Foreign language department

Participant [pɑ:'tisipənt] (n) : a person who takes part in an activity or an event = người tham gia - Fund

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Participant [pɑ:'tisipənt] (n) : a person who takes part in an activity or an event = người tham gia
- Fund [fʌnd] (v) : to provide money for an activity, organization, event = tài trợ

= Sponsor ['spɔnsə] (v)

Funded organization (n) : tổ chức được tài trợ
- Promote [prə'mout] (v) : to encourage the popularity, sale, development or existence of sth = quảng bá, quảng cáo
- Musicianship [mju:'zi∫n∫ip] (n) : a person's skill in playing a musical instrument or singing = tài hát hoặc chơi một nhạc cụ; tài năng trong âm nhạc
- Outstanding [aut'stændiη] (adj) : extremely good; excellent = nổi bật, đáng chú ý
- Acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] (n) : so you know, but who is not a close friend = người quen
- Trustworthy [ˈtrʌstwɜːði] (adj) : able to be trusted; dependable = đáng tin cậy
- Function ['fʌηk∫n] (n) : special duty of a thing = chức năng
- Scratch [skræt∫] (n) : a mark or cut on the surface of sth = vết xước, vết cắt

- Paintwork [peintwə:k] (n) : the covering/coat of paint on a surface: lớp sơn

- Society [sə'saiəti] (n) : a large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done = xã hội

Social ['sou∫əl] (adj) : relating to society and living together in an organized way: liên quan, thuộc về xã hội

Socially (adv)
Sociable ['sou∫əbl] (adj) : enjoying being with other people; friendly = dễ gần gũi, hoà đồng
- Terror ['terə] (n) : very great fear = sự kinh hoàng; sự khiếp sợ

Terrify ['terifai] (v) : frighten, horrify, scare = làm cho khiếp sợ, làm kinh hãi

Terrible ['terəbl] (adj) : very unpleasant; causing great shock or injury awful, very bad = khủng khiếp; kinh hoàng

Terribly ['terəbli] (adv.) : awfully, very badly, offensively

- Remind [ri'maind] (v) : to help sb to remember sth, especially sth important that he/ she has to do = nhắc nhở
- Participate [pɑ:'tisipeit] (v) : to take part or become involved in sth = tham gia hoặc bị lôi cuốn vào (một hoạt động)
- Excuse sb (from sth) (v) : to free sb from a duty, responsibility, etc. = allow (not) to do sth; miễn cho, tha cho
- Cooperation [kou,ɔpə'rei∫n] (n) : working together with sb else to achieve sth = sự hợp tác, sự cộng tác, sự chung sức
- Violate ['vaiəleit] (v) : Breach; to break a rule, an agreement, etc. = vi phạm, xâm phạm
- Specify ['spesifai] (v) : to say or name sth clearly or in detail = chỉ rõ, ghi rõ, định rõ
- Abolish [ə'bɔli∫] (v) : eliminate, do away with, end a law or system officially = bãi bỏ, huỷ bỏ
- Terminate ['tə:mineit] (v) : to end or to make sth end = kết thúc, chấm dứt
- Cash [kæ∫] (n) : money in the form of coins or notes and not cheques, plastic cards, etc. = tiền, tiền mặt

to cash (v) : to exchange a cheque, traveller’s cheque, etc. for coins and notes = trả tiền mặt, lĩnh tiền mặt

- Annul [ə'nʌl] (v) : to officially announce that something such as a law, agreement, or marriage no longer exists = bỏ, bãi bỏ, huỷ bỏ
- Refund [ri:'fʌnd] (v) : to give back = trả lại, hoàn tiền lại (khi mua hàng, không hài lòng về món hàng đã mua)

 to refund a deposit : trả lại số tiền đặt cọc

- Reimburse [,ri:im’bə:s] (v) : to pay back to so = hoàn lại, trả lại, bồi hoàn (số tiền đã tiêu..)

e.g: I was reimbursed in full : tôi đã được trả lại tiền đầy đủ

- Repay [ri:'pei] (v) : to pay back money that you owe to sb = trả lại, (tiền vay, thiếu nợ), hoàn lại, báo đáp, đền đáp
- Transfer ['trænsfə:] (v) : to officially arrange for sth to belong to, or be controlled by, sb else = chuyển, nhượng, nhường lại, chuyển giao quyền sở hữu (tài sản...)


- Rock climbing [rɔk 'klaimiη] (n) : the sport of climbing rocks and mountains with ropes, etc. = môn leo vách đá

- Weight lifting ['weit'liftiη] (n) : the soprt of lifting heavy weight = môn cử tạ
- Ice-skate ['ais'skeit] (n) : a boot with a thin sharp metal part on the bottom that is used for moving on ice = giày trượt băng
- Put on [put ɔn] (phr. v.) : to cover part of the body with sth (clothes, shoes) / wear = mặc, đội
- Take off [teik ɔ:f] (phr. v.) : to remove sth, especially clothes = bỏ (mũ), cởi (quần áo)
- Sock [sɔk] (n) : a piece of clothing that you wear on your foot and lower leg = vớ ngắn

- Baseball [ˈbeɪsbɔːl (n) : (thể thao) môn bóng chày

- Stadium ['steidiəm] (n) : Arena; a large structure, usually with no roof, where people can sit and watch sport = sân vận động, đường đua
- Injure ['indʒə] (v) : to harm or hurt yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident = làm tổn thương, làm hại
- Regularly ˈreɡjələli] (adv) : habitually, often, frequently, thường xuyên

- Stay in such great shape : giữ vóc dáng đẹp

- Jog ['dʒɔg] (v) : to run slowly, especially as a form of exercise = chạy bộ để luyện tập thân thể

to go jogging

- Instructor [in'strʌktə] (n) : a person whose job is to teach a practical skill or sport = người dạy; huấn luyện viên (= coach, trainer),trợ giáo (đại học)
- Take up : start doing an activity, or a job; bắt đầu làm gì
- Recommend [,rekə'mend] (v) : suggest; introduce = giới thiệu; tiến cử (người, vật...)
- Discount ['diskaunt] (n) : reduction; a lower price than usual; money off = phần tiền được giảm trong giá của cái gì; tiền bớt; tiền trừ
- Referee [,refə'ri:] (n) : a person who is in charge of a game and who makes certain that the rules are followed = trọng tài

(v) : làm trọng tài

- Commit [kə'mit] (v) : to do sth bad or illegal = vi phạm
- Foul [faul] (n) : an action that is against the rules = điều xấu sự đụng, sự chạm, sự va sự vướng mắc vào nhau, trái luật; ăn gian; chơi xấu (bóng đá...)

- Penalty ['penlti] (n) : 1. a punishment, or the usual punishment, for doing something that is against a law hình phạt

2. a punishment for one team and an advantage for the other team because a rule has been broken = cú phạt đền (bóng đá)
- Punishment ['pʌni∫mənt] (n) : the action or way of punishing sb = sự trừng phạt, sự trừng trị
- Gentle ['dʒentl] (adj) : kind, calm, tender, mild = hiền lành, dịu dàng, hoà nhã
- Coach [kout∫] (n) : trainer = huấn luyện viên
- Stand [stænd] (n) : a table or an object that holds or supports sth, often so that people can buy it or look at it = giá, bệ, khung
- Get involved in [in'vɔlvd] : closely connected with sth; taking an active part in sth = để hết tâm trí vào, bị thu hút vào (công việc gì...)
- Session ['se∫n] (n) : a period of time or meeting arranged for a particular activity = buổi (đợt) tập trung cho một hoạt động gì

Training session Đợt tập luyện, đợt huấn luyện
- Assistance [ə'sistəns] (n) : help or support = sự giúp đỡ
- Immediately [i'mi:djətli] (adv.) : at once; without delay = ngay lập tức, tức thì
- Catch up on sth (v) : to spend time doing sth that you have not been able to do for some time = dành thời gian để làm gì đó để bù lại
- Scarcely ['skeəsli] (adv.) : only just, almost not = hầu như không
- Hunt [hʌnt] (v) : chase, pursue : săn, rượt bắt

(n) : sự đi săn cuộc lùng sục, cuộc tìm kiếm

- Maintain [mein'tein] (v) : to make sth continue at the same level, standard, etc. = giữ cho cái gì khỏi gián đoạn; duy trì

- In a row : one after another; without a break = liên tiếp

- Try-out ['trai'aut] (n) : a test to see how useful or effective something or someone is = sự thử; sự kiểm tra tính chất, sự kiểm tra tính hiệu quả của một người hoặc một vật
- Keep it up : to continue doing sth = tiếp tục, duy trì
- Competitive [kəm'petitiv] (adj) : able to be as successful as or more successful than others = cạnh tranh, đua tranh

Competition [,kɔmpi'ti∫n] (n) : contest ; an organized event in which people try to win sth = sự đua tranh giữa nhiều người; sự cạnh tranh, cuộc thi, cuộc tranh tài

Competitor [kəm'petitə] (n) : a person or organization that is competing against others = người cạnh tranh; đấu thủ, đối thủ / contestant
- Burn-out [bə:n] (n) : extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much = sự kiệt sức (do làm việc nhiều)

Burnt out (adj) : kiệt sức, fatigued, exhausted

- Strategic [strə:’tidʒik] (adj) : helping you to achieve a plan; giving you an advantage = ( thuộc) chiến lược; đem lại lợi thế cho một mục đích nào đó

Strategically (adv)
- Score [skɔ:] (v) : win, get points, goals, etc. in a game, competition, exam, etc. = ghi bàn
- Goal keeper ['goulki:pə] (n) : in football, hockey, etc.) the player who stands in front of the goal and tries to stop the other team from scoring = thủ môn
- Striker ['straikə] (n) : a player whose job is to score goals = tiền đạo
- Pace [pes] (n) : speed, step; nhịp độ, tốc độ, tiến độ

Keep up the pace : Theo kịp nhịp độ (trận đấu…)
- Captain ['kæptin] (n) : a person who is the leader of a group or team = đội trưởng, thủ quân

- Rumor ['ru:mə] (n) : a piece of news or information that many people are talking about, but that is possibly not true = tin đồn, lời đồn

- Distract [dis'trækt] (v) : to take sb’s attention away from sth = làm sao lãng
- Alter ['ɔ:ltə] (v) : to slightly change sth; to make sth different in some way, but without changing it completely; to become different = thay đổi, biến đổi
- Co-ed ['kou'ed] : including students of both sexes = gồm cả nam

Co-education : lẫn nữ

Co-educational school : trường nam nữ học chung
- Check out [t∫ek aut] (phr. v.) : Examine; to find out more information about sb/ sth, especially to find out if sth is true or not

Kiểm tra kỹ

- Native ['neitiv] (n) : a person who was born in a particular place = người địa phương, bản xứ
- Beat [bi:t] (v) : to defeat sb; to be better than sth = đánh bại, thắng, vượt hơn
- Remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl] (adj.) : unusual or special and therefore surprising and

Remarkably (adv) worth mentioning; extraordinary = đáng chú ý, khác thường, xuất sắc; đặc biệt, ngoại lệ
- Champion ['t∫æmpjən] (n) : to support or fight for a particular group or idea = người vô địch, nhà quán quân
- Neighborhood ['neibəhud] (n) : the area of a town that surrounds someone's home, or the people who live in this area = hàng xóm; vùng lân cận
- Boot [bu:t] (n) : a type of shoe that covers your foot completely and sometimes part of your leg = giày ống
- Mud [mʌd] (n) : soft, wet earth = bùn
- Option ['ɔp∫n] (n) : alternative, choice; sth that you can choose to do; the freedom to choose = sự chọn lựa, quyền lựa chọn

- Overall ['ouvərɔ:l] (adv.) : generally; on the whole; taken as a whole = nhìn tòan bộ, nói chung

- Favor ['feivə] (v) : to support sb/ sth; to prefer, thích hơn

- Awesome ['ɔ:səm] (adj) : - impressive and sometimes frightening =

đáng kinh sợ; làm khiếp sợ; làm kinh hoàng,

- very good; excellent = tuyệt

- Urban ['ə:bən] (adj) : connected with a town or city = (thuộc) thành phố; ở thành phố ≠ rural
- Skateboarding ['skeit,bɔ:diη] (n) : a sport of riding a skateboard, a flat narrow board with two small wheels under each end: môn trượt ván
- Stuff ['stʌf] (n) : used to refer to sth without using its name = thứ; món; đồ đạc
- Vote [vout] (n) : a formal choice in an election or at a meeting, which you show by holding up your hand or writing on a piece of paper = sự bầu cử; lá phiếu
- Unfit [ʌn'fit] (adj) : out of shape; unhealthy; not in good physical health, especially because you do not get enough exercise = không khỏe mạnh
- Appeal to sth [ə'pi:l] (v) : to interest or attract sb = hấp dẫn; lôi cuốn
- Propose [prə'pouz] (v) : to formally suggest sth = đề nghị, đề xuất

Proposal [prə'pouzl] (n) : formal suggestion = sự đề nghị, sự đề xuất

- Curriculum [kə'rikjuləm] (n) : the group of subjects studied in a school, college, etc = chương trình giảng dạy.

- Dough [dəʊ] (n) : flour mixed with water and often yeast, fat or sugar so that it is ready for baking: bột (đã nhào) để làm bánh

- Flour [ˈflaʊə(r)] (n) : powder made from grain, especially wheat, used for making bread, cakes, pasta, pastry, etc. Bột (thường là bột mỳ)

- Yeast [jiːst] (n) : a type of fungus used in making beer and wine Men (để làm rượu, bánh)
- Activate ˈæktɪveɪt(v) : cause sth to start, kích hoạt, làm cho hoạt động, làm cho phản ứng (hoá học) xãy ra.

- Rise raɪz] (v) : move upwards, get bigger, nổi, to ra

- Set sth aside : để/dẹp (cái gì) qua một bên (không chú ý đến);

ủ bột làm bánh.

- Be worth (the wait) / Be useful (to wait) : Đáng công (chờ đợi)
- Temporal [ˈtempərəl] (adj) : relating to time, chronological: (thuộc) thời gian.

relating to practical matters or material things, rather than spiritual ones/(thuộc) trần tục, thế tục.

- Temporary ˈtemprəri] (adj) : not lasting or needed for very long: tạm thời
- Contemporary kənˈtemprəri (adj) : - existing now / đương thời;

- of same period / cùng thời

- Considerate [kənˈsɪdərət] (adj) : kind and helpful, thoughtful, ân cần, chu đáo

- Considerable [kənˈsɪdərəbl (adj)  large or of noticeable importance, much / nhiều, đáng kể đến


- Wage [weɪdʒ] (v) : fight a war / tiến hành một cuộc chiến tranh

- Plate [pleɪt] (n) : dish, (cái) dĩa
- Spoon [spuːn] (n) : cái muỗng

- Fork [fɔːk] (n) : cái nĩa

- Result [ri:'zʌlt] (n) : the effect or outcome of sth = kết quả
- Evidence ['evidəns] (n) : Proof; information that gives a strong reason for believing sth or proves sth = bằng chứng
- Effort ['efət] (n) : Attempt; the use of much physical or mental energy to do sth = sự cố gắng/ nổ lực
- Conference [′kɒnf(ə)rəns] (n) : a large meeting, often lasting a few days = hội nghị
- Employer [ɪm′plɔɪə] (n) : a person, company, or organization that pays so to work for them as a member of their staff = nhà tuyển dụng / boss

Employee [emplɔɪˈi] (n) : so who is paid regularly to work for a person or an organization = nhân viên

- Prohibit [prəʊˈhɪbɪt] (v) : to officially stop sth from being done, especially by making it illegal = cấm

- Finish [′fɪnɪʃ] (v) : to do the last part of sth so that it is complete = làm xong

e.g.: I’ve nearly finished my work.

Finish (n) : the end of sth = đích (đến)

e.g.: There were several close finishes during the competition.

Finished (adj) : sth that is finished has been completed = xong việc

e.g.: I’m not finished with you.

 to finish doing sth

e.g.: She finished studying about ten.
- Vegetarian [vedʒə′teəriən] (n) : so who chooses not to eat meat or fish = người ăn chay

Vegetarian (adj) : relating to or intended for vegetarians = cho người ăn chay

e.g.: a vegetarian diet/​cookbook/​ restaurant
- Afford [ə′fɔː(r)d] (v) : to have enough money (time, space, etc.) for a particular purpose = có khả năng chi trả

e.g.: We need a bigger house, but we just can’t afford the rent.

 to afford to do sth

e.g.: The company simply cannot afford to pay overtime.

- Nutritionist [njuˈtrɪʃənɪst] (n) : an expert on the subject of nutrition:

Chuyên gia dinh dưỡng

- Recommend [rekə′mend] (v) : to advise so that they should do sth = khuyên

e.g.: I recommend that you buy a more powerful computer.

 to recommend doing sth

e.g.: We recommend booking early, as this is a popular event.

- Risk [rsk] (n) : the possibility of something bad happening/ rủi ro  at risk: in danger gặp nguy hiểm

(v) : liều, mạo hiểm làm việc gì

- Sugary ˈʃʊɡəri] (a) : containing sugar, có (chất) đường; ngọt

Sugary snacks (n) : thức ăn nhanh ngọt (bánh, kẹo)

- Rot [rɒt] (v) : decompose, decay: mục ruỗng, hư thối
- Fatty foods : những loại thức ăn có nhiều dầu mỡ, béo
- Ingredient [ɪn′gri:diənt] (n) : element, component, part; one of the things from which sth is made = thành phần
- Recipe [′respi] (n) : a set of instructions for cooking or preparing a

e.g.: a recipe for apple pie particular food, formula, method = công thức nấu ăn

- The Globe [ɡləʊb] (n) : the world, thế giới

Global (adj)  global warming : việc trái đất nóng lên

- Set Free : release, turn loose, let out, thả, phóng thích
- Discrepancy [dɪsˈkrepənsi] (n) : [C,U] difference between things that should be the same = sự trái ngược

e.g.: a discrepancy between estimated and actual spending

There were some discrepancies in the statement he gave to police
- Appreciate [ə′pri:ʃieɪt] (v) : to recognize or understand that something is valuable, important or as described = đánh giá cao, coi trọng, cảm kích

Appreciation [ə pri:ʃi′eɪʃ(ə)n] (n) : the feeling you have when you are grateful to so = sự đánh giá cao, cảm kích

e.g.: This is just a small token of our appreciation
- Garlic [′gɑː(r)lɪk] (n) : [U] a round white vegetable with small sections called cloves which you add to food for a strong pleasant flavor. The whole garlic is called a bulb = tỏi

Garlicky [gɑː(r)lɪki] (adj) : smelling or tasting of garlic = có mùi vị tỏi

e.g.: garlicky breath / food
- Parmesan cheese

[′pɑːmɪzæn tʃi:z] (n) : a hard Italian cheese with a strong flavour, often used on pasta = pho-mai cứng của Ý

- Spaghetti [spə′geti] (n) : [U] a type of pasta in the form of long thin pieces like string = mì sợi
- Go off (Phr.v) : leave
- Live off/on (Phr.v) : (of a person) eat, or seem to eat, only (a particular type of food) chỉ ăn một loại thức ăn
- Instant noodles [instn ′nu:d(ə)lz] (n) : a type of pasta in the form of long thin pieces that cook quickly = mì ăn liền
- Sophomore [′sɒfəmɔː] (n) : a student in the second year of a US college or high school = sinh viên năm thứ hai
- Fortify (v) : to add a substance to food or drink to make it stronger or healthier = tăng cường

e.g.: All of our cereals are fortified with extra vitamins and minerals.

- Appetite [′æpətaɪt] (n) : the natural feeling of wanting to eat = sự ngon miệng

e.g.: a child with a healthy appetite

The symptoms include fever and loss of appetite

All that fresh air and exercise has given me an appetite

Appetizer [′æpətaɪzə(r)] (n) : a food that you eat before the main part of a meal = món khai vị / starter

e.g.: Small savory biscuits provide a simple appetizer

Appetizing [′æpətaɪzɪŋ] (adj) : stimulating an appetite, esp. for food = kích thích sự ngon miệng, tasty, delicious

e.g.: appetizing food smells or looks very good

- Reject [rɪˈdʒekt (v) : refuse, discard, bác bỏ

- Allot [ə′lɒt] (v) : give, allocate, assign, distribute

= phân chia, chia phần

e.g.: We did the work within the time they’d allotted us.

Allotment [ə′lɒtmənt] (n) : 1. sự phân chia, phân phối / distribution

2. a small piece of land in a town that you can rent and use for growing vegetables = mảnh đất trồng rau

- First come, first served : Ai tới trước thì được / Nhanh tay thì còn

- Eventually [ɪˈventʃuəli] (adv) : finally, ultimately, cuối cùng

- Mayonnaise [′meɪəneɪz] (n) : a thick white sauce made from egg yolks and oil, eaten especially with salads and cold food = xốt ma-i-on-ne
- Deliver [dɪˈlɪvə(r)] (v) : to take sth, especially goods or letters, to a place = giao hàng

e.g.: The package was delivered this morning.

Delivery [dɪˈlɪv(ə)ri] (n) : [C, U] the process of bringing goods or letters to a place = sự giao hàng

e.g.: Please allow ten days for delivery

They haven’t made regular deliveries for a week.
- Run (v) : manage, to be in control of / quản lý, điều hành
- Complain [kəm′pleɪn] (v) : to say that you are not satisfied with sth = than phiền

e.g.: ‘It’s far too hot,’ she complained.

Complaint [kəm′pleɪnt] (n) : a written or spoken statement in which sb says they are not satisfied with sth = sự than phiền

e.g.: I intend to make a complaint

- Vending machine [′vendɪŋ məʃi:n] (n) : a machine that you can buy things from, for example cigarettes, sweets, or drinks = máy bán hàng
- Merchant [′mɜː(r)tʃ(ə)nt] (n) : a person or business that buys and sells goods, especially one that trades with other countries = thương gia

e.g.: a coal merchant / a wine merchant / an import-export merchant

- Corridor [′kɒrɪdɔː(r)] (n) : a long passage inside a building with doors on each side = hành lang

- Transact [trænˈzækt] (v) : do and complete a business activity: giao dịch

Transaction (n) : sự, cuộc giao dịch
- Toffee ˈtɒfi] (n) : a hard, chewy, often brown sweet that is made from sugar boiled with butter: kẹo bơ cứng

- Crunch [krʌntʃ] (v) : nghiền, nhai lạo xạo

(n) : tiếng lạo xạo khi nhai thức ăn giòn

Crunchy (adj) : (thức ăn) giòn

- Muffin ˈmʌfɪn  (n) : a small sweet cake that often has fruit inside it

Bánh muffin


- Baguette [bæˈɡet] (n) : French stick; a long thin white loaf of bread, of a type which originally came from France: bánh mì kiểu Pháp

- Raspberry ˈrɑːzbəri] (n) : (cây) quả mâm xôi
- Flavor ˈfleɪvə(r)] (n) : hương vị
- Limitless ˈlɪmɪtləs] (adj) : unlimited, infinite, không giới hạn
- Taste test (n) : cuộc thi nếm thức ăn

- Blindfold ˈblaɪndfəʊld] (n) : a strip of cloth which covers someone's eyes and stops them from seeing: dãi băng bịt mắt

(v) : Bịt mắt

- Rinse out [rɪns] (v) : to use water to clean/ dùng nước để xả (quần áo), hay súc miệng

- Infant [ˈɪnfənt] (n) : baby, very young child, trẻ nhỏ


- Preoccupied [priˈɒkjupaɪd] (adj) : thinking or worrying about something too much;

Worried, anxious, bận tâm, lo lắng
- Survey [ˈsɜːveɪ] (n) : an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions: cuộc khảo sát, điều tra
(v) : to ask people questions in order to find out about their opinions or behaviour: khảo sát, điều tra
- Handset (n) : - receiver, ống nghe điện thoại

- mobile phone, cellphone, cellular phone,

điện thoại di động
- Urgent [ˈɜːdʒənt] (adj) : needing attention very soon, especially before anything else, because important / rất cần, gấp


- Gauge [geidʒ] (n) : a device that measures the amount or quantity of sth = máy đo

- Tank [tæηk] (n) : a large container for holding liquid or gas = thùng, két, bể….
- Square-shaped ['skweə'∫eipt] (adj) : shaped like a square = có hình vuông
- Blanket ['blæηkit] (n) : a flat cover made of wool or warm material, usually used on a bed = cái mền (chăn)
- Astronaut ['æstrənɔ:t] (n) : spaceman = phi hành gia
- Take off [teik ɔ:f] (v) : to leave the ground and start flying = cất cánh

# Land [lænd] (v) : arrive after a journey = hạ cánh

- Microscope ['maikrəskoup] (n) : a scientific instrument which makes very small objects look bigger so that more detail can be seen = kính hiển vi
- Calculator ['kælkjuleitə] (n) : a small electronic device that is used for doing calculations = máy tính

- Puffer fish ['pʌfə fi∫] (n) : cá nóc

- Planet ['plænit] (n) : a large, round object in space that moves around a star = hành tinh
- Earth [ə:θ] (n) : the planet on which we live = Trái Đất
- Chemical ['kemikl] (n) : a substance that is used in a chemical process or made by a chemical process = hóa chất
- Telescope ['teliskoup] (n) : a long instrument shaped like a tube. It has lenses inside it that make distant things seem larger and nearer when you look through it = kính viễn vọng
- Journal ['dʒə:nl] (n) : a magazine, especially one that deals with a specialized subject = báo, tạp chí chuyên đề
- Physics ['fiziks] (n) : the science of matter and energy and their interactions = vật lý học

Physicist ['fiziksst] (n) : nhà vật lý học

Physician [fɪˈzɪʃn] (n) : medical doctor / bác sỹ (đa khoa)

- Damage ['dæmidʒ] (v) : break something, spoil it physically, or stop it from working properly = làm tổn thương

 Cause/ do serious damage (v) : gây tổn thương nghiêm trọng

- Goggles ['gɔglz] (n) : a pair of glasses that fit closely to the face to protect the eyes from wind, dust, water, etc. = kính bảo hộ
- Biology [bai'ɔlədʒi] (n) : the scientific study of the natural processes of living things = sinh vật học
- Worm [wə:m] (n) : a small animal with a long thin body, no bones and no legs = con sâu, con trùng, giun
- Dissect [dɪˈsekt] [daɪˈsekt] (v) : to cut open something, especially a dead body or a plant, and study its structure: Mổ xẻ

- Experiment [ɪkˈsperɪmənt] (n) : a test done in order to learn something or to discover whether something works or is true: cuộc thí nghiệm

Experiment (v) : làm thí nghiệm
- Frankly ['fræηkli] (adv.) : honestly = một cách thành thật

 Frankly = to be honest / to tell the truth = thành thật mà nói…./ thật lòng mà nói….

- Pretty ['priti] (adv.) : quite, rather = khá, vừa phải
- Disgusting [dis'gʌstiη] (adj) : extremely unpleasant = ghê tởm, kinh tởm
- Right [rait] (n) : an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature = quyền
- Observatory [əb'zɜ:vətri] (n) : a building with a large telescope from which scientists study things such as the planets by watching them = đài thiên văn, đài quan sát

Observe [ə'bzə:v] (v) : watch carefully = quan sát, theo dõi

- Astronomy [əs'trɔnəmi] (n) : the scientific study of the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space = thiên văn học

Astronomer [əs'trɔnəmə] (n) : a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space = nhà thiên văn học

- Giant ['dʒaiənt] (adj) : enormous; huge, gigantic = khổng lồ
- Accustom [ə'kʌstəm] (v) : get used to; become familiar with: làm quen với
- Earthquake ['ə:θkweik] (n) : a shaking of the ground caused by movement of the Earth's crust = động đất
- Precisely [pri'saisli] (adv.) : accurately and exactly = một cách chính xác
- Fantastic [fæn'tæstik] (adj) : wonderful, great = tuyệt vời
- Satisfy ['sætisfai] (v) : please, make happy or satisfied = làm hài lòng
- Burst into tears [bə:st 'intə tiə] (v) : cry = bật khóc
- Sob [sɔb] (v) : weep, shed tears; cry in a noisy way, breathing in short breaths = nức nở
- Pour [pɔ:] (v) : cause to flow, empty = đổ ra (nước…)

- Community service

[kə'mju:niti 'sə:vis] : work that people do to help other people without payment = phục vụ cộng đồng
- Space probe ['speɪs prəʊb] (n) : tàu thăm dò vũ trụ (không người lái)
- Vanish ['væni∫] (v) : disappear, evaporate, fade away = biến mất
- Access ['ækses] (v) : enter; obtain or retrieve from a storage device = truy cập
- Log out [lɔg aut] (v) : finish using the system by typing a particular command = thoát (mạng…)
- Actively ['æktivli] (adv.) : in an active manner; energetically, enthusiastically = tích cực, hăng hái
- Promote [prəˈməʊt] (v) : help or encourage sth to happen, increase, or spread = đẩy mạnh, thúc đẩy
- Encourage [in'kʌridʒ] (v) : give so confidence = khích lệ, động viên
- Volunteer [,vɔlən'tiə] (n) : so who does work without being paid for it, because they want to do it = tình nguyện viên
- Medication [,medi'kei∫n] (n) : a medicine, or a set of medicines or drugs used to improve a particular condition or illness = thuốc; (một) liều thuốc
- Psychology [sai'kɔlədʒi] (n) : the scientific study of the human mind and the reasons for people's behaviour = tâm lý học

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