Tr­êng §¹i häc khoa häc tù nhiªn

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Ghi chó: * Tæng sè giê tÝn chØ (sè giê tÝn chØ lªn líp/sè giê tÝn chØ thùc hµnh/ sè giê tÝn chØ tù häc).

** Tæng sè tiÕt häc (sè tiÕt lªn líp/ sè tiÕt thùc hµnh/sè tiÕt tù häc).

*** TÊt c¶ c¸c m«n häc ë phÇn b¾t buéc.

C¸c chuyªn ®Ò tiÕn sÜ


M· m«n häc

Tªn m«n häc

(ghi bằng tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh)

Số tÝn chỉ

Số giờ tÝn chỉ:


Số tiết học:

TS (LL/ThH/TH)**

M· sè c¸c m«n häc tiªn quyết









Khối kiến thức chung



Ngoại ngữ chuyªn ngµnh n©ng cao

Advanced foreign language for specific purposes





Khối kiến thức cơ sở và chuyên ngành

II.1. Các học phần bắt buộc


II.2 . Các học phần lùa chän



SHCT 601

Sinh lý c¬ quan c¶m gi¸c cña c«n trïng

Physiology of Insect Sence Organs


30 (15/0/15)

90 (15/0/75)


SHCT 602

BiÕn ®éng sè l­îng c«n trïng

Insect Population Dynamics


30 (15/0/15)

90 (15/0/75)


SHCT 603

Sinh lý sinh s¶n vµ ph¸t triÓn cña c«n trïng

Reproductive and Developmental Physiology


30 (15/0/15)

90 (15/0/75)


SHCT 604

Phßng trõ c«n trïng g©y h¹i trong n«ng nghiÖp

Control insect pests in agriculture


30 (15/0/15)

90 (15/0/75)


SHCT 605

C¬ së sinh th¸i cña viÖc nghiªn cøu vµ phßng chèng c¸c bÖnh do vect¬ truyÒn

Ecological base of research and control of deseases caused by vector


30 (15/0/15)

90 (15/0/75)


SHCT 606

C«n trïng kinh tÕ

Ecolomical Insect


30 (15/0/15)

90 (15/0/75)


SHCT 607

C«n trïng h¹i kho

Post-harvest and Storage Pests


30 (15/0/15)

90 (15/0/75)


SHCT 608

Pheromon cña c«n trïng

Insect Pheromones


30 (15/0/15)

90 (15/0/75)


SHCT 609

Sinh häc, sinh th¸i cña c«n trïng ký sinh vµ ¨n thÞt

Biology, Ecology of Entomophagous Insects


30 (15/0/15)

90 (15/0/75)


SHCT 610

TËp tÝnh c«n trïng x· héi

Behavior of social insect


30 (15/0/15)

90 (15/0/75)


Luận ¸n

Ghi chó: * Tæng sè giê tÝn chØ (sè giê tÝn chØ lªn líp/sè giê tÝn chØ thùc hµnh/ sè giê tÝn chØ tù häc).

** Tæng sè tiÕt häc (sè tiÕt lªn líp/ sè tiÕt thùc hµnh/sè tiÕt tù häc).

2.2.2. §èi víi c¸c thÝ sinh ®· cã b»ng th¹c sÜ:

C¸c thÝ sinh ®· cã b»ng th¹c sÜ ®óng chuyªn ngµnh chØ cÇn hoµn thµnh 3 chuyªn ®Ò tù chän trong c¸c chuyªn ®Ò tiÕn sÜ (6 tÝn chØ) trªn ®©y.

2.3. Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o

2.3.1. Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o cho c¸c m«n th¹c sÜ


M· m«n häc

Tªn m«n häc

tÝn chØ

Danh môc tµi liÖu tham kh¶o

( Tµi liÖu b¾t buéc, Tµi liÖu tham kh¶o thªm)







Khèi kiÕn thøc chung




TriÕt häc




Ngo¹i ng÷ chung




Ngo¹i ng÷ chuyªn ngµnh



Khèi kiÕn thøc c¬ së vµ chuyªn ngµnh



C¸c m«n häc b¾t buéc



SHTT 503

Ph©n lo¹i sinh häc


  1. Charles Jeffrey, 1977. Biological Nonmenclature. Edward Arnold.

  2. Crampton, J.M., 1997. Molecular Biology of Disease vectors, Academic Press, London and New York.

  3. Ferguson, A., 1980. Biochemical Systematics and Evolution, Blackie, Glasgow and London.

  4. Greuter, W. (ed.), 1994. International Code of Botanical Nonmenclature (Tokyo code). Konigstein.

  5. House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, 1992. Systematic Biology Research. Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London.

  6. Mayr, E., 1971. Populations, Species, and evolution: an abridgement of animal species and evolution, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  7. Mayr, E. and Ashlock, P.D., 1991. Principles of Systematic Zoology, IIed. Mc Graw-Hill, New York.

  8. Pateron, H.E.H., 1993. Evolution and the Recognition Concept of Species, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltomore and London.

  9. Service, M.W.(ed.), 1988. Biosystematics of Haematophagous Insects, Systematics Association, Oxford.

  10. Sivaratan, V.V., 1985. Introduction to Principles of Plant Taxonomy.

  11. State, C.A., 1980. Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics. Edward Arnold.

  12. .X General Assembly of the International Union of Biological Sciences, 1985. International code of Zoological Nonmenclature, third edition, University of California Press Berkley and Los Angeles


SHTT 504

Sinh häc ph©n tö


  1. Alberts, B., Bray, D., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., Watson, J. D., 1994. Molecular Biology of the cell (Third edition). Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London..

  2. Darnell, J., Lodish, H., Baltimore, D., 1990. Molecular Cell Biology (Second edition). Scietific American Books, Inc. New York.

  3. Erlich, H.A., 1989. PCR-Technology: Principles and Applications for DNA Amplification. Stockton Press.

  4. Innis, M.A., Gelfand, D., Sninsky, J.J., White, T.J., 1990. PCR Protocals. A guide to Methods and Applications. Academic Press, Inc.

  5. Lewis, B., 1994. Genes V. Oxford University Press.

  6. Old, R.M. and Primrose, S.B., 1994. Principles of Gene Manipultion. An Introduction to Genetic Enginering (Firth edition). Blackwell Science Ltd.

  7. Rolfs, A., Schuller, I, Finckh, U., Weber-Rolfs, I., 1992. PCR: Clinical Diagnostics and Research. Springer-Verlag, berlin Heidelberg.

  8. Suzuki, D.T., Fraffiths, A.J.F., Miler, J.H., Lewontin, R.C., 1989. An introduction to Genetic Analysis (Fourth edition). Freeman and Company, New York.

  9. Wilson, J. and Hunt, T., 1994. Molecular Biology of the Cell. The problems Book (Revised edition). Garland Publishing, Inc. New York and London.


SHBC 501

HÖ sinh th¸i rõng


  1. Hoµng Hße (chñ biªn), 1998. B¶o vÖ vµ ph¸t triÓn tµi nguyªn rõng ViÖt Nam. NXB Gi¸o dôc Hµ Néi.

  2. Th¸i V¨n Trõng, 1978. Th¶m thùc vËt rõng ViÖt Nam. NXB KHKT Hµ Néi.

  3. David Attenborough, 1990. The last rain forests. Misschell Beazley in assocation with IUCN: the World Conservation Union.

  4. Richard P. W., 1997. Rõng m­a nhiÖt ®íi.


SHBC 502

Sinh th¸i häc thuû vùc


  1. Bé thñy s¶n, 1997. Nguån lîi thñy s¶n ViÖt nam, NXB Hµ Néi.

  2. Vò Trung T¹ng, 1994. C¸c hÖ sinh th¸i cöa s«ng ViÖt nam. NXB KHKT Hµ Néi.

  3. Vò Trung T¹ng, 1997. BiÓn §«ng: Tµi nguyªn tù nhiªn vµ m«i tr­êng, Hµ Néi.

  4. §Æng Ngäc Thanh, 1974. Thñy sinh vËt ®¹i c­¬ng. NXB §HTHCN, Hµ Néi.

  5. TrÇn ThÊt vµ NguyÔn §øc NhËt, 1980. Kh¸i qu¸t ®Þa lý thñy v¨n s«ng ngßi ViÖt nam. Tæng côc KTTV, Hµ Néi.

  6. Mc Connell R. H. Lowe, 1997. Ecology of Fishes in Tropical waters. The Inst. of Biology's studies in Biology, N­­­­o76, Edward Arnold.

  7. George K. Reid, 1961. Ecology of Tnland and Estuaries. Rienhol Publi Corp., New York London.

  8. Konstantinov A. X., 1984. Obshaja Hydrobiologia. V­shaja Shkola. Moskva.

  9. Wetzel Rober G., 1983. Limnology (2­­­­­ nd Ed.). Philadelphia. NewYork Chicago Toronto.


SHBC 503

HÖ sinh th¸i n«ng nghiÖp


  1. Ph¹m B×nh QuyÒn, 2003. HÖ sinh th¸i n«ng nghiÖp vµ ph¸t triÓn bÒn v÷ng, NXB §¹i häc Quèc gia Hµ Néi.

  2. Cao Liªm, TrÇn §øc Viªn, 1990. Sinh th¸i häc n«ng nghiÖp vµ b¶o vÖ m«i tr­êng, NXB §¹i häc vµ Trung häc chuyªn nghiÖp.

  3. Rambo A. Terry, 1990. HÖ sinh th¸i n«ng nghiÖp Trung du miÒn B¾c ViÖt Nam. Bangkok, Thailand.

  4. Lª V¨n Khoa, 1997. ChiÕn l­îc ph¸t triÓn n«ng th«n vµ nh÷ng vÊn ®Ò vÒ ®Êt ë VÞÖt Nam. M«n häc sau §¹i häc, CRES, §¹i häc Quèc gia Hµ Néi.

  5. Lª V¨n Khoa vµ céng sù, 1999. N«ng nghiÖp vµ M«i tr­êng. NXB Gi¸o dôc Hµ Néi.


SHBC 504

Sinh th¸i häc quÇn thÓ


  1. Emmel, Thomas C., 1976. Population Biology, Harper & Row, Publishers.

  2. Andrewartha, H.G., 1970. Introduction to the study of animal populations, Chapman and Hall.

  3. Begon M. and Mortimer, M., 1986. Population ecology, Blackwell scientific Publication.

  4. Caughley, G., 1980. Analysis of Vertebrate Population, Jonh Wiley & Sbns.

  5. Putman, R.J., 1994. Community Ecology, Chapman & Hall.

5. Svirezhep, Yu.M. & Logofet, D.O., 1983. Stability of biological communities. Mir Publishers. Moscow.




§Þa - §éng vËt häc


  1. Brown J.H., Gibson A.C., 1983. Biogeography. St. Louis, Mosby-Year Book, Inc. A wealth of information in this balaneed treatment.

  2. Cox C.B. and Moore P.D., 1985. Biogeography: An ecologycal and evolutionary aproach, ad. 4. Boston, Balack­ell Scient×ic Publication. Highly readable account with a strong ecological emphasis.

  3. Cao Van Sung, 1990. The Rodent of Vietnam (Fauna, Systematic, Zoogegraphy, Ecology and Economical value) Diss. Dr., Moscow (TiÕng Nga).

  4. Dao Van Tien, 1978. An experience of Zoogeographical regionalization of Vietnam. Zool. J., 57,4:582-586.

  5. §µo V¨n TiÕn, 1985. Kh¶o s¸t thó ë miÒn B¾c ViÖt Nam. NXB Khoa hoc vµ Kü thuËt Hµ Néi, 330 trang.

  6. §Æng Huy Huúnh, 1997. Ph©n vïng ®Þa lý sinh vËt ë ViÖt Nam vµ c¬ së khoa häc trong viÖc bè trÝ hîp lý hÖ thèng rõng ®Æc dông. TuyÓn tËp nghiªn cøu M«i tr­êng. T©p I. NXB. Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, Hµ Néi:86-94.

  7. §Æng Ngäc Thanh, 1980. Khu hÖ ®éng vËt kh«ng x­¬ng sèng n­íc ngät miÒn B¾c ViÖt Nam. NXB. Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt Hµ Néi.

  8. Mackinnon J. and Mackinnon K., 1986. Review of the Protected areas system in the Indo-Malaysia Realm. IUCN, Gland, Switzeland and Cambridge, UK/ UNEP, 284pp.

  9. Mai dinh yen, 1985. Species composition and distribution of the frechwater fish fauna of the Norther Vietnam. Hydrobiologia 121:181-286.


SH§V 502

Sinh th¸i häc phôc håi vµ ph¸t triÓn bÒn v÷ng


1. Ubranska, K. M., Webb, N. R., and Edwards A. J.,1997. Restoration Ecology and sustainable development. Cambridge University Press.

2. Farina A.,1998. Principles and Methods in Landscape Ecology. Chapman & Hall Ltd.

3. Forman, R.T.T., 1995. Land mosaics: The Ecology of Lanscapes and Regions. Cambridge University Press.


SH§V 503

Quy ho¹ch vµ qu¶n lý c¸c V­ên Quèc gia vµ Khu B¶o tån thiªn nhiªn


  1. Hµ §×nh §øc & nnk, 2000. Qu¶n lý bÒn v÷ng c¸c vïng b¶o vÖ ë ViÖt Nam. Nghiªn cøu thÝ ®iÓm VQG BÕn En, tØnh Thanh Hãa, ViÖt Nam.

  2. Birdlife & FIPI (2001). Th«ng tin c¸c khu b¶o vÖ hiÖn cã vµ ®Ò xuÊt ë ViÖt Nam. TËp I. MiÒn B¾c

  3. Birdlife & FIPI (2001). Th«ng tin c¸c khu b¶o vÖ hiÖn cã vµ ®Ò xuÊt ë ViÖt Nam. TËp II. MiÒn Nam.

  4. L.P. Van Lavieren, 2001. Planning and Management of Parks and Reserves (NguyÔn TÊn Phong dÞch)

  5. WWF (2001). Transboundary conservation in indochina: 1995-1999 and Beyond

  6. L.P. Van Lavieren, 2001. Wildlife Management in the Tropics (NguyÔn TÊn Phong dÞch)

  7. ARCBC (2000). Mannual on participatory 3-dimentional modeling.

  8. John MacKinnon, 1997. Protected areas systems review of the Indo-Malayan realm. England, 198pp


C¸c m«n häc lùa chän

(theo 3 chuyªn ngµnh sau)


§éng vËt cã x­¬ng sèng ë c¹n



SH§V 504

Qu¶n lý , b¶o vÖ vµ ph¸t triÓn bÒn v÷ng tµi nguyªn §éng vËt


  1. Bé Khoa häc, C«ng nghÖ vµ M«i tr­êng (2000). S¸ch ®á ViÖt Nam. PhÇn §éng vËt (t¸i b¶n). NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, Hµ Néi.

  2. Bé Khoa häc, C«ng nghÖ vµ M«i tr­êng, 2001. H­íng dÉn vÒ c«ng ­íc ®a d¹ng sinh häc. Côc M«i tr­êng, IUCN, BMZ xuÊt b¶n, Hµ Néi, 2001.

  3. KÕ ho¹ch hµnh ®éng ®a d¹ng sinh häc ViÖt Nam. Dù ¸n cña quü m«i tr­êng toµn cÇu (VIE/91/G31).

  4. §Æng Huy Huúnh, 1997. B¶o vÖ vµ ph¸t triÓn l©u bÒn nguån tµi nguyªn ®éng vËt rõng. NXB Gi¸o dôc, Hµ Néi.

  5. Mackinnon F., 1990. HÖ thèng b¶o tån thiªn nhiªn - V­ên quèc gia - Khu b¶o tån thiªn nhiªn. Dù ¸n VIE/88/037.

  6. Richard B. Primack, 1999. C¬ së Sinh häc B¶o tån. NXB Sinauer Associates Inc. (Mü), NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, Hµ Néi, ViÖt Nam.


SH§V 505

Ph­¬ng ph¸p nghiªn cøu ®éng vËt cã x­¬ng sèng


  1. Vâ Quý, 1975. Chim ViÖt Nam - H×nh th¸i vµ ph©n lo¹i. TËp 1. NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, Hµ Néi. 648 tr.

  2. Vâ Quý, 1981. Chim ViÖt Nam - H×nh th¸i vµ ph©n lo¹i. TËp 2. NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, hµ Néi. 394 tr.

  3. Lª Vò Kh«i, 2000. Danh lôc c¸c loµi thó ë VÞÖt Nam (Latin, ViÖt, Anh, Ph¸p, Nga). NXB N«ng nghiÖp, Hµ Néi.

  4. Corbet G.B., Hill J.E., 1992. The Mammals of the Indomalyan region: A systematic Review. Nature History Museum Publ. Oxford Univ. Press.

  5. §Æng Huy Huúnh, §µo V¨n TiÕn, Cao V¨n Sung, Ph¹m Träng ¶nh, Hoµng Minh Khiªn,1994. Danh lôc c¸c loµi thó (Mammalia) ViÖt Nam. NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, Hµ Néi.

  6. Van Peenen P.F.D., Ryan P.F., Light R.H., 1969. Preliminary Identification manual for Mammals of South Vietnam. Smithonian Institution, Washigton.

  7. Lekagul B., McNeely J.A., 1977. Mammals of Thailand. Bangkok.


SH§V 506

Thó häc


  1. Corbet G.B., Hill J.E., 1992. The Mammals of the Indomalyan region: A systematic Review. Nature History Museum Publ. Oxford Univ. Press.

  2. Hickman Jr.C., Robets L.S., Larson A., 1993. Integrated Principles of Zoology. St. Luois, Bantimore, Chicago, London, Philadenphia, Sydney, Toronto.

  3. Lª HiÒn Hµo, 1973. Thó kinh tÕ miÒn B¾c ViÖt Nam. NXB Khoa häc vµ kü thuËt, Hµ Néi.

  4. §Æng Huy Huúnh, §µo V¨n TiÕn, Cao V¨n Sung, Ph¹m Träng ¶nh, Hoµng Minh Khiªn,1994. Danh lôc c¸c loµi thó (Mammalia) ViÖt Nam. NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, Hµ Néi.

  5. §Æng Huy Huúnh vµ NNK, 1997. B¶o vÖ vµ ph¸t triÓn l©u bÒn nguån tµi nguyªn ®éng vËt rõng ViÖt Nam. NXB Gi¸o dôc, Hµ Néi.

  6. §µo V¨n TiÕn, 1971. §éng vËt cã x­¬ng sèng, TËp 2. NXB §¹i häc vµ THCN, Hµ Néi.

  7. §µo V¨n TiÕn, 1985. Kh¶o s¸t thó miÒn B¾c ViÖt nam. NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, Hµ Néi.

  8. Lekagul B., McNeely J.A., 1977. Mammals of Thailand. Bangkok.

  9. Vaughau T.A. 1978. Mammalogy ed. Z., Philadenphia, W.B. Saunders Company. Comprehensive treatment of Mammalia characteristics and orders.

  10. Van Peenen P.F.D., Ryan P.F., Light R.H., 1969. Preliminary Identification manual for Mammals of South Vietnam. Smithonian Institution, Washigton.

  11. Yuong J.Z., Hobbs M.J., 1975. The life of Mammals. New York, Oxford Universistsy.


SH§V 507

§iÓu häc


  1. Vâ Quý, 1971. Sinh häc c¸c loµi chim th­êng gÆp ë ViÖt nam. NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, Hµ Néi.

  2. Vâ Quý, 1975 vµ 1981. Chim ViÖt Nam. H×nh th¸i vµ ph©n lo¹i, TËp 1 vµ TËp 2. NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, Hµ Néi.

  3. Vâ Quý vµ NguyÔn Cö, 1995. Danh lôc c¸c loµi chim ViÖt nam. NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt, Hµ Néi.

  4. §µo V¨n TiÕn, 1971. §éng vËt häc cã x­¬ng sèng, TËp 2. NXB ®¹i häc vµ THCN, Hµ Néi.

  5. Welty J.C. and Baptista L., 1988. The life of Birds, ed. 4. Philadenphia, Saunders College Publ. Among the best of the Orniythology texts, lucid stule and well illustrated.


SH§V 508

L­ìng c­, Bß s¸t häc


  1. Duelleman W.E., Trueb L.R., 1986. Biology of amphibians. New York , McGraw-Hill Book Co. Important comprehensive sourceboook of informatin on amphibians. Extensively referenced and illustated.

  2. Goin C.J., Goin O.B., Zug G.R., 1978. Introduction to Herpetology, ed. 3. San Francisco, W.H. Freeman & Co., Publishers. Basic college-level Texboook.

  3. NguyÔn V¨n S¸ng, Hå Thu Cóc, 1996. Danh lôc Bß s¸t Õch nhai ViÖt Nam. NXB Khoa häc vµ Kü thuËt Hµ Néi.

  4. §µo v¨n TiÕn, 1991. §éng vËt häc cã x­¬ng sèng. T©p 1. NXB §¹i häc vµ THCN, Hµ Néi.


SH§V 509

Gi¶i phÉu so s¸nh ®éng vËt cã x­¬ng sèng


  1. Alexander, R. Mc. N, 1981. The Chordates. ad ed. London: Cambridge University Press.

  2. Bé m«n §éng vËt cã x­¬ng sèng. Bµi tæng kÕt m«n häc ®éng vËt cã x­¬ng sèng. Tµi liÖu ®¸nh m¸y.

  3. Carroll, 1998. Vertebrate paleontology and evolution. New York: W. H. Freeman

  4. Jarvik, E., 1980. Basic structure and evolution of vertebrates, 2 vols. New York and London: Academic Press. Primarily a detailed study of certain extinct or primitive fishes.

  5. Kardong, 1998. Vertebrates – Comparative anatomy, function, evolution. McGraw-Hill Companies, USA.

  6. Lauder, 1985. Functional vertebrate morphology: Cambridge, Mass: Havard University Press.

  7. Wake, D. B., 1982. Functional and evolution morphology. persp. Biol. Med.


SH§V 510

M« h×nh ho¸ sinh c¶nh sèng ®éng vËt


  1. Francoiase Burel, Jacques Baudry, 2003. Landscape Ecology: Concepts, methods and applications, Science Publishers, Inc, USA.

  2. Navel Z., Arthur S. Lieberman, 1994. Landscape ecology theory and application, Springer-Verlag, New York.

  3. Risser P.G., J.R. Karr, R.T.T. Forman, 1984. Landscape Ecology: Directions and Approaches, Champaign, Illinois, USA.

  4. Zonneveld I.S., Forman R.T.T., 1990. Changing Landscapes: An Ecological Perspective, Springer-Verlag, New York.


SH§V 511

Sinh th¸i häc tËp tÝnh


  1. Bell W. J., Searching Behaviour. The Behavioural Ecology of Finding Resources. Chapman and Hall Animal Behaviour Series (1991), 309 p.

  2. Krebs J. R. and Davies N. B., 1991. Behavioural Ecology. An Evolutionary Approach. Third Edition, Blakwell Scientific Publications Ltd 475 p.

  3. Krebs J. R. and Davies N. B., 1992. An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology. Third Edition, Blakwell Scientific Publications 388 p.

  4. Ricklefs R. E., 1990. Ecology. Third Edition, W. H. Freeman and Company, USA 890 p.

  5. Tinbergen T., 1990. Social Behaviour in Animals. Chapman and Hall, 139 p.

C«n trïng häc



SH§V 512

Gi¶i phÉu so s¸nh ®éng vËt kh«ng x­¬ng sèng


  1. Barnes R.S.K., Calow P., Olive P.J.W., 1993. The Invertebrates: a new synthesis. Blackwell Sci-Pub., 2nd edit, Oxford

  2. Harris C.L., 1992. Concepts in Zoology. Harper Collin Pub., New York

  3. Laverack, M.S., 1987. Lecture Notes on Invertebrate Zoology (3th edition). Blackwell Sciencetific Publication

  4. Wallace, R.L. and Taylor, K.W. 1997. Invertebrate Zoology. A Laboratory Manual. Fifth Edition. Prentice Hall

  5. Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes. 2004. Invertebrate Zoology. A functional evolutionary approach. Seventh edition. Australia. Canada. Mexico. Singapore. Spain. United Kingdom. United States


SH§V 513

Sinh th¸i häc c«n trïng


  1. Ph¹m B×nh QuyÒn, 2005. Sinh th¸i häc c«n trïng. NXB. Gi¸o dôc, Hµ néi.

  2. Barbosa, B. & Schultz, J.C., 1987. Insect Outbreaks, Academic Press, San Diego...Toronto.

3. Price, P.W., 1997.Insect Ecology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


SH§V 514

§a d¹ng sinh häc vµ hÖ thèng häc c«n trïng


  1. Beibienko, G.IA., 1971. General Entomology, Higher School Publisher, Moskva.

  2. Cedric Gillott, 1980. Entomology. Plenum Press, New York and London.

  3. Richards, O.W. and Davies, R.G., 1977. Imms General Textbook of Entomology. Chapman and Hall, London.

  4. XX General Assembly of the International Union of Biological Sciences, 1985. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Bristish Museum and University of California Press.


SH§V 515

C«n trïng n«ng l©m nghiÖp


  1. Drakhopskaia, M.,1968. Dù tÝnh trong b¶o vÖ thùc vËt. NXB Khoa häc, Hµ néi.

  2. Bondarenco N.V. et al., 1983. C«n trïng ®¹i c­¬ng vµ n«ng nghiÖp, “Kolos”, Mockva (tiÕng Nga).

  3. Frohlich, G. et al., 1963. B¶o vÖ thùc vËt ë nhiÖt ®íi , Leipzig (tiÕng §øc).

  4. Hå Kh¾c TÝn (chñ biªn), 1982. M«n häc c«n trïng n«ng nghiÖp, TËp II, NXB N«ng nghiÖp, Hµ néi.

  5. Kirchner, H. A., 1975. C¬ së cña bÖnh lý thùc vËt vµ b¶o vÖ thùc vËt, VEB Gustan Fischer Verlag, Zena (tiÕng §øc).


SH§V 516

Sinh lý häc c«n trïng: CÊu tróc vµ chøc n¨ng


  1. Cedric Gillott, 1980. Entomology. Plenum Press, New York and London.

  2. Chapman, R.F., 1969. The Insect, Structure and Functions, English University Press, London. 3.Gordon, R.M. and Lavoipierre, M.M., Entomology for Students of Medicine

  3. Richards, O.W. and Davies, R.G., 1977. Imms General Textbook of Entomology. Chapman and Hall, London.

  4. Svanvic, B.N., 1959. Introduction to Entomology. M-L.


SH§V 517

Kü thuËt vµ ph­¬ng ph¸p nghiªn cøu c«n trïng


  1. §Æng Ngäc Thanh (chñ biªn), 1980. Thùc tËp §éng vËt kh«ng x­¬ng sèng, NXB §¹i häc vµ Trung häc chuyªn nghiÖp, Ha Néi

  2. Bondarenko, H.V., Glusenko, A.F., 1972. Thùc tËp c«n trïng ®¹i c­¬ng. Leningrat

  3. Chapman, R.F., 1969. The Insect, Structure and Functions, English University Press, London.

  4. Richards, O.W. and Davies, R.G., 1977. Imms General Textbook of Entomology. Chapman and Hall, London.

  5. Hangay, G. and Dingley, M. 1985. Biological Museum Methods, Academic Press, Sydney...Tokyo.

  6. Mahoney, R., 1973. Laboratoy technique in Zoology, London Butterworths.

  7. Peterson, A., 1964. Entomological Techniques. How to work with insects. The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio.

  8. Smith C.N. (ed.), 1966. Insect Colonization and Mass Production. Academic Press, New York and London.

  9. Southwood, T.R.E., 1966. Ecological Methods, Chapman and hall, London


SH§V 518

C«n trïng ë n­íc


  1. Cafferty, W.P. & Provonsta A.V. 1981. Aquatic Entomology. Jones and Barlett Publishers.

  2. Williwams, D..D. (ed.), 1992. Aquatic Insects. C.A.B International Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK.

  3. Merrit, R.W. & Cummins K.W., 1978. An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

  4. Resh, V.H. & Rosenberg D.M., 1984. The Ecology of Aquatic Insects.CBS Education and Professional Publishing a Division of CBS Inc.

  5. Dudgeon, D., 1999. Tropical Asian Streams: Zoobenthos, Ecology and Conservation. Hong Kong University Press.


SH§V 519

TËp tÝnh c«n trïng


1. Cedric Gillott, 1980. Entomology. Plenum Press, New York and London.

2. Manning, A. and Dawkin, M.S., 1991. Animal behavior. Cambridge University.

3. Matthews, R.W. & Matthews J. R., 1978. Insect behavior. John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Ký sinh trïng häc



SH§V 520

Ký sinh trïng häc


  1. Beklemisev V.N. C¬ së quÇn l¹c sinh vËt cña ký sinh trïng so s¸nh. Moskva, 1970 (tiÕng Nga).

  2. Bychowskii B.E. S¸n l¸ ®¬n chñ, hÖ thèng ph©n lo¹i vµ chñng lo¹i ph¸t sinh. Moskva- Leningrat, 1957 (tiÕng Nga).

  3. Dogel B.A. §éng vËt kh«ng x­¬ng sèng. Moskva, 1972 (tiÕng Nga)

  4. Genhixinkaia T. A. S¸n l¸, chu tr×nh ph¸t triÓn sinh häc vµ tiÕn hãa. Leningrat, 1957 (tiÕng Nga).

  5. Kennedi K. Sinh th¸i häc ký sinh trïng. Moskva, 1978.

  6. NguyÔn ThÞ Lª. S¸n l¸ ®¬n ë chim vµ thó ViÖt Nam (LuËn ¸n tiÕn sÜ).

  7. Pavlovskii E.N. Nh÷ng vÊn ®Ò chung cña ký sinh trïng häc vµ ®éng vËt häc. Moskva- Leningrat, 1961 (tiÕng Nga).

  8. Paramonov A.A., 1956. C¬ së giun trßn thùc vËt. TËp I, Moskva- Leningrat (tiÕng Nga).

  9. Patrotrenko V.I. Giun ®Çu gai ë ®éng vËt nhµ vµ ®éng vËt hoang d¹i. TËp I, Moskva- Leningrat, 1956 (tiÕng Nga).

  10. Skrzabin K.I.Schulz R.C. C¬ së giun s¸n häc ®¹i c­¬ng. Moskva, 1940 (tiÕng Nga).


SH§V 521

C«n trïng y häc vµ c¸c bÖnh truyÒn qua vect¬


  1. Beaty, B.J. & Marquardt, W.C. 1996. The Biology of Disease Vectors, University Press of Colorado.

  2. Crampton, J.M., 1997. Molecular biology of Disease vectors, Academic Press, London and New York.

  3. Harwood R.F. & James, M.T. 1979. Entomology in Human and Animals Health, Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. New York- Toronto-London.

  4. Kettle, D.S. 1984. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, Croom Helm, London & Sydney.

  5. Lane, R.P. and Crosskey, R. W., 1993. Medical Insects and arachnids, Chapman & Hall, London - Madras.


SH§V 522

Giun trßn thùc vËt


  1. NguyÔn Ngäc Ch©u, 1998. TuyÕn trïng thùc vËt häc. M«n häc cao häc ViÖn Sinh th¸i vµ Tµi nguyªn sinh vËt. Hµ néi

  2. §oµn C¶nh, 2001. Khu hÖ giun trßn ký sinh thùc vËt ë ViÖt Nam. ViÖn Sinh häc nhiÖt ®íi Thµnh phè Hå ChÝ Minh.

  3. Paramonov, A. A., 1956. C¬ së giun trßn thùc vËt häc. Moskva - Leningrat (TiÕng Nga)

  4. NguyÔn ThÞ Lª (chñ biªn), 2000. Giun s¸n häc ®¹i c­¬ng. Nhµ xuÊt b¶n KHKT, Hµ Néi


SH§V 523

Giun s¸n ký sinh vµ c¸c bÖnh do giun s¸n


  1. Abulaze K. U. vµ c¸c t¸c gi¶, 1975. Ký sinh trïngë ®éng vËt n«ng nghiÖp. NXB B«ng lóa, Moskva.

  2. Dogel V. A., 1972. §éng vËt kh«ng x­¬ng sèng. Moskva (TiÕng Nga)

  3. NguyÔn ThÞ Lª vµ céng sù, 1996. Giun s¸n ký sinh ë gia sóc ViÖt Nam. Nhµ xuÊt b¶n KHKT, Hµ Néi

  4. NguyÔn ThÞ Lª vµ céng sù, 1996. Giun s¸n ký sinh ë gia cÇm ViÖt Nam. Nhµ xuÊt b¶n KHKT, Hµ Néi

  5. Phan ThÕ ViÖt, Lª §×nh An. Nghiªn cøu vµ thö nghiÖm diÖt giun ®Çu gai trong c¬ thÓ lîn. TuyÓn tËp c¸c c«ng tr×nh nghiªn cøu sinh th¸i vµ tµi nguyªn sinh vËt. Nhµ xuÊt b¶n KHKT, Hµ Néi, tr. 174-176.

  6. Schulz R. C., Gvozdev E. V. C¬ së giun s¸n häc ®¹i c­¬ng. TËp I. (H×nh th¸i, hÖ thèng ph©n lo¹i vµ chñng lo¹i ph¸t sinh). Nhµ xuÊt b¶n Khoa häc, Moskva (TiÕng Nga)


SH§V 524

§a d¹ng sinh häc ký sinh trïng


  1. Abylaze K. I., 1975. Ký sinh trïng häc vµ bÖnh ký sinh trïng ë ®éng vËt n«ng nghiÖp. Moskva (TiÕng Nga)

  2. Beklemisev V.N., 1970. C¬ së quÇn l¹c sinh vËt cña ký sinh trïng so s¸nh. Moskva, (tiÕng Nga).

  3. Bychowskii B.E., 1957. S¸n l¸ ®¬n chñ, hÖ thèng ph©n lo¹i vµ chñng lo¹i ph¸t sinh. Moskva- Leningrat, (tiÕng Nga).

  4. Genhic D. E., 1975. Ký sinh trïng y häc. Moskva (TiÕng Nga)

  5. Pavlovskii E.N. Nh÷ng vÊn ®Ò chung cña ký sinh trïng häc vµ ®éng vËt häc. Moskva- Leningrat, 1961 (tiÕng Nga).

  6. Paramonov A.A., 1956. C¬ së giun trßn thùc vËt. TËp I, Moskva- Leningrat (tiÕng Nga).


SH§V 525

Sinh häc, sinh th¸i häc ký sinh trïng


  1. Dogel V.A., 1962. Ký sinh trïng häc ®¹i c­¬ng. Leningrat. (tiÕng Nga)

  2. Genhixinkaia T. A., 1957. S¸n l¸, chu tr×nh ph¸t triÓn sinh häc vµ tiÕn hãa. Leningrat. (tiÕng Nga).

  3. Kenedy C. R., 1975. Ecological animal parasitology. Blackwell scientific publications - London. (tõ b¶n dÞch tiÕng Nga)

  4. NguyÔn ThÞ Lª, 1980. S¸n l¸ ký sinh ë chim, thó ViÖt Nam (khu hÖ, hÖ thèng ph©n lo¹i, sinh th¸i vµ ®Þa ®éng vËt). LuËn ¸n TiÕn sÜ Sinh häc, Moskva (TiÕng Nga).

  5. NguyÔn ThÞ Lª, 1993. Ecological characteristic of trematod fauna of bird and animals in Vietnam. Regional seminar - workshop on tropical forest ecosystem research, conservation and repatriations, Hanoi - Vietnam, 28 June - 1 July 1993.

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