Tài liệu Ôn tập Văn phạm Tiếng Anh HỘI ĐỒng bộ MÔn tiếng anh thpt

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A. Introduction :

- Mệnh đề tính từ (Adjective Clauses) hay còn gọi là Mệnh đề liên hệ (Relative Clauses) vì được giới thiệu bởi một Đại từ liên hệ (Relative Pronoun) hay một Trạng từ liên hệ (Relative Adverb).

- Mệnh đề tính từ có chức năng như một tính từ; nghĩa là bổ nghĩa cho một danh từ hay một đại từ và luôn đứng sau danh từ hay đại từ mà nó bổ nghĩa.

Ex : The student who lent me this book is very friendly.

The CD which Helen gave me is very good.

- Mệnh đề tính từ được bắt đầu bằng Đại từ liên hệ : WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT, WHOSE, hay Trạng từ liên hệ : WHERE, WHEN, WHY.


















1. WHO : dùng thay cho tiền từ chỉ người làm chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề liên hệ.

Ex : The boy who sits behind me can speak three languages.

2. WHOM : dùng thay cho tiền từ chỉ người làm tân ngữ trong mệnh đề liên hệ.

Ex : The girl who Scott is speaking to works for the British Airways.

The student whom they are talking about lives in the suburb.

3. WHOSE : dùng khi tiền từ chỉ sở hữu. Sau WHOSE luôn luôn là một danh từ.

Ex : This is the girl whose help is important to you.

The student whose mother is in hospital lives near here.

4. WHICH : dùng thay cho tiền từ chỉ sự việc, sự vật hay con vật.

Ex : The house which has a swimming pool is Diana’s house.

I like the dog which is lying in front of the fire.

They don’t believe the story which Jane told last night.

5. THAT : dùng thay cho tiền từ chỉ cả người, sự vật, sự việc, hay con vật.

Ex : The advice that she gave me was very practical.

The girl that I work with is intelligent.

6. WHERE : được sử dụng khi tiền từ chỉ nơi chốn (= ON/ IN/ AT + WHICH)

Ex : I can’t remember the place where (in which) I put my keys.

7. WHEN : được sử dụng khi tiền từ chỉ thời gian (= ON/ IN/ AT + WHICH)

Ex : Do you remember the day when (on which) the course started ?

8. WHY : được sử dụng khi tiền từ chỉ lý do (= FOR + WHICH)

Ex : I don’t know the reason why (for which) he left his job.

Một số trường hợp cần lưu ý khi dung THAT

1. Các trường hợp KHÔNG sử dụng THAT

a. Sau giới từ :

Ex : The man for whom she is waiting is late.

b. Sau dấu phẩy (trong meänh ñeà lieân heä khoâng xaùc ñònh):

Ex : Can Tho City, which is by Hau Giang River, is beautiful.

2. Các trường hợp sử dụng THAT

a. Khi tiền từ là từ hỗn hợp (vừa chỉ người lẫn vật).

Ex : The girl and the rose that are in the picture are bright.

b. Khi tiền từ có hình thức so sánh nhất.

Ex : The most terrible thing that she fears is fire.

c. Khi tiền từ có số thứ tự.

Ex : The first sweetheart that she can’t forget betrayed her.

d. Khi tiền từ là các đại từ bất định : SOME, ANY, MUCH, NONE, ALL, SOMEONE, NOBODY, EVERYTHING, ANYTHING

Ex : Some people that are rich are proud of themselves.

I’ve never known anyone that is as lovely as our teacher.


Có hai loại mệnh đề liên hệ : Mệnh đề liên hệ xác định (Defining Relative Clauses) và Mệnh đề liên hệ không xác định (Non-Defining Relative Clauses)

1. Defining Relative Clauses (Mệnh đề liên hệ xác định) : là mệnh đề cung cấp thông tin quan trọng và rất cần thiết cho nghĩa của câu. Ta không được bỏ mệnh đề này vì như vậy tiền từ không rõ nghĩa.

Ex : This is the girl who saw the accident.

The hotel which is next to the bookstore has two swimming pools.

2. Non-Defining Relative Clauses (Mệnh đề liên hệ không xác định) : là mệnh đề chỉ cung cấp thêm thông tin về tiền từ. Ta có thể bỏ mệnh đề này mà không ảnh hưởng đến nghĩa của tiền từ vì tiền từ đã được xác định rồi. Mệnh đề này thường được tách khỉ câu bởi dấu phẩy.

Ex : Shakespeare, who wrote Romeo and Juliet, died in 1616.

Mary’s husband, whom I work for, is very kind-hearted.

* Những trường hợp phải sử dụng Mệnh đề liên hệ không xác định.

a. Sau danh từ riêng :

Ex : Love Valley, which is poetic, is in Dalat.

b. Sau sở hữu từ :

Ex : Her sweetheart, who is very handsome, has a sense of humour.

c. Sau chỉ định từ :

Ex : This bicycle, which is old, is mine.

d. Sau các từ chỉ vật duy nhất :

Ex : The universe, which is immense, is unknown to people.

3. Sentence Relative Clause (Mệnh đề liên hệ nối tiếp)

Mệnh đề này được dùng để giải thích, bổ nghĩa cho cả câu đừng trước. Trong trường hợp này chúng ta chỉ dùng Đại từ liên hệ WHICH và dấu phẩy để năgn cách hai mệnh đề. Mệnh đề này luôn đứng ở vị trí cuối câu.

Ex : It rained heavily, which prevented my going out.

Mary refused my invitation, which made me disappointed.


1. Dùng OF + WHICH/ WHOM :

Trong mệnh đề liên hệ, ta thường gặp các từ sau : ALL, MOST, NONE, NEITHER, ANY, SOME, (A) FEW, BOTH, HALF, EACH, ONE, TWO, SEVERAL, MANY, MUCH, ... dùng với cấu trúc này.

Ex : Daisy has two brother, both of whom are teachers.

He asked me a lot of questions, some of which were very difficult.

There were a lot of people at the meeting, few of whom I had met before.

She gave several reasons, only a few of which were valid.

2. Dùng EVER

Đại từ liên hệ ghép với -ever có nghĩa “bất kỳ”.


Ex : Whoever wants to come is welcome.

= Anyone who wants to come is welcome.


Ex : He always says whatever comes into his mind.

= He always says anything that comes into his mind.


Ex : There are four good programmes on TV at 8 o’clock.

We can watch whichever programme you prefer.

= We can watch any of the four programmes that you prefer.


Ex : You may leave whenever you wish.

= You may leave at any time that you wish.


Ex : She can go wherever she wants to go.

= She can go anyplace that she wants to go.

3. Preppositions in Relative Clauses (Dùng giới từ trong Mệnh đề liên hệ)

Ta có thể đặt giới từ trước hoặc sau mệnh đề liên hệ.

Ex : This is the girl whom I told you about.

= This is the girl about whom I told you.

Do you know the guy whom Susan is dancing with ?

= Do you know the guy with whom Susan is dancing ?

4. Có thể bỏ Đại từ liên hệ làm tân ngữ (WHICH, WHOM, THAT) khi không có giới từ đứng trước.

Ex : The CD (which) Helen gave me is very good.

The student (whom) they are talking about lives in the suburb.

5. Reduction of Relative Clauses (Rút gọn Mệnh đề liên hệ)

Mệnh đề liên hệ có thể được rút gọn thành :

a. Cụm Hiện tại phân từ khi Mệnh đề liên hệ mang nghĩa chủ động

Ex : The man who is talking to Jane is handsome.

= The man talking to Jane is handsome.

b. Cụm Quá khứ phân từ khi Mệnh đề liên hệ mang nghĩa bị động

Ex : The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.

= The ideas presented in that book are interesting.

c. Cụm Động từ nguyên mẫu có TO khi Mệnh đề liên hệ đi sau các tiền từ : TIME, ADVICE, THE FIRST, THE LAST, THE VERY, THE ONLY, ...

Ex : The last person that came to the meeting was a doctor.

= The last person to come to the meeting was a doctor.

d. Cụm giới từ

Ex : The books that are on the table are mine.

= The books on the table are mine.
Exercise 1 – Fill in the blanks with relative or relative adverbs. Put commas when they are needed.

1. The street …………… leads to my school is very wide.

2. The man …………… name I didn’t remember is an architect.

3. That was the reason …………… I couldn’t come early.

4. Do you know the girl …………… Tom is talking to ?

5. The novel …………… you need can’t be found in the library.

6. Can you suggest the time …………… we can have another discussion about this problem ?

7. Tell me the countries …………… people drive on the left.

8. Is that the man …………… can help you do this ?

9. This is the year …………… the Olympic Games are held.

10. The hotel …………… we are looking at is the biggest in Ho Chi Minh City.

11. My bike, …… I had left at the gate, had disappeared.

12. The shoes …… I bought were the ones …… I tried on first.

13. The bag in …… the robbers put the money was found later.

14. The medicine …… the doctor gave me had no effect at all.

15. Peter, …… couldn’t see the screen, decided to change his seat.

16. I really liked the tea …… you make me this morning.

17. What was the name of your friend …… tent I borrowed ?

18. The flight …… Joe was leaving on was cancelled.


1. which / that 2. whose 3. why / for which 4. whom / that

5. which / that 6. when / at which 7.where / in which 8. who / that

9. when / in which 10. which / that 11. which 12. which – that

13. which 14. which 15. who 16. which

17. whose 18. which

Exercise 2 – Use the proper relative pronoun or relative adverb to combine each pair of sentences.

1. He was born on the day. His father was away on that day.

- He was born on the day when his father was away.

2. He doesn’t want to sell the house. He was born in this house.

- He doesn’t want to sell the house where he was born.

3. I do not know the reason. She left school for it.

- I do not know the reason why she left school.

4. The taxi driver is friendly. He took me to the airport.

- The taxi driver who took me to the airport is friendly.

5. The meeting was interesting. I went to it yesterday.

- The meeting which I went to yesterday was interesting.

6. This is the bank. We borrowed the money from it.

- This is the bank which we borrowed the money from.

7. I told you about a person. She is at the door.

- The person whom I told you about is at the door.

8. This is the house. My father likes the garden of the house.

- This is the house whose garden / the garden of which my father likes.

9. The teacher punished the student. This student was naughty.

- The student whom the teacher punished was naughty.

10. Laura doesn’t like me. Do you know the reason ?

- Do you know the reason why Laura doesn’t like me ?
Exercise 3 – Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. The man …… is our boss has just come back from Paris.

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

2. The botanists are examining the plants …… were brought from Africa.

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

3. Do you know the hotel …… ?

A. at which she is staying B. where she is staying

C. she is staying at D. all are correct

4. That is the new teacher about …… the students are talking.

A. that B. who C. whose D. whom

5. The subject …… going to discuss is very important.

A. which we are B. which are we C. that we are D. A and C are correct

6. The scientist …… invention was a success became famous.

A. who B. whose C. which D. that

7. I knew some people ……

A. who could help you B. whom could help you

C. whose help could you D. could help you

8. That is the dress ……

A. which made by Mary B. which making by Mary

C. which was made by Mary D. making by Mary

9. The bicycle …… is very modern.

A. I told you about which B. which about I told you

C. about I told you which D. about which I told you

10. Many diseases …… are no longer dangerous today.

A. why people died of year ago B. which people died years ago

C. of that people died years ago D. that people died of years ago

11. Have you made a decision on the day ......?

A. which you will set off B. when you will set off

C. at which you will set off D. where you will set off

12. The road …… is shaded with trees.

A. on which we go to school every day B. at which we go to school every day

C. from which we go to school every day D. which we go to school every day

13. I’m standing at the window ……

A. in which I can see the lake B. where I can see the lake

C. at which I can see the lake D. from which I can see the lake

14. I’ll show you the second hand bookshop ……

A. when you can find valuable old books B. why you can find valuable old books

C. where you can find valuable old books D. which you can find valuable old books

15. Lan’s marriage has been arranged by her family. She is marrying a man ……

A. that she hardly knows him B. whom she hardly knows him

C. she hardly knows D. she hardly knows him

16. Mr. Brown is the landlord …… we rent the house.

A. who B. whom C. from who D. from whom

17. He possesses all …… makes life agreeable.

A. which B. that C. what D. to

18. He always did …… seemed right to him.

A. which B. what C. that D. who

19. A handsome reward will be given to …… finds the missing emerald.

A. who B. anyone C. whom D. whoever

20. I don’t care …… you go or not.

A. where B. when C. why D. whether

21. “Why do you say we are fond of luxuries ?” – “For one thing, the streets of Bangkok are full of private car …… are expensive”.

A. all those B. most of which C. most of what D. almost of them

22. Children …… mothers drink heavily during pregnancy are often born with innate defects.

A. their B. whose C. who have D. who

23. Evening programs have been opened for people …… during the day.

A. whom work B. who work C. who works D. which work

24. This is the painter …… pictures you admire so much.

A. who B. whom C. whose D. which

25. Here is the address to …… you should write.

A. which B. when C. that D. what

26. The only place …… Italian food in Hanoi is in Cao Ba Quat Street.

A. serving B. to serve C. serve D. served

27. It is every man’s responsibility …… as much as he can to the development of his country.

A. contribute B. contributing C. to contribute D. contributed
28. Valentine’s Day, …… from Roman, is now celebrated all over the world.

A. originate B. originating C. to originate D. originated

29. John has just passed the graduation examination, …… makes us surprised.

A. that B. who C. which D. whom

30. My best friend is a doctor …… medical expertise is cancer treatment.

A. whose B. who C. whom D. that



Từ nối (Connectors) thường được dùng để nối từ, cụm từ hoặc mệnh đề.

1. SO (= vì thế)  chỉ kết quả của một việc gì

Ex : - The weather was lovely, so we stayed in the garden.

- I knew I was late so I ran to the station.

2. THEREFORE (= do đó)  chỉ kết quả của một việc gì. THEREFORE thường được đặt sau dấu chấm hoặc chấm phẩy để bắt đầu một mệnh đề hoặc một câu khác. Sau THEREFORE thường dùng dấu phẩy. Có thể đặt THEREFORE sau chủ từ và trước động từ.

- Ngoài ra còn có thể dùng AS A RESULT (= kết quả là) để chỉ kết quả.

Ex : - He failed his driving test the first time. Therefore, he took it again.

- He failed his driving test the first time and he therefore took it again.

- There was thick fog. As a result, our flight was delayed.

3. BUT (= nhưng)  chỉ sự tương phản của hai việc hoặc hai ý. Có thể dùng BUT để nối hai từ, cụm từ hoặc mệnh đề.

Ex : - He was intelligent, but he didn’t pass the exam.

- By the end of the way, we were tired but happy.

Chúng ta cũng dùng ALTHOUGH, THOUGH, EVEN THOUGH để chỉ sự tương phản. Nhưng khi đã nối câu bằng BUT thì không dùng những liên từ kia và ngược lại.

Ex : - He was intelligent, but he didn’t pass the examination.

- Although he was intelligent, he didn’t pass the examination.

Ngoài ra BUT còn được dùng với nghĩa ngoại trừ (= except / apart from)

Ex : - I had no choice but to sign the contract.

- We’ve had nothing but trouble with this car.

4. HOWEVER, NEVERTHELESS (= tuy nhiên)  chỉ sự tương phản, nhưng HOWEVER và NEVERTHELESS thường được đặt sau dấu chấm hoặc dấu chấm phẩy. Sau chúng phải dùng dấu phẩy. Đôi khi HOWEVER củng được đặt giữa câu và được tách khỏi câu bằng hai dấu phẩy.

NONETHELESS cũng được dùng thay cho HOWEVER và NEVERTHELESS.

Ex : - She was feeling bad. However, she went to school and tried to concentrate.

- She was feeling bad; however, she went to school and tried to concentrate.

- She was feeling bad. She went to school, however, and tried to concentrate.

- The problams are not serious. Nevertheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.

Chú ý : Có thể dùng HOWEVER + ADJECTIVE / ADVERB với ý nghĩa “NO MATTER HOW” (=cho dù đến thế nào đi nữa)

Ex : - However cold it is outside, she has the window open.

(No matter how cold it is outside, …)

- However hard he tried, he couldn’t get a promotion.

(No matter how hard he tried, …)

5. WHEN / WHILE / AS (= khi / trong khi)  chỉ thời gian

a. WHEN (= khi)

Ex : - When I came to her house, she made me a cup of tea.

- She was cooking dinner when I came.

b. WHILE (= trong khi)

Ex : - While the old man was crossing the road, a car nearly hit him.

- He was working overtime while his wife was waiting for him at home.

Có thể dùng WHILE hoặc WHEREAS để so sánh hai ý và nhấn mạnh sự khác nhau của chúng.

Ex : - Frank is intelligent and industrious while / whereas his brother, Dick, is slow and rather lazy.

c. AS (= trong khi) : tương tự như WHILE.

Ex : - I bumped my head into the door as I was walking into the room.

- As he was driving home, he was stopped by the traffic police.

Chú ý : AS và SINCE cũng được với nghĩa BECAUSE.

Ex : - As he lives near his office, he always walks to work.

- I’ll go first as I know the way.

- Since she was tired, she refused to go out with us.

- Since he is a married man, he rarely goes out in the evening.

d. ADJECTIVE / ADVERB + AS / THOUGH + SUBJECT + VERB  có thể dùng AS sau tính từ hoặc trạng từ với ý nghĩa như ALTHOUGH.

Ex : - Hot as it was, he was wearing a thick coat.

(Although it was hot, …)

- Tired as we were, we tried to finish work before going home.

(Although we were tired, …)

- Bravely as they fought, they lost the battle.

6. BESIDES / IN ADDITION (TO) (= ngoài ra, hơn nữa). BESIDES và IN ADDITION có thể đứng riêng một mình

Ex : - I don’t really want to go. Besides, it’s too late now.

- This job is interesting. In addition, it provides me with opportunities to go abroad.

Các từ MOREOVER và FURTHERMORE cũng có thể được dùng với nghĩa như BESIDES.

Ex : - I’m not ready to go now. Moreover, it’s raining.

- I haven’t discussed the matter with Mr. Lee. Furthermore, I haven’t contacted him.

Có thể dùng BESIDES và IN ADDITION TO với một danh từ hoặc một V-ing. Trong trường hợp này chúng được xem như là giới từ.

Ex : - My wife and I have a lot of things in common besides music.

- Besides / In addition to working as a teacher, she also plays the violin in an orchestra


a. OTHERWISE (= OR ELSE) : trái lại, ngược lại

Ex : - We must be early, otherwise we won’t get a seat.

- We must be early, or (else) we don’t get a seat.

b. IN CASE : trong trường hợp, phòng khi

Ex : - You should bring more money in case you want to buy something.

- We bought some more food in case our friends came.

Không dùng WILL sau IN CASE. Chỉ dùng thì hiện tại với nghĩa tương lai.

Có thể dùng IN CASE OF + NOUN và JUST IN CASE (= chỉ phòng hờ)

Ex : - In case of fire, you can telephone this number for fire truck.

- I don’t think it will rain, but I’ll take a raincoat just in case.


Ex : - You can use my bike as long as you return it by six o’clock.

- Travelling by car is convenient provided / providing (that) you have somewhere to park.

Khi nói về tương lai, không dùng WILL sau AS LONG AS và PROVIDED ? PROVDING (THAT), chỉ dùng thì hiện tại đơn.

d. NOT ONLY …… BUT ALSO : không những …… mà còn ……

Ex : - She was not only a teacher but also a good writer.

- He not only shouted at me but threatened to hit me.

e. HARDLY …… WHEN …… / NO SOONER …… THAN …… : vừa mới …… thì đã ……

Ex : - He had hardly had dinner when the lights went out.

- He had no sooner earned any money than he spent it all.

EXERCISE 1 – Fill in the blank with BUT, SO, AND, THEREFORE, HOWEVER

1. I want to work as an interpreter in the future, ......, I am studying Russian at university.

2. I am going shopping for food this evening ...... I do not have to go at the weekend.

3. When she got the news from her family, she could not do anything ...... cry.

4. We live in the same building ...... we have hardly seen each other

5. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD ...... the shop didn't have it.

6. Anna needed some money, ......, she took a part-time job.

7. Julie has a guitar ...... she plays it really well.

8. My fingers were injured ...... my sister had to write the note for me.

9. The concert was cancelled ...... we went to a nightclub instead.

10. This is an expensive ...... very useful book.

11. ...... long it takes, I will wait for you.

12. I must say that you have done very well. ......, you should be aware that you still have a lot of thing to learn.

13. He is only sixteen, and ......, he is not eligible to drive a car.

14. Maria tried to read a novel in French ...... the book was too difficult for her to understand.

15. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly, ...... you can ride the ferry.

16. I bought a bottle of wine ...... we drank it together.

17. The waiter was not very nice, ......, the food was delicious.

18. ...... hard he worked, he could earn enough money to support the family.

19. I wanted to give him some money after he helped me with the car ...... he absolutely refused to accept it.

20. Everyone is ready for the discussion, ...... him.


1. therefore 2. so 3. but 4. But 5. but 6. therefore

7. and 8. so 9. so 10. but 11. however 12. however

13. therefore 14. but 15. or 16. and 17. However 18. however

19. but 20. but

EXERCISE 2 – Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

1. My boss is going on vacation next month, …… she’ll be away from the office for about four weeks.

A. in other words B. for instance C. on the other hand D. such as

2. Green vegetables …… cabbage and broccoli are my least favourite food.

A. as well as B. such as C. neither D. in addition

3. English is the language spoken by the people of the USA, Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia. ……, English is one of the international languages of business.

A. Like B. In addition C. On the contrary D. For example

4. We all felt cold, wet and hungry; ……, we were lost.

A. moreover B. for example C. however D. although

5. The kitchen is on the first floor, …… the floor at street level.

A. furthermore B. that is C. for instance D. as a result

6. I dislike one subject in college, ...... German.

A. namely B. such as C. including D. for example

7. …… she felt sleepy, she decided to go to bed early.

A. As B. Although C. Despite D. Because of

8. The report was very sleepy, ...... she decided to go to bed early.

A. unlike B. because C. so that D. so

9. On the one hand, he’s a good salesman, but ……, he can’t work out discounts correctly.

A. in the same way B. as a result C. on the other hand D. in addition

10. …… teaching in a high school, he wrote articles for a magazine.

A. Because of B. Besides C. In spite of D. Therefore

11. It was …… route that we ended up getting lost.

A. a such complicated B. such a complicated C. such complicated D. so complicated

12. …… the football team, our town has a hockey team.

A. In addition B. Also C. Beside D. Besides

13. By the end of the day they were ravenous, as they had eaten nothing …… apples.

A. but B. until C. for D. than

14. We all enjoyed ourselves on vacation, …… the awful weather.

A. nevertheless B. although C. in spite of D. so

15. …… Mark brings the money for our lunch, we’ll go right down to the cafeteria.

A. Since B. As soon as C. Now that D. Until

16. When …… a dictionary, you need to be able to understand the symbols and abbreviations it contains.

A. use B. using C. having used D. to use

17. …… the danger, many people wanted to take part in the expedition.

A. Although B. Because C. Besides D. Despite

18. Bats are fascinating …… have many interesting and amazing qualities.

A. animals. Therefore, they B. animals, they

C. animals. Because they D. animals. They

19. They’re going to Bermuda …… a vacation.

A. about B. with C. to D. for

20. ……, he couldn’t catch up with the leading runner.

A. In spite of he ran fast B. Even though his running fast

C. Fast though he ran D. As fast as he running

21. …… extremely bad weather in the mountains, we’re no longer considering our skiing trip.

A. Since B. Because C. Due to D. Due to the fact that

22. …… my daughter reaches the age of sixteen, she’ll be able to drive.

A. Once B. Since C. Because D. Although

23. My son likes to swim, jog, and …… football.

A. plays B. playing C. play D. to play

24. He wore a false beard …… recognize him.

A. so as not to B. for everyone not C. in order no one to D. so that no one could

25. Jimmy spent …… money buying movie tickets that he didn’t have enough left to buy a soft drink or candy bar.

A. a lot of B. such much C. too much D. so much

26. Great white sharks are dangerous to …… will attack without warning.

A. humans. They B. humans, they

C. humans. Because they D. humans. As long as they

27. She turned out the light …… electricity.

A. not waste B. so not waste C. so not wasting D. so as not to waste

28. ……, they went on walking to the next village.

A. They were hungry B. Hungry as they were

C. Although were hungry D. Despite they were hungry

29. They were …… good roads that we could drive at high speed.

A. so B. such C. such a D. very

30. The ladder wasn’t …… to reach the window.

A. too tall B. enough tall C. so tall D. tall enough

EXERCISE 3 – Complete each sentence using one of the words or phrases from the box. You can use some words more than one.

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