LÝ LỊch khoa học tóm tắt lưƠng văn hy

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu26.09.2016
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Tiến sĩ Harvard University, Anthropology (Nhân học), 1981

Cử nhân University of California at Berkeley, Kết hợp Nhân học và Á Châu học, 1974.

1989- University of Toronto (Canada), Department of Anthropology (Khoa Nhân học)

* 1994- Professor (Giáo sư)

* 1996-2006 Chair (Trưởng Khoa)

* 1991-94 Associate Professor (Phó Giáo sư)

* 1989-91 Assistant Professor

1987 90 Johns Hopkins University (United States), Assistant Professor of Anthropology

1985 87 Hamilton College (United States), Assistant Professor of Anthropology

    1. Johns Hopkins University, Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology

1981 84 Hamilton College, Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Giải thưởng:

2008 Giải thưởng Holland của Tạp chí Khoa học Pacific Affairs

2006 Giáo sư danh dự, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

2004 Giải thưởng Vinh danh nước Việt của báo Vietnamnet phối hợp với Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam

1995 Giải thưởng Giảng dạy xuất sắc (Outstanding Teaching Award), Đại học Toronto
Bằng khen
2012 Bằng khen của Bộ Văn hóa Thể thao và Du lịch

2006 Bằng khen của Ủy ban Nhân dân Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh

2014- Đại học Văn hóa, TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Tạp chí Văn hóa và Phát triển, thành viên Hội đồng Biên tập

2013- Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội, Tập san Khoa học xã hội, Thành viên Hội đồng Biên tập

2012-13 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Hội đồng Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn Canada), Insight Grant Committee-Anthropology (Ban tài trợ nghiên cứu khoa học-Ngành Nhân bọc)

2012- Viện Văn hóa Nghệ thuật Việt Nam (Bộ Văn hóa Thể thao và Du lịch), Tạp chí Văn hóa học, Thành viên Hội đồng Biên tập

2010- Viện Văn hóa Nghệ thuật Việt Nam (Bộ Văn hóa Thể thao và Du lịch), Thành viên Hội đồng Đào tạo

1993- Social Science Research Council (Hội đồng Khoa học xã hội Mỹ), các Ủy ban khác nhau

1996-04 Hội Á Châu học (Association for Asian Studies), Nhóm Việt Nam học (Vietnamese Studies Group)

1996-04 Thành viên Ban chấp hành

1998-01 Trưởng Ban chấp hành (Chair, Executive Committee)

2000-3 American Museum of Natural History (Bào tàng Lịch sử tự nhiên Mỹ), thành viên Ban tư vấn về triển lãm Việt Nam

1998-01 American Anthropological Association (Hội Nhân học Mỹ), Ethics Committee (Ban Đạo đức nghề nghiệp)

1997-01 Social Science Research Council (Hội đồng Khoa học Xã hội Mỹ), Vietnam Research Fellowship Committee (Ban tài trợ nghiên cứu về Việt Nam)

1994-96 Social Science Research Council (Hội đồng Khoa học xã hội) and American Council of Learned Societies (Hội đồng các Hội học thuật), Joint Committee on Southeast Asia (Ủy ban liên hội đồng về Đông Nam Á)

1994-97 Association for Asian Studies (Hội Á Châu học), Member of (Executive) Council on Southeast Asia (elected) (Ban chấp hành Hội đồng Đông Nam Á học)

1992-95 Association for Asian Studies (Hội Á Châu học), Committee on Research Materials on Southeast Asia (Ban Tài liệu nghiên cứu về Đông Nam Á)

1989 92 Association for Asian Studies (Hội Á Châu học), Vietnam Studies Group (Nhóm Việt Nam học), Member of Executive Committee (elected) (Thành viên Ban chấp hành, được bầu)

1988 91 Social Science Research Council (Hội đồng Khoa học xã hội Mỹ), Indochina Scholarly Exchange Program (Chương trình trao đổi học thuật với Việt Nam, Lào, Cambodia), Member of Steering Committee (Thành viên Ban điều hành).

1988 Smithsonian Institutions (Viện Smithsonian), Member of Indochina Folklife Exhibition Advisory Committee (Thành viên Ban tư vấn triển lãm văn hóa dân gian Đông Dương)

1987 American Ethnological Society (Hội Dân tộc học Mỹ), Member of Nomination Committee (Ban đề cử các chức vụ trong Ban chấp hành)

1986 American Ethnological Society (Hội Dân tộc học Mỹ), Member of Meeting Program Committee (Thành viên Ban chương trình hội thảo), American Anthropological Association 1986 meetings in Philadelphia


2012-15 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

2004-07 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

2000-04 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

1997-04 Ford Foundation, Vietnam migration and poverty research grant

1994-96 International Development Research Centre and Canadian International Development Agency, Research Grant

1991-94 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Research Grant

1989-94 National Science Foundation Research Grant

1988 89 American Council of Learned Societies, Research Fellowship

Social Science Research Council, Postdoctoral Research Grant

National Humanities Center Fellowship (declined)

Cornell University, Rockefeller Post doctoral Fellowship (declined)

1986 National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Research Stipend

1984 86 Social Science Research Council, Postdoctoral Research Grant

1983 National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Seminar Fellowship
2008-09 University of Toronto, Asian Institute, International conference and dissertation workshop on social capital and civic engagement in Asia, supplemented by a grant from the Japan Foundation (PIs: Luong & Amrita Daniere)

2007-13 Ford Foundation, for the first international conference in the anthropology of Vietnam

    1. Wenner-Gren Foundation, supplementary grant for the first international conference in the anthropology of Vietnam

2002-07 Ford Foundation, for institutional linkage in anthropology and sociology between University of Toronto and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities at the National University of Ho Chi Minh City.
Sách (Lương Văn Hy là tác giả):
1990 Discursive Practices and Linguistic Meanings: The Vietnamese System of Person Reference. Amtersdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

1992 Revolution in the Village: Tradition and Transformation in North Vietnam, 1925 198­8. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

2000 Ngôn từ, Giới, và nhóm Xã hội từ hiện thực tiếng Việt (Discourse, Gender, and Society: the Vietnamese Case) (Lương Văn Hy là tác giả chính [tác giả của 4 chương và đồng tác giả của chương thứ 5]). Hanoi: Nhà xuất bản Khoa học xã hội.

2010 Tradition, Revolution, and Market Economy in a North Vietnamese Village, 1925-2006. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Sách (chủ biên hay đồng chủ biên):
1997 Culture and Economy: The Shaping of Capitalism in Eastern Asia, edited by Timothy Brook and Hy V. Luong, University of Michigan Press.

2003 Post-war Vietnam: Dynamics of A Transforming Society. Boulder and New York: Rowman & Littlefield (co-published by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore).

2009 Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2010 Hiện đại và động thái của truyền thống ở Việt Nam: Những cách tiếp cận nhân học (Modernities and the Dynamics of Tradition in Vietnam: Anthropological Approaches), 2 volumes (1,266 pages), edited by Hy V. Luong, Ngô Văn Lệ, Nguyễn Văn Tiệp, and Phan Thị Yến Tuyết. Ho Chi Minh City: National University of Vietnam Press.

2012 The Dynamics of Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Asia, edited by Amrita Daniere and Hy V. Luong. London: Routledge.
Chương sách:

1992 "Local Community and Economic Reform: A Microscopic Perspective from Two Northern Villages" in The Reconstruction of Vietnam: Challenges and Issues, ed. T. Rambo, N. M. Hung, and N. Jamieson, pp. 26-39. Fairfax and Honolulu: George Mason University Indochina Institute and East-West Center.

1993 "The Political Economy of Vietnamese Reforms: A Microscopic Perspe­ctive from Two Ceramics-Manufacturing Centers," in Reinventing Vietnamese Socialism: Doi moi in Comparative Perspectives, ed. William Turley and Mark Selden, pp. 119-148. Boulder: Westview.

1993 "Economic Reform and the Intensification of Rituals in Two North Vietnam­ese Villages, 1980-1990," in The Challenge of Reform in Indochina, ed. Borje Ljunggren, pp. 259-292. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Institute for Interna­tional Development/Harvard University Press (volume translated into Vietnam­ese and published by the Chinh Tri Quoc Gia publishing house in 1994).

1994 "The Marxist State and the Dialogic Re-Structuration of Culture in Rural Vietnam" in Indochina: Social and Cultural Change , by D. Elliott, H. V. Luong, B. Kiernan, and T. Mahoney (Keck Center for International and Strategic Studies, monograph No. 7), pp. 79-117. Claremont: Claremont McKenna College.

1996 "Regional Development in Vietnam: Local Dynamics, Market Forces, and State Policies," in Regional Development in Vietnam: Local Dynamics, Market Forces, and State Policies, by H. V. Luong, A. Fforde, and R. Gauthier (Regionalization in Eastern Asia series No. 12), pp. 1-36. Toronto: Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, Univer­sity of Toronto and York University.

1997 "Capitalism and Non-Capitalist Ideologies in the Structure of Northern Vietnamee Ceramics Enterprises," in Culture and Economy: The Shaping of Capitalism in Eastern Asia, ed. T. Brook and H. V. Luong, pp. 187-206. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

  1. "Engendered Entrepreneurship: Ideologies and Political Economic Transform­a­tion in a Northern Vietnamese Centre of Ceramics Production" in Market Cultures: Society and Morality in the New Asian Capitalisms, ed. Robert Hefner, pp. 290-314. Boulder: Westview Press.

2001a “Thánh phố Hồ Chí Minh: Vấn đề tăng trưởng kinh tế, di dân và đô thị hóa,” (Ho Chi Minh City: Economic Growth, Migration, and Urbanization) in Vấn đề giảm nghèo trong quá trình đô thị hóa ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (Poverty Reduction in the Process of Urbanization in Ho Chi Minh city) ed. Nguyễn Thế Nghĩa et al., pp. 224-240. Hanoi: Nha xuat ban khoa hoc xa hoi.

2001b “Nghèo khổ, cấu trúc và đặc điểm nhân khẩu học của hộ gia đình tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh: Phân tích các khía cạnh văn hóa xã hội,” (Poverty, Household Structure, and Demography in Ho Chi Minh City: An Analyses of Their Sociocultural Dimensions) in Vấn đề giảm nghèo trong quá trình đô thị hóa ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (Poverty Reduction in the Process of Urbanization in Ho Chi Minh city) ed. Nguyen The Nghia et al., pp. 307-331. Hanoi: Nha xuat ban khoa hoc xa hoi.

2002 “The Vietnamese Revolution,” International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, ed. Neil Smelser et al, pp. 16179-16184.. London: Elvesier.

2003 “Ho Chi Minh City,” Encyclopedia of Urban Cultures, ed. M. Ember and C. Ember, pp. 348-353. New York: Grolier.

2003 “Postwar Vietnamese Society: An Overview of Transformational Dynamics,” in Postwar Vietnam: Dynamics of A Transforming Society, ed. H. V. Luong, pp. 1-26. Boulder and New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

2003 “Wealth, Power, and Inequality: Global Market, the State, and Local Sociocultural Dynamics” in Postwar Vietnam: Dynamics of A Transforming Society, ed. H. V. Luong, pp. 81-106. Boulder and New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

  1. “Gender Relations: Ideologies, Kinship Practices, and Political Economy,” in Postwar Vietnam: Dynamics of A Transforming Society, ed. H. V. Luong, pp. 201-224. Boulder and New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

  1. “The State, Local Associations, and Alternate Civilities in Rural Northern Vietnam” in Civil Life, Globalization, and Political Change in Asia: Organizing between Family and State, edited by Robert Weller, pp. 123-147, London and New York: Routledge.

  2. “Lời giới thiệu” (Introduction) (by Hy V. Luong) in Ngôn ngữ, văn hóa, và xã hội: Một cách tiếp cận liên ngành (Language, Culture, and Society: An Interdisciplinary Approach), edited by Hy V. Luong, Ly Toan Thang, and Cao Xuan Hao, pp. 7-11. Hanoi: World Publishing House.

2008 “Urbanization in China in the 1990s: Patterns and Regional Variations” by Zai Liang, Hy V. Luong, and Yiu-Por Chen, in Urban China in Transition, edited by John Logan, pp. 205-225. Oxford: Blackwell.

2009 Rural-to-Urban Migration in Vietnam: A Tale of Three Regions” in Post-Transitional Vietnamese Families: The Legacy of Doi moi, edited by D. Belanger and M. Barbieri, pp. 391-420. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

2009 “Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty: Hồ Chí Minh City in Comparative Perspectives” in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 1-28. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2009 “Hồ Chí Minh City: Economic Growth, Migration and Urbanization,” in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 31-49. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2009 “Rural Migration to Hồ Chí Minh City: A Tale of Two Regions,” in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 77-102. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2009 “Poverty, Household Structure and Demography in Hồ Chí Minh City: An Analysis of Their Sociocultural Dimensions,” in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 257-278. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2009 “Gender of Household Heads and Living Standards in Urban Vietnam: The Case of Hồ Chí Minh City,” (by Hy V. Luong and Nguyen thi Hoa, Luong’s contribution: 95%), in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 279-295. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2009 “Labor Market, Urban Informal Economy, and Earnings during Rapid Economic Growth: The Case of Hồ Chí Minh City,” (by Hy V. Luong and Dileni Gunewardena, Luong’s contribution: 70%), in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, 211-256. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2009 “Income Inequality and Health Care Access in Urban Vietnam: The Case of Hồ Chí Minh City,” (by Hy V. Luong, Pham Thanh Duy and Phan Thanh Loi, Luong’s contribution: 50%), in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 155-173. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2009 “Education Expenses, Migration, and the Schooling of Youth in Urban Vietnam,” (by Hy V. Luong and Vu Van Ngoc, Luong’s contribution: 50%), in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 192-208. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2009 “Residential Housing in the Process of Urbanization: Factors Influencing Housing Improvement in Hồ Chí Minh City,” (by Tran Thai Ngoc Thanh and Hy V. Luong, Luong’s contribution: 25%), in Urbanization, Migration, and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis, edited by Hy V. Luong, pp. 174-191. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.

2010 “Quà và vốn xã hội ở hai cộng đồng nông thôn Việt Nam” (Gifts and Social Capital in Two Rural Vietnamese Communities), in Hiện đại và động thái của truyền thống ở Việt Nam (Modernities and the Dynamics of Tradition in Vietnam), Vol. 1, edited by H. V. Luong et al., pp. 397-424. Ho Chi Minh City: National University of Vietnam Press.

2010 “Community Festivals in Rural Northern and Southern Vietnam: A Comparative Analysis of Their Different Dynamics” in special English-language issue on Festivals in Contemporary Vietnam, Thông báo khoa học (Journal of the Vietnam Institute of Cultural and Arts Studies), Vol 28 (Oct. 2010): 135-148. (Vietnamese version “Động thái lễ hội dân gian: so sánh đối chiếu lễ hội tại cộng đồng nông thôn Bắc Bộ và Nam Bộ, in Bảo tồn và phát huy lễ hội cổ truyển trong xã hội Việt Nam đương đại, edited by Viện Văn hóa nghệ thuật Việt Nam [Vietnam Institute of Cultural and Arts Studies), pp. 448-463. Hanoi: Nhà xuất bản Văn hóa thông tin, 2012. In lại trong sách (2014) Nhân cách sử học, Festschrift to Professor Phan Huy Lê, edited by Trần Văn Thọ, Nguyễn Quang Ngọc, and Philippe Papin, pp, 353-371. Hanoi: Nxb. Chính trị quốc gia)

2012 “Vibrant Societies and Social Capital in Asia” by Amrita Daniere and Hy V. Luong, in Vibrant Societies: Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Asia, edited by Amrita Daniere and Hy V. Luong, pp. 1-23. London: Routledge.

2012 “Multiple Narratives on Migration in Vietnam and Their Methodological Implications,” in Wind over Water: Migration in an East Asian Context, edited by David Haines, Keiko Yamanaka, and Shinji Yamashita, pp. 107-124. New York: Berghan.

2012 “Thương thảo để tái lập và sáng tạo “truyển thống”: Tiến trình tái cấu trúc lễ hội cộng đồng tại một làng Bắc bộ” (Negotiation to Re-establish and to Invent “Tradition”: The Re-structuring of Community Festival in a North Vietnamese Village) in Những thành tựu nghiên cứu bước đầu của Khoa Nhân học, edited by the Department of Anthropology, National University of Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City, pp. 235-279. Ho Chi Minh City: National University of Ho Chi Minh City Press.

2014 “Dẫn nhập: Toàn cầu hóa, Văn hóa địa phương, và phát triển” (Introduction: Globalization, Local Cultures, and Development: Anthropological Approaches), in Toàn cầu hóa, Văn hóa địa phương và phát triển: Cách tiếp cận nhân học (Globalization, Local Cultures, and Development: Anthropological Approaches, edited by Hy V. Luong et al. pp. 1-13. Ho Chi Minh City: National University of Ho Chi Minh City Press.

2015 “Research Management in Developing Countries,” in Handbook of Research Management, edited by Robert Dingwall & Mary McDonnell. New York: Sage. (đang in)

2015 “Gender Relations: Ideology, Kinship Practices, and Political Economy,” in Weaving Women’s Spheres in Vietnam, edited by Kato Atsufumi. Leiden: Brill (đang in)
Bài trong các tạp chí khoa học:
1984 "'Brother' and 'Uncle': An Analysis of Rules, Structural Contradic­tions, and Meaning in Vietnamese Kinship," American Anthropologist LXXXVI: 290 315, 705.

1985 "Agrarian Unrest from an Anthropological Perspective: The Case of Vietnam," Comparative Politics XVII: 153 174.

1986 "Language, Cognition, and Ontogenetic Development: A Re examina­tion of J. Piaget's Premises," Ethos XIV: 7 47.

1987 "Personal Pronouns and Plural Markers in Vietnamese Person Reference: An Analysis of Pragmatic Ambiguity and Native Models," Anthropological Linguistics XXIX: 49 70.

1988 "Discursive Practices, Ideological Oppositions, and Power Structure: Person Re­ferring Forms and Sociopolitical Struggles in Colonial Vietnam," American Ethnologist XV: 239 253.

1989 "Vietnamese Kinship: Structural Principles and the Socialist Transform­ation in Twentieth Century Northern Vietnam," The Journal of Asian Studies XXXXVIII: 741-756.

1990 "Ngành tiểu thủ công nghiệp gốm tại Tân Vạn (Biên Hòa) trước năm 1975" (The Pottery Industry in Tan Van [Bien Hoa] before 1975), by Hy van Luong (primary author) and Diep Dinh Hoa, Tạp chí Dân tộc học (Journal of Ethnology) 65: 41-48.

1991 "Culture and Capitalism in the Pottery Enterprises of Biên Hòa, South Vietnam (1878-1975)," by Hy van Luong (primary author) and Diep Dinh Hoa, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies XXII: 16-32.

1993 "Kathleen Gough and the Vietnamese Revolution," Anthropologica XXXV: 221-226.

1998 "Wealth, Power, and Poverty in the Transition to Market Economies: The Process of Socio-economic Differentiation in Rural China and Northern Vietnam," co-authored by Jonathan Unger, The China Journal XL: 61-93. (reprinted in Transforming Asian Socialism, ed. J. Unger, pp. 120-152. London: Allen and Unwin, 1999.)

  1. “The Strength of Vietnamese Industrial Fabric: Institutional Mechanisms of Firm Competitiveness in the Vietnamese Textile and Garment Industries” Journal of Asian Business XVII (1): 17-44.

2006 “Vietnam in 2005: Economic Momentum and Stronger State-Society Dialogue,” Asian Survey XLVI(1): 148-154.

2006 “Structure, Practice, and History: Contemporary Anthropological Research on Vietnam” Journal of Vietnamese Studies I: 371-410.

2007 “Vietnam in 2006: Stronger Global Integration and Resolve for Better Governance” Asian Survey XLVII(1): 168-174

2007 “The Restructuring of Vietnamese Nationalism, 1954-2006” Pacific Affairs LXXX (3): 439-453.

2011 "Đào tạo nhân học trong các trường đại học ở Bắc Mỹ Châu: Một cái nhìn so sánh với Việt Nam" (Anthropological Training in North American and Vietnamese universities: A Comparative Analysis), Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ XIV (3): 66-78.

2015 “Văn hóa học và nhân học văn hóa trong môi trường học thuật Anh ngữ: Từ góc độ lịch sử học thuật” Văn hóa học (đang in)
Academia Sinica (Taiwan), American Museum of Natural History, Australian National University, Center for Psychosocial Studies (Chicago, U.S.A.), Busan University of Foreign Studies (S. Korea), Chonbuk National University (S. Korea), Claremont-McKenna College, Chulalongkorn University, Cornell University, East-West Center (Hawaii), George Mason University, Harvard University, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Hanoi University of Culture, Ho Chi Minh University of Culture, Institut National d’études demographiques-France, Institute of Cultural Studies (Viện Nghiên cứu Văn hóa, Vietnam), Institute of Ethnology (Viện Dân tộc học, Vietnam), Institute of Economics (Viện Kinh tế học, Vietnam), Johns Hopkins University, Kyoto University, Kyoto University, Max-Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Germany), National Cheng-Kung University (Tainan, Taiwan), National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka (Japan), National University of Vietnam in Hồ Chí Minh City, National Seoul University (S. Korea), National University of Vietnam in Hanoi, Ritsumaikan Asia-Pacific University ( Beppu, Japan), Temple University, University of Amsterdam, University of British Columbia, University of California at Berkeley, University of Iowa, University of Michigan, University of Oregon, University of Passau, University of Victoria, University of Washington, Vietnam Institute of Cultural and Arts Studies (, Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences (Viện Khoa học xã hội Việt Nam), Yale University

Ở những Viện và Đại học khác:

  • Thẩm định hồ sơ chức danh Phó giáo sư và Giáo sư tại University of California at Berkeley, University of California at Riverside, Yale University, Cornell University, University of Victoria, Australian National University, University of Amsterdam, George Mason University, University of Waterloo, University of Missouri-St. Louis

  • Phản biện luận án Tiến sĩ tại Harvard University, City University of New York, Australian National University, Macquarie University, University of Wollongong, National University of Singapore, Linkoping University (Sweden), University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Université de Montreal, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University

  • Thẩm định chương trình Southeast Asian Studies ở National University of Singapore

Tạp chí khoa học:
Phản biện kín cho các tạp chí khoa học Journal of Asian Studies, Pacific Affairs, American Anthropol­ogist, American Ethnologist, Journal of Linguistic Anthropolo­gy, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Identities, Anthropological Linguistics, Journal of Pragmatics, Anthropologica, Language in Society, Positions, Cahier de demographie, Critique of Anthropology, Ethos, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Social and Cultural Geography, Journal of Development Studies, International Journal of Asian Studies Global Public Health, Cambridge Anthropology

Thành viên Hội đồng tư vấn cho các tạp chí Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique (Duke Univ. Press) and Journal of Vietnamese Studies (University of California Press)

Thành viên Hội đồng biên tập của các tạp chí Văn hóa học (Cultural Studies), Chuyên san Khoa học xã hội và Nhân văn (Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, of the National University of Hanoi), Văn hóa và Nguồn lực (ĐH Văn hóa, TP, Hồ Chí Minh).
Các nhà xuất bản:
Phản biện kín cho Oxford University Press, Cornell University Press, East-West Center, University of California Press, University of Minnesota Press, Curzon Press, University of Hawaii Press, Northern Illinois University-Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Routledge, University of Washington Press.
Các cơ quan tài trợ nghiên cứu khoa học:
Phản biện kín các đề án nghiên cứu cho Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, National Science Foundation (U.S.), Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, (U.S.) Social Science Research Council, McArthur Foundation.

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