr­ëng Vô Khoa häc - C«ng nghÖ, thñ tr­ëng c¸c ®¬n vÞ chøc n¨ng, c¸c ®¬n vÞ trùc thuéc Bé B­u chÝnh, ViÔn th«ng vµ c¸c tæ chøc, c¸ nh©n liªn quan chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm thi hµnh quyÕt ®Þnh nµy.

K/T. Bé tr­ëng Bé B­u chÝnh, ViÔn th«ng

thø tr­ëng th­êng trùc

§· ký: Mai Liªm Trùc

Tiªu chuÈn ngµnh

TCN 68 - 186: 2003

DÞCH Vô ®iÖn tho¹i

trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng


(Ban hµnh kÌm theo QuyÕt ®Þnh sè 161/2003/Q§-BBCVT ngµy 30/9/2003
cña Bé tr­ëng Bé B­u chÝnh, ViÔn th«ng)

I. Ph¹m vi vµ ®èi t­îng ¸p dông

1.1 Tiªu chuÈn nµy bao gåm c¸c chØ tiªu chÊt l­îng cho dÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng (PLMN).

1.2 Tiªu chuÈn nµy lµ c¬ së ®Ó C¬ quan qu¶n lý Nhµ n­íc thùc hiÖn viÖc qu¶n lý chÊt l­îng dÞch vô tho¹i trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng do c¸c doanh nghiÖp (nh­ ®­îc ®Þnh nghÜa t¹i môc 2.2.1) cung cÊp theo c¸c quy ®Þnh cña ChÝnh phñ vµ cña Bé B­u chÝnh, ViÔn th«ng bao gåm:

- §¨ng ký chÊt l­îng dÞch vô;

- B¸o c¸o chÊt l­îng dÞch vô;

- KiÓm tra chÊt l­îng dÞch vô;

- Gi¸m s¸t chÊt l­îng dÞch vô.

II. C¸c ch÷ viÕt t¾t, ®Þnh nghÜa vµ kh¸i niÖm

2.1 Ch÷ viÕt t¾t



Doanh nghiÖp cung cÊp dÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng;



ChÊt l­îng dÞch vô;



§é kh¶ dông cña m¹ng;



M¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng.

2.2 §Þnh nghÜa

2.2.1 DNCCDV: lµ doanh nghiÖp ®­îc Bé B­u chÝnh ViÔn th«ng cÊp phÐp thiÕt lËp m¹ng vµ cung cÊp dÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng.

2.2.2 Kh¸ch hµng (ng­êi sö dông dÞch vô): lµ c¸c c¸ nh©n, tæ chøc ViÖt Nam hoÆc n­íc ngoµi sö dông dÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng do DNCCDV cung cÊp.

2.2.3 Chuyªn gia: lµ nh÷ng c¸ nh©n kh¸ch quan, cã kinh nghiÖm trong lÜnh vùc ©m häc hoÆc lÜnh vùc ®¸nh gi¸ chÊt l­îng ®iÖn tho¹i do c¬ quan qu¶n lý nhµ n­íc chØ ®Þnh ®Ó ®¸nh gi¸ chÊt l­îng tho¹i trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng.

2.3 Kh¸i niÖm

2.3.1 CLDV: ChÊt l­îng dÞch vô lµ kÕt qu¶ tæng hîp cña c¸c chØ tiªu thÓ hiÖn møc ®é hµi lßng cña ng­êi sö dông dÞch vô ®èi víi dÞch vô ®ã.

2.3.2 Cuéc gäi ®­îc thiÕt lËp thµnh c«ng: Cuéc gäi ®­îc thiÕt lËp thµnh c«ng lµ cuéc gäi mµ khi quay sè thuª bao chñ gäi nhËn ®­îc tÝn hiÖu cho biÕt ®óng tr¹ng th¸i cña thuª bao bÞ gäi.

2.3.3 Cuéc gäi bÞ r¬i: Cuéc gäi bÞ r¬i lµ cuéc gäi ®· ®­îc thiÕt lËp nh­ng bÞ mÊt gi÷a chõng mµ nguyªn nh©n lµ do m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng.

2.3.4 Vïng phñ sãng: Vïng phñ sãng cña mét DNCCDV lµ vïng mµ trong ®ã møc tÝn hiÖu tèi thiÓu thu ®­îc lµ -100dBm.

2.3.5 C¸c kh¸i niÖm ®Þnh tÝnh khi lÊy ý kiÕn kh¸ch hµng:

- TiÕng väng: Ng­êi ®µm tho¹i nghe ®­îc tiÕng cña chÝnh m×nh väng l¹i;

- TiÕng trung thùc: Ng­êi ®µm tho¹i nhËn biÕt ®­îc giäng cña ng­êi ®èi tho¹i qua ©m s¾c (tiÕng kh«ng bÞ mÐo), kh«ng ph¶i qua c¸ch nãi;

- Xuyªn ©m: Nh÷ng ©m thanh c¶m nhËn ®­îc (cã thÓ hiÓu ®­îc hoÆc kh«ng hiÓu ®­îc) trong khi ®µm tho¹i xuÊt ph¸t tõ thiÕt bÞ ®Çu cuèi kh¸c do m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt g©y ra;

- NhiÔu: Nh÷ng tiÕng rÝt, ï, l¹o x¹o nghe thÊy trong qu¸ tr×nh ®µm tho¹i, kh«ng ph¶i lµ tiÕng ån ngo¹i c¶nh.

2.3.6 Ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh:

Ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh lµ c¸c ph­¬ng ph¸p ®¸nh gi¸ chÊt l­îng dÞch vô víi møc lÊy mÉu tèi thiÓu ®­îc C¬ quan qu¶n lý nhµ n­íc và DNCCDV quy ®Þnh ¸p dông trong viÖc ®o kiÓm ®Ó b¸o c¸o, kiÓm tra vµ gi¸m s¸t chÊt l­îng dÞch vô.

Mçi chØ tiªu chÊt l­îng ®­îc quy ®Þnh mét hay nhiÒu ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh kh¸c nhau. Trong tr­êng hîp chØ tiªu chÊt l­îng dÞch vô ®­îc x¸c ®Þnh b»ng nhiÒu ph­¬ng ph¸p kh¸c nhau quy ®Þnh t¹i Tiªu chuÈn nµy th× chØ tiªu chÊt l­îng ®­îc ®¸nh gi¸ lµ phï hîp khi kÕt qu¶ ®¸nh gi¸ bëi mçi ph­¬ng ph¸p ®Òu phï hîp víi møc chØ tiªu quy ®Þnh.
III. ChØ tiªu chÊt l­îng dÞch vô

A. ChØ tiªu chÊt l­îng kü thuËt

3.1 §é kh¶ dông cña m¹ng

Kh¸i niÖm: §é kh¶ dông cña m¹ng lµ tû lÖ thêi gian (D) trong ®ã m¹ng s½n sµng cung cÊp dÞch vô cho kh¸ch hµng.

Trong ®ã:

Tr: Thêi gian x¸c ®Þnh ®é kh¶ dông cña m¹ng;

Tf: Thêi gian m¹ng cã sù cè thuéc tr¸ch nhiÖm DNCCDV vµ ®­îc tÝnh

theo c«ng thøc:

Trong ®ã:

N: Tæng sè lÇn x¶y ra sù cè trong thêi gian x¸c ®Þnh ®é kh¶ dông;

Ri: Tæng sè kªnh tho¹i cña m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng t¹i thêi

®iÓm x¶y ra sù cè thø i;

ri: Sè kªnh tho¹i bÞ mÊt liªn l¹c trong sù cè thø i;

ti: Thêi gian cña sù cè thø i.

ChØ tiªu: D  99%

Ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh:

- Thèng kª toµn bé c¸c sù cè trong thêi gian x¸c ®Þnh ®é kh¶ dông. Thêi gian x¸c ®Þnh ®é kh¶ dông Ýt nhÊt lµ 3 th¸ng.

3.2 Tû lÖ cuéc gäi ®­îc thiÕt lËp thµnh c«ng

Kh¸i niÖm: Tû lÖ cuéc gäi ®­îc thiÕt lËp thµnh c«ng lµ chØ tiªu chÊt l­îng trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng.

Tû lÖ cuéc gäi ®­îc thiÕt lËp thµnh c«ng ®­îc x¸c ®Þnh b»ng tû sè gi÷a sè cuéc gäi ®­îc thiÕt lËp thµnh c«ng trªn tæng sè cuéc gäi trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng.

ChØ tiªu: Tû lÖ cuéc gäi ®­îc thiÕt lËp thµnh c«ng  92%.

Ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh:

- M« pháng cuéc gäi: Sè l­îng cuéc gäi m« pháng cÇn thiÕt Ýt nhÊt lµ 1000 cuéc thùc hiÖn trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng, trong vïng phñ sãng;

- Gi¸m s¸t b»ng thiÕt bÞ bªn ngoµi: Sè l­îng cuéc gäi gi¸m s¸t cÇn thiÕt Ýt nhÊt lµ 1000 cuéc trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng;

- Gi¸m s¸t b»ng c¸c tÝnh n¨ng s½n cã cña m¹ng: sè l­îng cuéc gäi lÊy mÉu

tèi thiÓu lµ toµn bé cuéc gäi trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng trong mét tuÇn.

3.3 Tû lÖ cuéc gäi bÞ r¬i

Kh¸i niÖm: Tû lÖ cuéc gäi bÞ r¬i lµ chØ tiªu chÊt l­îng trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng.

Tû lÖ cuéc gäi bÞ r¬i ®­îc x¸c ®Þnh b»ng tû sè gi÷a sè cuéc gäi bÞ r¬i trªn tæng sè cuéc gäi ®­îc thiÕt lËp thµnh c«ng trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng.

ChØ tiªu: Tû lÖ cuéc gäi bÞ r¬i  5%

Ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh:

- M« pháng cuéc gäi: Sè l­îng cuéc gäi m« pháng cÇn thiÕt Ýt nhÊt lµ 1000 cuéc thùc hiÖn trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng, trong vïng phñ sãng. §é dµi cuéc gäi lÊy mÉu trong kho¶ng tõ 1 ®Õn 3 phót;

- Gi¸m s¸t b»ng thiÕt bÞ bªn ngoµi: Sè l­îng cuéc gäi gi¸m s¸t cÇn thiÕt Ýt nhÊt lµ 1000 cuéc trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng;

- Gi¸m s¸t b»ng c¸c tÝnh n¨ng s½n cã cña m¹ng: Sè l­îng cuéc gäi lÊy mÉu

tèi thiÓu lµ toµn bé cuéc gäi trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng trong mét tuÇn.

3.4 ChÊt l­îng tho¹i

Kh¸i niÖm: ChÊt l­îng tho¹i lµ chØ sè tÝch hîp cña chÊt l­îng truyÒn tiÕng nãi trªn kªnh tho¹i trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng vµ ®­îc x¸c ®Þnh b»ng c¸ch cho ®iÓm trung b×nh theo thang ®iÓm tõ 1 ®Õn 5 t­¬ng øng nh­ sau:

§iÓm sè






ChÊt l­îng tho¹i

RÊt tèt


Trung b×nh


RÊt xÊu

ViÖc ®¸nh gi¸ chÊt l­îng tho¹i cã thÓ thùc hiÖn theo ph­¬ng ph¸p kh¸ch quan theo khuyÕn nghÞ ITU-T P.861 vµ P.862 cña Liªn minh viÔn th«ng thÕ giíi ITU, hoÆc theo ph­¬ng ph¸p chñ quan: LÊy ý kiÕn kh¸ch hµng vÒ chÊt l­îng tho¹i; lÊy ý kiÕn chuyªn gia vÒ chÊt l­îng tho¹i.

ChØ tiªu: Ýt nhÊt 90% cuéc gäi (ý kiÕn ®¸nh gi¸) ®¹t møc tõ 3 ®iÓm trë lªn.

Ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh:

- Ph­¬ng ph¸p kh¸ch quan: Sè l­îng cuéc gäi lÊy mÉu Ýt nhÊt lµ 1000 cuéc trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng.

- LÊy ý kiÕn kh¸ch hµng: Sè kh¸ch hµng lÊy ý kiÕn tèi thiÓu lµ 1% tæng sè kh¸ch hµng. MÉu lÊy ý kiÕn kh¸ch hµng qua th­, th­ ®iÖn tö, fax hoÆc ®iÖn tho¹i ®­îc quy ®Þnh t¹i phô lôc.

- LÊy ý kiÕn chuyªn gia: Sè chuyªn gia cÇn lÊy ý kiÕn Ýt nhÊt lµ 30 chuyªn gia. Mçi chuyªn gia chØ ®­îc ®­a ra ý kiÕn cña m×nh sau khi thùc hiÖn 30 cuéc gäi thµnh c«ng.

3.5 §é chÝnh x¸c ghi c­íc

3.5.1 Tû lÖ cuéc gäi bÞ ghi c­íc sai

Kh¸i niÖm: Tû lÖ cuéc gäi bÞ ghi c­íc sai lµ tû sè gi÷a sè cuéc gäi bÞ ghi c­íc sai trªn tæng sè cuéc gäi.

Cuéc gäi bÞ ghi c­íc sai bao gåm:

- Nh÷ng cuéc gäi ghi c­íc nh­ng kh«ng cã thùc;

- Cuéc gäi cã thùc nh­ng kh«ng ghi c­íc;

- Cuéc gäi ghi sai sè chñ gäi vµ/hoÆc sè bÞ gäi;

- Nh÷ng cuéc gäi ®­îc ghi c­íc cã ®é dµi sai so víi ®é dµi ®µm tho¹i thùc;

- Nh÷ng cuéc gäi ®­îc ghi c­íc cã thêi gian b¾t ®Çu sai 9 gi©y so víi thêi ®iÓm thùc lÊy theo ®ång hå chuÈn quèc gia.

ChØ tiªu: Tû lÖ cuéc gäi bÞ ghi c­íc sai  0,1% tæng sè cuéc gäi.

3.5.2 Tû lÖ thêi gian ®µm tho¹i bÞ ghi c­íc sai

Kh¸i niÖm: Tû lÖ thêi gian ®µm bÞ ghi c­íc sai lµ tû sè gi÷a tæng gi¸ trÞ tuyÖt ®èi thêi gian ghi sai cña c¸c cuéc gäi bÞ ghi c­íc sai trªn tæng sè thêi gian cña c¸c cuéc gäi.

ChØ tiªu: Tû lÖ ghi c­íc sai vÒ thêi gian ®µm tho¹i  0,1%.

Ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh: (cho c¶ chØ tiªu 3.5.1 vµ 3.5.2)

- M« pháng cuéc gäi: Sè l­îng cuéc gäi m« pháng cÇn thiÕt Ýt nhÊt lµ 1000 cuéc cã ®é dµi kh¸c nhau tõ 1 ®Õn 6 phót vµ theo c¸c h­íng kh¸c nhau:

Trong néi bé m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng;

Tõ m¹ng di ®éng cña DNCCDV sang c¸c m¹ng di ®éng kh¸c;

Tõ m¹ng di ®éng cña DNCCDV sang m¹ng cè ®Þnh.

- Gi¸m s¸t b»ng thiÕt bÞ bªn ngoµi: Sè l­îng cuéc gäi lÊy mÉu cÇn thiÕt tèi thiÓu lµ 1000 cuéc gäi.

3.6 §é chÝnh x¸c tÝnh c­íc vµ lËp ho¸ ®¬n

Kh¸i niÖm: ViÖc tÝnh c­íc vµ lËp ho¸ ®¬n ph¶i ®¶m b¶o chÝnh x¸c, ®óng ®Þa chØ, thêi gian sö dông, lo¹i h×nh dÞch vô vµ cã ho¸ ®¬n râ rµng.

DNCCDV ph¶i l­u tr÷ sè liÖu gèc tÝnh c­íc trong vßng tèi thiÓu 180 ngµy vµ cung cÊp ho¸ ®¬n kÌm theo b¶n kª chi tiÕt cuéc gäi bao gåm ngµy; thêi gian b¾t ®Çu, thêi gian kÕt thóc, sè thuª bao bÞ gäi, c­íc phÝ tõng cuéc nÕu kh¸ch hµng cã yªu cÇu.

ChØ tiªu: Sè cuéc gäi bÞ tÝnh c­íc hoÆc lËp ho¸ ®¬n sai  0,01% cuéc gäi.

Ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh:

- Thèng kª: So s¸nh Ýt nhÊt 10.000 cuéc gäi ®­îc tÝnh c­íc lËp ho¸ ®¬n víi sè liÖu ghi c­íc.

B. ChØ tiªu chÊt l­îng phôc vô

3.7 KhiÕu n¹i cña kh¸ch hµng vÒ chÊt l­îng dÞch vô

3.7.1 TiÕp nhËn khiÕu n¹i

Kh¸i niÖm: Khi nhËn ®­îc ®¬n khiÕu n¹i cña kh¸ch hµng, DNCCDV ph¶i xem xÐt vµ cã v¨n b¶n håi ©m cho kh¸ch hµng vÒ viÖc nhËn ®­îc ®¬n khiÕu n¹i.

ChØ tiªu: DNCCDV ph¶i xem xÐt vµ cã v¨n b¶n håi ©m trong thêi h¹n 48 giê cho 100% kh¸ch hµng khiÕu n¹i kÓ tõ thêi ®iÓm tiÕp nhËn khiÕu n¹i.

Ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh: Ph­¬ng ph¸p thèng kª

Thèng kª viÖc håi ©m cho toµn bé khiÕu n¹i trong thêi gian tèi thiÓu lµ 3 th¸ng.

3.7.2 Tû lÖ khiÕu n¹i

Kh¸i niÖm: KhiÕu n¹i cña kh¸ch hµng vÒ chÊt l­îng dÞch vô lµ sù kh«ng hµi lßng cña kh¸ch hµng ®­îc b¸o cho DNCCDV b»ng ®¬n khiÕu n¹i.

Sè liÖu vÒ khiÕu n¹i cña kh¸ch hµng ph¶i ®­îc l­u tr÷ trong thêi gian Ýt nhÊt lµ 1 n¨m.

ChØ tiªu: Tû lÖ KhiÕu n¹i cña kh¸ch hµng vÒ chÊt l­îng dÞch vô kh«ng ®­îc v­ît qu¸ 1 khiÕu n¹i trªn 100 kh¸ch hµng trong 1 n¨m.

Ph­¬ng ph¸p x¸c ®Þnh: Ph­¬ng ph¸p thèng kª

Thèng kª toµn bé khiÕu n¹i cña kh¸ch hµng vÒ chÊt l­îng dÞch vô.

3.8 DÞch vô hç trî kh¸ch hµng

Kh¸i niÖm: DNCCDV ph¶i tæ chøc cung cÊp c¸c dÞch vô hç trî kh¸ch hµng nh­: gi¶i ®¸p th¾c m¾c, h­íng dÉn sö dông, cung cÊp th«ng tin liªn quan... vµ th«ng b¸o cho kh¸ch hµng trô së, sè ®iÖn tho¹i, fax dÞch vô hç trî kh¸ch hµng.

ChØ tiªu: Thêi gian cung cÊp dÞch vô hç trî kh¸ch hµng lµ 24h trong ngµy.

Phô lôc

(Quy ®Þnh)

MÉu lÊy ý kiÕn kh¸ch hµng

1. MÉu göi qua th­, th­ ®iÖn tö hoÆc fax

§Ò nghÞ quý vÞ cho biÕt:

- Lo¹i m¸y ®iÖn tho¹i di ®éng ®ang sö dông:

- Thêi gian sö dông dÞch vô di ®éng:

- Sè thuª bao:

Trong thêi gian tõ .......... ®Õn ........... quý vÞ cho biÕt ý kiÕn vÒ chÊt l­îng tho¹i (tiÕng nãi) cña dÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i di ®éng mµ quý vÞ ®· sö dông b»ng c¸ch ®¸nh dÊu :

 RÊt tèt

 Tèt

 Trung b×nh

 XÊu

 RÊt xÊu

NÕu lµ trung b×nh, xÊu hoÆc rÊt xÊu ®Ò nghÞ quý vÞ cho biÕt lý do:

 ¢m l­îng nhá

 Kh«ng nhËn ®­îc giäng ng­êi ®èi tho¹i (mÐo tiÕng)

 Nghe tiÕng m×nh väng l¹i khi ngõng nãi (tiÕng väng)

 Cã ©m thanh l¹ kh«ng ph¶i tõ phÝa ng­êi ®èi tho¹i (xuyªn ©m)

 Cã tiÕng ï rÝt, l¹o x¹o (nhiÔu)

 Kh«ng thùc hiÖn ®­îc cuéc gäi

 Th«ng b¸o cña tæng ®µi lµ kh«ng liªn l¹c ®­îc

 §ang nãi bÞ mÊt gi÷a chõng

2. MÉu pháng vÊn qua ®iÖn tho¹i

"Xin chµo «ng (bµ, anh, chÞ) t«i lµ ........................ t¹i ......................, chóng t«i kiÓm tra chÊt l­îng dÞch vô nªn muèn hái «ng (bµ, anh, chÞ) vÒ chÊt l­îng tho¹i cña dÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i di ®éng mµ «ng (bµ, anh, chÞ) ®· sö dông. §Ò nghÞ «ng (bµ, anh, chÞ) cho biÕt lo¹i m¸y ®iÖn tho¹i di ®éng cña m×nh, thêi gian sö dông dÞch vô di ®éng. Theo «ng (bµ, anh, chÞ), trong thêi gian sö dông dÞch vô tõ .......... ®Õn ..........., chÊt l­îng tho¹i (tiÕng nãi) ®¹t møc ®é nµo trong n¨m møc d­íi ®©y:

 RÊt tèt

 Tèt

 Trung b×nh

 XÊu

 RÊt xÊu

- NÕu ®¸nh dÊu  vµo « tèt hoÆc rÊt tèt th× nãi: "Xin c¶m ¬n «ng (bµ, anh, chÞ) ..."

- NÕu ®¸nh dÊu  vµo « trung b×nh, xÊu hoÆc rÊt xÊu th× hái tiÕp: "§Ò nghÞ «ng (bµ, anh, chÞ) cho biÕt lý do" theo néi dung tr¶ lêi ®¸nh dÊu  vµo c¸c «:

 ¢m l­îng nhá

 Kh«ng nhËn ®­îc giäng ng­êi ®èi tho¹i (mÐo tiÕng)

 Nghe tiÕng m×nh väng l¹i khi ngõng nãi (tiÕng väng)

 Cã ©m thanh l¹ kh«ng ph¶i tõ phÝa ng­êi ®èi tho¹i (xuyªn ©m)

 Cã tiÕng ï rÝt, l¹o x¹o (nhiÔu)

 Kh«ng thùc hiÖn ®­îc cuéc gäi

 Th«ng b¸o cña tæng ®µi lµ kh«ng liªn l¹c ®­îc

 §ang nãi bÞ mÊt gi÷a chõng

Vµ nãi "Xin c¶m ¬n «ng (bµ, anh, chÞ) ...."

TCN 68 - 186: 2003

Telephone Service

on the Public land mobile Network

quality of service standard


The technical standard TCN 68-186: 2003 “Telephone Service on the Public Land Mobile Network - Quality of Service Standard” is based on amending and supplementing the technical standard TCN 68-186: 1999 “Telecommunication Service on the Public Land Mobile Network – Quality of Service Standard” promulgated by the Decision No. 834/1999/QD-TCBD dated 24/12/1999 of the Department General of Posts and Telecommunications (now the Ministry of Posts and Telematics).

The technical standard TCN 68-186: 2003 is drafted by the Posts and Telematics Quality Control Directorate at proposal of the Department of Science & Technology and adopted by the Decision No. 161/2003/QD-BBCVT of the Minister of Posts and Telematics dated 30/9/2003.

The technical standard TCN 68-186: 2003 is issued in a bilingual document (Vietnamese version and English version). In cases of interpretation disputes, Vietnamese version is applied.


The ministry of posts and telematics

No.: 161/2003/QD-BBCVT

The socialist republic of Vietnam

Independent - Freedom - Happiness

Hanoi, 30 September 2003

Decision of the minister of posts and telematics

Promulgating the technical standards

The minister of posts and telematics

  • Pursuant to the Ordinance on Goods Quality of January 04, 2000;

  • Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 90/2002/ND-CP of November 11, 2002 on the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Posts and Telematics;

  • Pursuant to the Decision No. 27/2001/QD-TCBD of January 09, 2001 of the Department General of Posts and Telecommunications (now the Ministry of Posts and Telematics) on establishing, promulgating and adopting standards;

  • At the proposal of the Director General of the Department of Science & Technology,

Article 1.- To promulgate together with this Decision 03 Technical standards as follows:

  1. Telephone Service on the Public Switched Telephone Network - Quality of Service Standard,

Code: TCN 68 - 176: 2003;

  1. Telephone Service on the Public Land Mobile Network - Quality of Service Standard,

Code: TCN 68 - 186: 2003;

  1. Internet Service - Quality of Service Standard,

Code: TCN 68 - 218: 2003;

Article 2.- The Technical standards mentioned in Article 1 supersede respectively the following standards:

  1. Telecommunication Service on the Public Switched Telephone Network - Quality of Service Standard,

Code: TCN 68 - 176: 1998;

  1. Telecommunication Service on the Public Land Mobile Network - Quality of Service Standard,

Code: TCN 68 - 186: 1999;

  1. QoS Standard of Internet Service (promulgated by the Decision No. 683/1997/QD-TCBD dated 14/11/1997 of the Department General of Posts and Telecommunications).

Article 3.- The Technical standards mentioned in Article 1 take effect 15 (fifteen) days after signing of this Decision.

Article 4.- The Director General of the Ministry’s Office, the Director General of the Department of Science & Technology, the heads of the agencies attached to the Ministry of Posts and Telematics and organizations and individuals engaged shall have to implement this Decision.

For the minister of posts and telematics

Standing deputy minister

(Signed and sealed)

Mai Liem Truc

Telephone Service
on the Public land mobile Network

Quality of Service Standard

(Issued together with the Decision No. 161/2003/QD-BBCVT
of September 30, 2003 of the Minister of Posts and Telematics)

I. Scope

1.1 This technical standard defines quality of service indicators for telephone service on the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN).

1.2 This technical standard forms the basis for Government Authorities to control the quality of telephone service on the public land mobile network provided by enterprises, which are defined in the item 2.2.1 of this standard, under regulations of the Government and the Ministry of Posts and Telematics (MPT), including:

- Registering of QoS;

- Reporting of QoS;

- Inspecting of QoS;

- Monitoring of QoS.

II. Abbreviations, definitions and concepts

2.1 Abbreviations



Public Switched Telephone Service Provider



Quality of Service



Network availability



Public Switched Telephone Network

2.2 Definitions

2.2.1 DNCCDV: an enterprise licensed by MPT to establish public land mobile network and provide telephone service on the public land mobile network.

2.2.2 Customer (service user): a Vietnamese or foreign individual/organization who uses telephone service on the public land mobile network provided by the DNCCDV.

2.2.3 Expert: an independent person, who has experiences in acoustics or telephone QoS, appointed by the government authority to assess telephone QoS on the public land mobile network.

2.3 Concepts

2.3.1 QoS: the collective effect of service performance which determine the degree of satisfaction of a user about the service.

2.3.2 Successfully connected call: a call which, after dialing is completed, the calling user receives intelligible information about the state of the called user.

2.3.3 Dropped call: a call where a connection succeeds but is disconnected during the conversation due to the public mobile land network.

2.3.4 Service coverage: Service coverage of a DNCCDV is the area in which the minimum strength of the signal received is -100 dBm.

2.3.5 Qualitative concepts for customer observation:

- Echo: the sound reflected back to the speaker

- Fidelity sound: the sound that allows users at both sides of the conversation to recognize each other by their timbre (undistorted voice), not by their speech.

- Cross-talk: the recognizable sound (can or can not be understood) rising during the conversation from other terminal equipments due to the public land mobile network.

- Noise: the whistle, hum or noise, not the sound from the surroundings, that is heard during the conversation.

2.3.6 Testing method

Testing method is the method of QoS assessment with the minimum sample size applied by the Government Authority and the DNCCDV to reporting, inspecting and monitoring of QoS.

Each of QoS indicators is evaluated by one or more different testing methods. In case a QoS indicator is evaluated by many different testing methods defined in this standard, this indicator will be assessed to conform to the standard only when the evaluating results from testing methods all conform to the standard.

III. QoS indicators

A. Technical indicators

3.1 Network availability

Concept: Network availability (D) is the proportion of time that the network is available for serving customers


Tr: A period of time used to determine network availability.

Tf: Total false time blamed on the DNCCDV and calculated by the

following formula:


N: Total number of faults during Tr.

Ri: Total number of voice channels serving on the public switched

telephone network in ith fault.

ri: Total number of voice channels disconnected by ith fault.

ti: Duration of ith fault.

Criteria: D  99%

Testing method:

- Collecting all outage during the period of time used to determine network availability. This period of time is at least 3 months.

3.2 Successfully connected call ratio

Concept: Successfully connected call ratio is a QoS indicator of the inner public land mobile network.

Successfully connected call ratio is described by the ratio of number of successfully connected calls to the total number of calls attempted in the inner public land mobile network.

Criteria: Successfully connected call ratio is  92%.

Testing method:

- Call simulating: the number of essential simulated calls is at least 1000 calls made in the inner public land mobile network, in the service coverage;

- Monitoring by outside equipments: the number of essential monitored calls is at least 1000 calls made in the inner public land mobile network;

- Monitoring by available features of the network: the number of sampled calls is at least the total number of calls made in the inner public land mobile network in a week;

3.3 Dropped call ratio

Concept: Dropped call ratio is a QoS indicator of the inner public land mobile network.

Dropped call ratio is described by the ratio of number of dropped calls to the total number of successfully connected calls in the inner public land mobile network.

Criteria: Dropped call ratio is  5%

Testing method:

- Call simulating: the number of essential simulated calls is at least 1000 calls made in the inner public land mobile network in the service coverage. Sampled call duration is from 1 to 3 minutes.

- Monitoring by outside equipments: the number of essential monitored calls is at least 1000 calls made in the inner public land mobile network;

- Monitoring by available features of the network: the number of sampled calls is at least the total number of calls made in the inner public land mobile network in a week.

3.4 Voice quality

Concept: Voice quality is a integrating indicator of quality of voice transmission via telephone channels in the inner public land mobile network and is evaluated by marking from 1 to 5 respectively as follows:







Voice quality





Very Poor

The evaluation of voice quality can be carried out using the objective method in accordance with recommendations ITU-T P.681 and P.682 of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or using the subjective method: collecting customers’ opinion about voice quality; collecting experts’ opinion about voice quality.

Criteria: At least 90% of evaluated calls (or evaluating opinions) get the mark of 3 or higher.

Testing method:

- Objective method: the number of sampled calls is at least 1000 calls in the inner public land mobile network.

- Collecting customers’ opinion: the number of customers to be asked for opinion is at least 1% of total number of customers. The form of customer’s opinion via mail, e-mail, fax or telephone is specified in the appendix.

- Collecting experts’ opinion: the number of experts to be asked for opinion is at least 30. Each expert will give out his opinion only after making at least 30 successful calls.

3.5 Charging accuracy

3.5.1 Call charging error rate

Concept: Call charging error rate is the ratio of number of incorrect charging calls to the total number of calls.

Incorrect charging calls includes:

- Calls unrealistic but still charged;

- Calls realistic but uncharged;

- Calls with wrong calling number or called number;

- Calls with charged duration is different from the reality;

- Calls with charged start time is 9 seconds different from the time of the
national reference clock;

Criteria: Call charging error rate is  0.1%.

3.5.2 Time charging error rate

Concept: Time charging error rate is the ratio of the total absolute value of incorrect charging time to the total time of calls.

Criteria: Time charging error rate is  0.1%.

Testing method: (for both indicator 3.5.1 and 3.5.2)

- Call simulating: the number of essential simulated calls is at least 1000 calls with different duration from 1 to 6 minutes and with different directions:

In the inner public mobile land network;

From the public mobile land network of the DNCCDV to other ones;

From the public mobile land network of the DNCCDV to PSTN network.

- Monitoring by outside equipments: the number of essential sampled calls is at least 1000 calls;

3.6 Billing accuracy

Concept: Billing performance must ensure the accuracy, correct destination, service using time, service type and must have clear bills.

DNCCDV must maintain charging and billing data for at least 180 days and provide customers with the bill attached by a detail call record includes date, start time, end time, called number and charge for each call if requested by the customer.

Criteria: Total number of incorrect billed calls is  0.01% of the total number of calls.

Testing method: Statistical method

- Comparing at least 10.000 billed calls with the charging data.

B. Service support indicators

3.7 Customer’s complaint about QoS

3.7.1 Receiving complaint

Concept: When receiving customer’s complaint, DNCCDV will consider and reply to the customer with official letter about the complaint receipt.

Criteria: DNCCDV considers and replies to 100% of customers’ complaints with official letter within 48 hours after receiving the complaints.

Testing method: Statistical method

- Collecting data about complaint reply in at least 3 months.

3.7.2 Customers’ complaint rate

Concept: customer’s complaint about QoS is the unsatisfied feeling of customers about QoS to be informed DNCCDV in complaint letter.

Customers’ complaint data must be maintained for at least 1 year.

Criteria: Number of customers’ complaints about QoS is not more than 1 complaint per 100 customers per year.

Testing method: Statistical method

- Collecting the whole data of customers’ complaint about QoS.

3.8 Customer support

Concept: DNCCDV shall provide customers with support services such as technical assistance, instruction, etc. and inform customers about the office, phone number, fax number of customer support service.

Criteria: customer support service is provided 24 hours a day.


Form of customer’s opinion

1. Form for sending via mail, e-mail or fax

Could you please answer the following questions:

- What kind of mobile phone handset are you using?

- How long have you been using mobile phone service?

- What is your mobile phone number?

Could you please give us your opinion about voice quality of mobile phone service on the public mobile land network using from……. to……. by ticking off one suitable item:

 Excellent

 Good

 Fair

 Poor

 Very poor

If voice quality is Fair, Poor or Very poor, could you please tell us the reason:

 Low volume

 Unable to recognize your talking partner (distortion)

 Hear your voice reflected back when you stop talking (echo)

 Hear strange sound not from your talking partner (cross-talk)

 Hear noise, hum, whistle (noise)

 Unable to establish connection

 Be announced from the exchange that you are unable to establish


 Dropped call

2. Form for interviewing via phone:

“Good (morning/afternoon/evening), I am (name) .. working at (office)……, we are holding a public opinion poll about quality of mobile phone service, so we would like to know your opinion about quality of mobile phone service you are using. Could you please tell me what kind of mobile phone handset you are using and how long you have been using mobile phone service. In your opinion, in the time from……. to……., which of five following categories do you think voice quality has achieved

 Excellent

 Good

 Fair

 Poor

 Very poor

- If the answer is “Excellent” or “Good”, say: “Thank you very much”

- If the answer is “Fair”, “Poor” or “Very poor”, ask more: “Could you please tell me the reason?” Depending on the reply of the customer, tick off the corresponding item.

 Low volume

 Unable to recognize your talking partner (distortion)

 Hear your voice reflected back when you stop talking (echo)

 Hear strange sound not from your talking partner (cross-talk)

 Hear noise, hum, whistle (noise)

 Unable to establish connection

 Be announced from the exchange that you are unable to establish


 Dropped call

And say: “Thank you very much”.

DÞCH Vô ®iÖn tho¹i

trªn m¹ng di ®éng mÆt ®Êt c«ng céng

tiªu chuÈn chÊt l­îng

Telephone Service

on the Public land mobile Network

quality of service standard

ChÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm xuÊt b¶n

Production Editor

L­u ®øc v¨n

ChÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm b¶n th¶o

Copy Editor

Lª xu©n C«ng

Biªn tËp/Editorial Assistants: §µo thÞ minh

®ç xu©n b×nh

ChÕ b¶n/Printout design: bïi ngäc khoa

Söa b¶n in/Printout correct: trÇn vò th­ëng

Tr×nh bµy b×a/Cover design: bïi ngäc khoa

Nhµ xuÊt b¶n B­u ®iÖn

Posts and Telematics Publishing House

Trô së/Headoffice: 18 - NguyÔn Du, Hµ Néi

§iÖn tho¹i/Tel: 04-9431283, 9432438 Fax: 04-9431285

E-mail: bientap@hn.vnn.vn

Chi nh¸nh/Branch: 27 NguyÔn BØnh Khiªm, QuËn 1, TP. Hå ChÝ Minh

§iÖn tho¹i/Tel: 08-9100925 Fax: 08-9100924

E-mail: chinhanh-nxbbd@hcm.vnn.vn

Каталог: Lists -> QuanLyVanBan -> Attachments
Attachments -> CỘng hoà XÃ HỘi chủ nghĩa việt nam độc lập Tự do -hạnh phúc
Attachments -> THỦ TƯỚng chính phủ Số: 118
Attachments -> Tcn 68-187: 1999 MỤc lục lời nóI ĐẦU
Attachments -> Lêi nãi ®Çu Tiªu chuÈn Ngµnh tcn 68-176: 2003 "DÞch vô ®iÖn tho¹i trªn m¹ng ®iÖn tho¹i c ng céng Tiªu chuÈn chÊt l­îng"
Attachments -> Môc lôc Lêi nãi ®Çu 5 QuyÕt ®Þnh ban hµnh cña Tæng côc tr­ëng Tæng côc B­u ®iÖn 7 Ph¹m vi ¸p dông
Attachments -> T­¬ng thÝch ®iÖn tõ (emc) miÔn nhiÔm ®èi víi hiÖn t­îng phãng tÜnh ®iÖn ph­¬ng ph¸p ®o vµ thö
Attachments -> 1. Ph¹m vi 9 Tµi liÖu tham chiÕu chuÈn
Attachments -> 1. Ph¹m vi 9 Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o
Attachments -> * QuyÕt ®Þnh ban hµnh cña bé tr­ëng bé b­u chÝnh viÔn th ng 7
Attachments -> Adsl internet access service

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