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- Pose [pouz] (v.) : to move into and stay in a particular position

e.g.: They are posing in front of the building.

- Lift (v.) : to move sth from a lower to a higher position

- Ski (n.) : one of a pair of long, flat narrow pieces of wood

- Dam (n.) : a wall built across a river which stops the river's flow and collects the water = đập nước


- Petition [pi'tiʃn] (n.) : a document signed by a large number of people demanding or requesting some action from the government or another authority = bản kiến nghị

 to send the petition

Petite [pə'tiːt] (adj.) : small and thin in an attractive way = nhỏ xinh


- Hiking (n.) : going for a long walk in the countryside


- Approachable [ə'proutʃəbl] (adj.): being able to reach or get near to

e.g: approachable manner (n.)


- Contract term (n.) : điều khoản hợp đồng

- Magnetic [mæg'netik] (adj.) : with the power of a magnet = có từ tính

e.g.: Some metals are magnetic.

- Sewage ['suːɪdʒ] (n.) : waste matter such as water

- Dump (v.) : to get rid of sth unwanted

- Guilt (n.) : the fact of having done something wrong or committed a crime

Guilty (adj.) : responsible for breaking a law

e.g.: He was found guilty of possessing illegal drugs.

- Jovial [ˈdʒəʊviəl] (adj.) : cheerful and friendly


- Raffle ['ræf(ə)l] (n.) : a competition or game in which people buy numbered tickets and can win prizes = trò chơi xổ số

 a raffle ticket : vé số

- First-hand (adv.) : immediately

- Handicraft ['hændikrɑ:ft] (n.) : an activity in which sb uses their hands in a skilful way to make things = nghề thủ công

 (n.) : sth that sb has made in a skilful way using their hands = sản phẩm thủ công

- Inspire [in'spaiə] (v.) : encourage sb by making them feel confident and eager to do sth = truyền cảm hứng

e.g.: After her trip to Venezuela, she felt inspired to learn Spanish.



- Short-sleeved [ʃɔː(r)t sli:vd] (adj. ) : ngắn tay [áo]

e.g.: a short-sleeved shirt (n.)

- Grill [gril] (n.) : a part of a stove which produces strong heat to cook food that has been placed underneath it = vĩ nướng

Grill (v.) : to cook sth by direct heat, especially under a very hot surface in a cooker

- Crawl [krɔ:l] (v.) : bò

- Occupied ['ɔkjupaid] (adj.) : fully booked

e.g.: The tables are all occupied.


- Lobby ['lɒbi] (n.) : the (large) room into which the main entrance door opens in a hotel or other large building = tiền sảnh; hành lang

- Toll-free (adj.) : cost-free = (được) miễn thuế

 e.g: A toll-free telephone call is free for the person making the call.


- Stapler ['steiplə] (n.) : a tool used for putting staples into paper = đồ bấm giấy


- Refreshment [ri'fremənt] (n.) : food and drink

- Intermission [,intə'miʃn] (n.) : a brief period between the parts of a play, film, concert, etc.

- Auditorium [,ɔ:di'tɔ:riəm](n.) : a large public building such as a theatre


- Exposition [,ekspə'ziʃn] (n.) : a show in which industrial goods, works of art, etc. are shown to the public.


- Budget ['bʌdʤit] (n.) : a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend

- Plumbing ['plʌmiɳ] (n.) : the water pipes and similar systems in a building

- Electrical wiring (n.) : the system of wires that carry electricity in a building


- Tee time (n.) : time made at least several days in advance

- Bail [beil] (n.) : a sum of money which a person who has been accused of a crime pays to a law court so that they can be released until their trial = tiền bảo lãnh

- Symposium [sim'pouziəm] (n.) : an occasion at which people who have great knowledge of a particular subject meet in order to discuss a matter of interest = hội nghị chuyên đề

- Second language acquisition

[,ækwi'ziʃn] (n.) : quá trình thụ đắc ngôn ngữ thứ hai

- Behind the scenes (adj.) : hậu trường



- Truck [truk] (n.) : a large road vehicle used to carry goods= xe tải

- Back [bæk] (n.) : the inside or outside part of an object, building..that is furthest from the front = đằng sau

- Light [lait] (n.) : sth that produces light = đèn

- Flash [flæ∫] (v.) : to shine suddenly and brightly for a short time = chiếu sáng

- Draw [drɔ:] (v.) : to make a picture with a pencil or pen = vẽ

- Rest [rest] (v.) : stop working for a time to relax = nghỉ ngơi

- Bench [bent∫] (n.) : a long seat for two or more people = ghế dài

- Garbage bag ['gɑ:bıdʒ 'bæg] (n.): a plastic bag put inside a dustbin to hold the waste and keep the container clean = túi đựng rác

- Trashcan ['træ∫kæn] (n.) : a container for waste = thùng rác

- Sail ['seiliη] (n.) : travel = (tàu) chạy

- Gather ['gæðə] (v.) : come together and form a group = tập hợp, tụ họp lại

- Stadium ['steidiəm] (n.) : a building for public events, especially sports and large concerts = sân vận động

- Ocean ['əʊ∫n] (n.) : a very large area of sea = đại đương

- Gym [d ʒ im] (n.) : a special building or room that has equipments for doing physical exercise = phòng tập thể dục

- to wait in line [lain] (v.) : stand one behind the other in a line, waiting their turn for something.  = đứng xếp hàng

- Weight [wei] (n.) : any object which is heavy = cục tạ

- Equipment [i'kwipmənt] (n.) : the tools, machines etc that you need to do a particular job or activity = thiết bị, dụng cụ


- Copier ['kɒpiə] (n.) : a machine that makes exact copies of writing or pictures on paper by photographing them = máy photocopy

- Realize ['riəlaiz] (v.) : know and understand sth, or suddenly begin to understand it = hiểu rõ, nhận thức rõ

- Degree [di'gri:] (n.) : the qualification of a study course at a university or college that is given to you when you have successfully completed the course = học vị; bằng cấp

- Economy [i:'kɒnəmi] (n.) : the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used = nền kinh tế

- Statistics [stə'tistiks] (n.) : the science of collecting and examining such numbers = khoa học thống kê


- Lobby ['lɒbi] (n.) : the (large) room into which the main entrance door opens in a hotel or other large building = tiền sảnh; hành lang

- Inquiry [in'kwaiəri] (n.) : (the process of asking) a question = yêu cầu (thông tin)

- Credit card ['kreditka:d] (n.) : a small plastic card that you use to buy goods or services and pay for them later = thẻ tín dụng

- Bank statement [bæŋk 'steɪtmənt ] (n.) : a printed record of the money put into and removed from a bank account = bản in có ghi toàn bộ số tiền nhập và xuất ở tài khoản của khách hàng trong một kỳ hạn nhất định

- Balance ['bæləns] (n.) : the amount of money that you have in your bank account = số dư trong tài khoản

- Adjustment [ə'dʒʌstmənt] (n.) : a change in sth that makes it better, more accurate and more effective = sự điều chỉnh

- Interest rate ['intrəst reit] (n.) : the percentage account that a bank or other financial company charges you when you borrow money, or the percentage it pays you when you keep money in an account = lãi suất

- Rush [r ʌ∫ ] (n.) : when a lot of people are trying to do or get something = sự đổ xô vào (mua một cái gì...)

- Sweater ['swetə] (n.) : a piece of clothing with long sleeves which is usually made from wool and worn on the upper part of the body = áo len dài tay

- Sales [seilz] (n.) : the total number of products that are sold during a particular period of time = số hàng hoá bán được

- Knitted [nitid] (n.) : made by using wool or thick cotton and two long needles = đan len (sợi...)

- Goods [gudz] (n.) : things for sale, or the things that you own = hàng hóa

- Pottery ['pɔtəri] (n.) : the activity or skill of making clay objects by hand = đồ gốm

- Silverware ['silvə'weə] (n.) : objects especially knives, forks, spoons, etc., made of silver = đồ làm bằng bạc


- Grocery store ['grousəri stɔ:] (n.): a retail store that primarily sells food, fruits and vegetables = cửa hàng tạp hóa, cửa hàng rau quả

- Cashier [kæ'∫iə] (n.) : sb whose job is to receive or pay out money in a shop = nhân viên thu ngân

- Proud [praud] (adj.) : feeling pleased = tự hào

- Provide [prə'vaid] (v.) : give sth to sb or make it available to them = cung cấp; cung ứng

 to provide sb with sth

 to provide sth for sb

- Fresh [fre∫] (adj.) : not frozen or preserved = sạch, tươi

- Ingredient [in'gri:djənt] (n.) : one of the foods that you use to make a particular food or dish = thành phần

- Delicious [di'li∫əs] (adj.) : very pleasant to taste or smell = thơm, ngon

- Various ['veəriəs] (adj.) : many different types of sth = đa dạng

Variety [və'raiəti] (n.) : a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way = sự đa dạng

- Lettuce ['letis] (n.) : a round vegetable with thin green leaves eaten raw in salads = rau diếp

- Broccoli ['brɒkəli] (n.) : a green vegetable that has short branch-like stems = bông cải xanh

- Cucumber ['kju:kʌmbə] (n.) : a long thin round vegetable with a dark green skin and a light green inside, usually eaten raw = dưa leo

- Crunchy ['krʌnt∫i] (adj.) : describes food that is firm and makes a loud noise when it is eaten = cứng và giòn

Produce ['prədju:s] (n.) : food or other things that have been grown or produces on a farm to be sold = nông sản

 Produce manager : giám đốc sản xuất

- Recipe ['resəpi] (n.) : a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food = công thức làm món ăn

- Boulevard ['bu:lvɑ:] (n.) : a centre wide road in a city, usually with trees on each side or along the = đại lộ, đường lớn

- Freeway ['fri:wei] (n.) : a very wide road in the US, built for fast travel = đường cao tốc; xa lộ

- Route [ru:t] (n.) : a particular way or direction between places = lộ trình; đường đi

- Backtrack ['bæktræk] (v.) : return by the same way that you came = quay về theo lối cũ


- Interpreter [in'tə:pritə] (n.) : sb whose job is to change spoken words from one language into another = người phiên dịch

- Skill [skil] (n.) : an ability to do sth well = kỹ năng

- Well-known ['wel'noun] (adj.) : famous = nổi tiếng

- Musician [mju:'zi∫n] (n.) : somwone who is skilled in playing music, usually as their job = nhạc sĩ

- Guess [ges] (v.) : predict, speculate = đoán, phỏng đoán

- Acquainted [ə'kweintid] (adj.) : know about sth, because you have seen, read and used it = quen thuộc

- Military ['militri] (adj.) : involving or relating to the army, navy or air force = thuộc về quân đội, quân sự

- Power ['pauə] (n.) : the ability or right to control people or events = sức mạnh

- Regain [ri'gein] (v.) : get sth back = lấy lại

- Decline [di'klain] (v.) : become gradually worse in quality = suy tàn

- Glory ['glɔ:ri] (n.) : an important achievement which earns someone great admiration, honour and praise = sự vinh quang, vẻ vang

- Absent ['æbsənt] from (adj.) : not present = vắng mặt

- Conference ['kɔnfərəns] (n.) : a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters = hội nghị

- Soccer game ['sɔkə geim] (n.) : football game = trận thi đấu bóng đá

- Remind [ri'maind] (v.) : make sb remember sth that they must do = nhắc nhở

- Pull out ['pul aut] (v.) : extract; use force to take sth from the place where it is fixed = nhổ ra (răng)

- Indifferent [in'difrənt] (adj.) : not at all interested in sb or sth = lãnh đạm, thờ ơ, hờ hững

 indifferent to sb / sth

- Dependent [di'pendənt] (adj.) : to be directly affected or decided by sth else = phụ thuộc; lệ thuộc

 dependent on / upon sth

# Independent [,indi'pendənt] (adj.): độc lập

- Independence [,indi'pendəns] (n.): sự độc lập

- Particular [pə'tikjulə(r)] (adj.) : very careful about choosing exactly what you like and not easily satisfied = kỹ lưỡng, cầu kỳ

 to be particular about sth

- Particle ['pɑ:tikl] (adj.) : a very small piece of sth = một mẩu, mảnh nhỏ (của cái gì)

- Parental [pə'rentl] (adj.) : relating to being a parent = (thuộc) cha mẹ

 Parental love : tình thương cha mẹ

- Parallel ['pærəlel] (adj.) : a relationship between two things that exist in different places = song song

- Youth [ju:θ] (n.) : the period of time when sb is young = thời thanh niên; tuổi trẻ

- Cut down on (v.) : make sth smaller or less in size, or price = giảm bớt, cắt bớt (chi tiêu...)

- Expenditure [iks'pendit∫ə] (n.) : the total amount of money that a person spends during a particular period of time = chi phí tiêu dùng


- Announce [ə'nauns] (v.) : to officially tell people about sth = thông báo

- Assistance [ə'sistəns] (n.) : help or support = sự giúp đỡ

- Toll-free [təʊl'fri:] (adj.) : a toll-free telephone call is free for the person making the call= miễn phí

- Line [lain] (n.) : a telephone wire or connection = đường dây điện thoại

- Client ['klaiənt] (n.) : a customer or someone who receives services = khách hàng

- Access ['ækses] (v.) : find information on a computer = truy cập

- Clinic ['klinik] (n.) : a place where medical treatment is given to people who do not need to stay in the hospital = phòng khám chữa bệnh cho bệnh nhân ngoại trú

- Location [lou'kei∫n] (n.) : a particular place = địa điểm

- Concern [kən'sə:n] (n.) : a feeling of worry about sth important = mối quan tâm, lo lắng

- Inform [in'fɔ:m] (v.) : to officially tell or give sb information = cho ai biết về cái gì; nói cho ai biết

Informer [in'fɔ:mə] (n.) : sb who secretly tells the police, the army about criminal activities for money = chỉ điểm, mật thám

- Infer [in'fə:] (v.) : draw a conclusion = suy ra

- Official [ə'fi∫l] (n.) : sb who is in a position of authority in an organization = viên chức, công chức

- Expert ['ekspə:t] (n.) : sb who has a special skill or special knowledge of a subject = nhà chuyên môn; chuyên gia

- Appropriate [ə'proupriət] (adj.) : correct or suitable for a particular time, situation or purpose = thích hợp

- Concentrate ['kɔnsntreit] (v.) : to give attention or efforts towards a particular activity, subject or problem = tập trung


- Audition [ɔ:'di∫n] (n.) : a short performance that an actor, musician, dancer, etc. gives in order to show their ability and suitability for a particular play, film, show, etc. = sự thử giọng (trước khi nhận vào làm diễn viên hát)

- Contract ['kɒntrækt] (n.) : a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself = hợp đồng

- Contestant [kən'testənt] (n.) : someone who competes in a contest = người dự thi

- Participate [pɑ:'tisipeit] (v.) : join, take part in = tham gia

- Renew [ri'nju:] (v.) : increase the life of or replace something old = làm mới, gia hạn

- Loan [loun] (n.) : a sum of money which is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing = tiền cho vay

- Process ['prouses] (n.) : series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result = quá trình; quy trình

- PIN [pin] (n.) : Personal Identification Number = mã số nhận dạng cá nhân

- Social security ['sou∫l si'kjuərəti]: welfare = phúc lợi xã hội

- Generate ['dʒenəreit] (v.) : to cause something to exist = cấp phát, phát ra

- Establish [is'tæbli∫] (v.) : set up = thành lập

- Estimate ['estimeit] (v.) : to guess the cost, size, etc. of something=đánh giá;ước lượng

 Estimated time : thời gian ước lượng

- Politician [,pɒli'ti∫n] (n.) : a member of a government or law-making organization = nhà chính trị; chính khách

- Package ['pækidʒ] (n.) : a parcel = gói hàng, bưu kiện

- Packet ['pækit] (n.) : small paper or cardboard container in which a number of small objects are sold = gói nhỏ

- Taco shell [' tækəʊ ∫el] (n.) : a hard, folded tortilla (= thin flat bread) filled with meat, cheese, etc. and hot spicy sauce = bánh thịt chiên giòn (Mê-hi-cô)

- Tortilla [tɔ:'ti:lə] (n.) : a type of thin round Mexican bread made from maize flour = bánh mì dạng dẹt được làm từ bột bắp có xuất xứ từ Mexico

- Praise [preiz] (v.) : to express admiration or approval=khen ngợi; tán dương

- Ruin [ruin] (v.) : spoil or destroy severely or completely = phá hỏng

- Purchase ['pə:t∫əs] (n.) : the act of buying something = việc mua hàng

- Apology [ə'pɒlədʒi] (n.) : an act of saying sorry = lời tạ lỗi; lời xin lỗi

- Salsa [ə'pɒlədʒi] (n.) : a spicy sauce made from tomatoes, onions and chillies = nước sốt cay

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