English and vietnamese chat language

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu03.11.2017
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Instructor : Nguyễn Ngọc Vũ, Ph.D.

Student : Phạm Thế Vinh

Class: 4B07

A. Chat language introduction

Chat language appears when the Internet becomes popular all over the world. It is described as the result of the worldwide impact of Internet and Cosmopolitan culture. It refers to the whole range of abbreviations and smileys which have become an integral part of the process of chatting.

Nowadays, chat language is one of the most commonly used medium of communication amongst the adolescents. In fact, it is most prevalently utilized by the people living in big cities where Internet is available. The usefulness of chat language is well illustrated by the overwhelming acceptance of the language. Chat language has simplified and speeded up the process of transmitting messages. We can make use of this short and sweet chat language to aptly convey our thought and feelings to our dear ones through instant messaging, and social networking websites. Actually, a smiley also enhances the look of the messages, thereby, expressing your feelings properly. Chat Language proves to be less time consuming.

In order to make full advantage of the chat language efficiently, we need to learn the short forms and smileys properly. A chat dictionary also provides us with an entire list of abbreviations that are used in chat and are easy to remember.

However, is chat language negative or positive? This question is still under debate on the world.

B. Vietnamese chat language
I. The origin of forming Vietnamese chat language
1. Dialect factors

In daily communication, we can easily realize where people come from through their accent. However, it is difficult for us to know strange people’s backgrounds when conversing with them in a chat room on the Internet. We are able to base on their writing to realize them because chatters from three dialect regions write in many different styles. Everyone comes to use certain types of grammatical construction, slang, jargon, or abbreviations. This has a huge effect on forming Vietnamese chat language.

a. Northern dialect

Northerners often pronounce some initial consonants incorrectly in some following popular cases.



“d”  “dz”

có duyên  có dziên

“gi”  “z”

“gi”  “w”

giải nhất  zải nhất

quyết thắng  wuyết thắng

“l”  “n”

làm việc  nàm việc

“n”  “l”

núi  lúi

“l”  “nh”

lớn  nhớn

“th”  “x”

thương em  xương em

“tr”  “gi”, “z”

con trai  con giai, zai

“v”  “z”

mời vô  mời zô

b. Central dialect

Central dialect comprises north-central provinces, stretching from Thanh Hoa to Hai Van mountain pass. It is divided into three small dialect regions: Thanh Hoa, Nghe Tinh and Binh Tri Thien.




“a”  “e”

“a”  “oa”

tại sao  tại seo

ngã ba  ngẽ boa

Quang Ngai

“a”  “ae”

ngã ba  ngaẽ bae

Phu Yen

“ă”  “e”

đẹp lắm  đẹp lém

Quang Nam

“ai”  “ưa”

Quảng Ngãi  Quảng Ngữa

Quang Ngai

“iêu”  “iu”

hiểu  hỉu

Quang Ngai

“o”  “oa”

cho nó  choa nóa

“ô”  “u”

xong rồi  xong rùi

“nh”  “ng”

anh à  eng à

Phu Yen

“ɂ”  “~”

chẳng  chẵng

“~”  “ɂ”

cũng  củn


“~”  “•”

đi Mĩ  đi Mị

Binh Tri Thien

c. Southern dialect

Southern dialect spreads from Hai Van mountain pass to Ca Mau province. It includes the western dialect (Kieng Giang, Rach Gia…) and the eastern dialect (Cu Chi, Tay Ninh…).



“a”  “ơ”

ngày mai  ngày mơi

“â”  “ư”

thứ nhất  thứ nhứt

“ê”  “ia”

“ê”  “i”

đi về  đi dìa

thêm  thim

“oe”  “e”

lòe loẹt  lè lẹt

“ô”  “u”

tôi  tui

“ươ”  “ơ”

“ươu”  “u”

bươm bướm  bơm bớm

con hươu  con hu

“kh”  “h”

đẹp không  đẹp hông

“n”  “ng”

“n”  “nh”

con lươn  con lương

nhà in  nhà inh

“r”  “g”

xong rồi  xong gồi

“th”  “h”

thôi đi  hôi đi

“tr”  “ch”

trời ơi  chời ơi

“uê”  “ê”

thuê  thê

“v”  “d”

vớt vát  dớt dát

“y”  “i”

trò chuyện  trò chiện

2. Psychological factors
a. The need for fast communication

Although chat language is non-standard, the youth of today still use it widely. This can be explained by psychological factors.

The majority of Vietnamese high school students are not good at using diacritical marks on a computer keyboard, so they seldom use them when sending e-mails or chatting on the Internet. However, in order to avoid misunderstanding, they use a set of marks available on the keyboard. For example: công chúa  co^ng chu’a; thế giới  the^’ gio*’i.

The creative writing style also results from the fast growing communication need. As a consequence, instead of writing “không”, “phải”, “quá”, “buồn” they write “hông”, “fải”, “wá”, “bùn”. This way is as well applied for sending cellphone messages. On a cellphone keyboard, we have three-letter combinations such as “jkl”, “ghi” and so on. It will be faster if they press “j” (one time) instead of “i” (three times) (hài hải ngoại  hàj hảj ngoạj). It gradually becomes their habit and is popularly used on computer and cellphone.

b. The need for expressing feelings

Through language chat, the youth can employ a variety of forms to express their feelings and personalities. When looking at dialogues on the Internet, we often meet writing styles such as “thôi”  “thôy”, “suy nghĩ”  “suy ngĩ”, “khuây khỏa”  “kuây kỏa”, ect. Their main purpose is to invent “de-aumatization” of the writing, not to save time.

Besides, we also find “rồi”  “gồi”, “thôi”  “hôi”, “chết”  “chít” and so on. The style of writing mimics children’s voice. It is likely that they both want to renew their style and express childish feelings: mischievous, angry, natural.

In addition, we notice that chatters usually turn “b” into “p” (“bó tay”  “pó tay”), and “c” into “k” (con người  kon người). On the one hand “k” and “c” has the same sound, but on the other, this change is aimed at impressing and making readers feel funny, pleasant to hear. It is explained that the teenagers imitate the accent of the Chinese, who live in Vietnam, especially in Cho Lon area. We still often hear some Chinese salespeople cry “pánh pao chỉ lê…”.

Moreover, chatters reduce letters such as “anh yêu em”  “anh iu em”, “buồn quá”  “bùn wá”, “không biết”  “hẻm bít”, “vậy hả”  “zị hả”, ect. It is said that these variants sound gentler, easier, and friendlier. Chatters probably wish to express their emotions and characters, and create a humorous, jolly, and youthful atmosphere when communicating.

Last but not least, while conversing on the Internet, chatters also use emoticons to manifest plenty of different states of emotion. These symbols are generally regarded as “non-verbal language”. They help chatters not only save time but also easily express their feelings during conversation. Emoticons are very characteristic and meaningful to chat language.

In conclusion, chat language is employed by most of the young people who often have a number of psychological changes. They utilize chat language as a means of proving their role, position and competence during the maturity stage. One remarkeable point is that chatters deliberately commit pronouncing errors in order to create their own unique and queer language. There are many cases which linguists and chatters themselves can not explain why they write such words.
II. The basic variants in Vietnamese language chat

Besides the effect of regional dialect, chatters still use different variants in language chat.

1. Letter reduction




gươm  gưm


buồn bùn


được  đc


thương  thg


mình đây  mìn đây


vở tuồng  vở tuồn


trông  trôg


lòng  lòg


thuê  thê

2. Interjection added

Chatters usally utilize interjections to express their feelings such as hic hic, huhu (sad), haha, kaka, ke ke, ac ac, hix hix, hehe (happy), uhm, uh hah, wow (surprised)... In addition, they also use epigrams. For instance:

Ác như con tê giác

Bán muối trên trên chuối

Bóng ma trên cây đa

Buồn như con chuồn chuồn

Bực như con mực

Chán như con gián

Chuyện nhỏ như con thỏ

Công chúa đi tuốt lúa

Cướp trên dàn mướp

Dân chơi không sợ mưa rơi

Dẹp lép như con tép

Dở hơi lại không biết bơi

Đầu to mà óc như trái nho

Đói như con chó sói

Đuối như trái chuối

Hâm như cái mâm

Hôn nhau trên cây cao

Keo như con heo

Khóc như con sóc

Khổ như con hổ

La cà như con gà

Lạnh lùng như con thạch sùng

Láo như con cáo

Lâu như con trâu

Lông bông như con công

Lùng bùng như cái mùng

Màu mè như con tắc kè

Nghèo như con cá kèo

Ngu như cái xe lu

Nhí nhảnh như con cá cảnh

Nhỏ như con thỏ

Nhục như con trùng trục

Nó xấu nhưng cấu hình nó xinh

Ông vua đi bán cà chua

Ồn như con chồn

Rùa như cái chùa

Sến như con hến ở dưới bến

Thằng điên trong công viên

Thô bỉ như con khỉ

Từ từ cháu cũng nhừ

Xấu như con gấu

Xinh như con tinh tinh

Yêu thì ốm – ôm thì yếu

These interjections and epigrams are created by rhyming words which make listeners pleasant to hear, easy to remmeber. Moreover, they are very suitable for the young style although they sounds facile and indifferent.

3. Abbreviation

In order to communicate faster, chatters use abbreviations by keeping initials or changing phonology. However, this way is only applied to popular words which are understood by chatters. Nowadays, abbreviations is numerously used on the Internet.

a. Keep initials.






“e”, “m”

Hà Nội



“o”, “ko”, “k”, “kh”, “kg”, …

Long An


luôn luôn


mối quan hệ


mối liên hệ


như thế nào


sinh nhật


thời gian


tin nhắn


tình yêu


trung tâm


trung ương


ví dụ


b. Phonological change




“@ da heo chấm cơm”


“a”, “n”

bây giờ

“bi h”

biết rồi

“bit rui”



ghê gớm

“ghê gúm”


lớp 8 mình

“lép 8 mìn”

mấy bạn

“mí u”



ngôn ngữ








thích lắm

“thix lém”



yêu dấu

“iu zấu”

4. Use symbols

While chatting on the internet or writing, the Vietnamese use symbols very often to save the time. For example:







đến, tới



lớn hơn




nhỏ hơn




phát triển

phần trăm


song song




tồn tại






5. Use of foreign languages

a. Keep the whole word

This is a combination of using English alternately. Chatters often take full advantage of the most familiar and simple words with the same meaning. This phenomenon is now very popular in chat rooms on the Internet such as anyway (dù sao đi nữa), bad (xấu), beer (bia), blog (trang cá nhân), dad (tiếng gọi cha thân mật), film (phim), good (tốt), free (tự do), if (nếu), level (cấp độ), lonely (cô đơn), mom (tiếng gọi mẹ thân mật), money (tiền), problem (vấn đề), reset (cài lại), shopping (mua sắm), small (nhỏ), tall (cao), thanks (cảm ơn), tea (trà), today (hôm nay), virus (virut)…

Today đi ko đc rùi, mom kó o nhà. Chán wá, ko đc free tí nào. Chắc phải lủi thủi vào blog wá! …hic hic hic… lonely wá! >>>_ _<<<

 Hôm nay đi không được rồi, mẹ có ở nhà. Chán quá, không được tự do tí nào. Chắc phải lủi thủi vào blog quá! …hic hic hic… (từ diễn tả tiếng khóc) cô đơn quá! >>>_ _<<<

b. Utilize variant

While conversing, chatters also show up their inspirational creativity by transcribing foreign words. For example:


Phonetic transcription




“bớt đê”


“còm men”





love you forever

“lớp dzu phò ré vờ”






“xì-tin”, “xì-tây”

thank you

“thanh kiu”

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