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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu12.09.2017
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2. Aims of the study

This study - A contrastive analysis of the meanings expressed via the modals can, may, must in English and the equivalent expressions in Vietnamese – is focused on investigating the semantic analysis of modal meanings expressed by can, may, must in English and their equivalents in Vietnamese. It is aimed at:

- studying some preliminaries and features of modal auxiliaries in English and in Vietnamese.

- making a comparison between modal meanings expressed by can, may, must in English and their Vietnamese equivalent expressions.

- offering some suggestions for the application of the study to the teaching of English modals.

3. Scope of the study

This study is confined to the meanings expressed via the three modal verbs can, may, must in English, their semantic features and the equivalent expressions in Vietnamese.

English modals are widely utilized in both spoken and written discourse and cover various functional styles. It would be interesting to investigate their uses in them all. However, in order to make our tasks manageable in keeping the aims of the study, within the time allowance, it is intended that the most attention is paid to written discourse.

4. Methodology

A combination of different methods of analysis will be used in this study. The first is the descriptive method. English modals can, may, must will be described in turns in order to find out their semantic features.

However, the major method utilized in this study is the contrastive analysis between the meanings expressed via the modal verbs can, may, must in English and the equivalent expressions in Vietnamese. English modal verbs are chosen as the references and we base on these instruments to find out all the equivalents in Vietnamese.

To apply these methods and to achieve the study goals, translation is the main technique for comparison between English modal verbs and the equivalent expressions in Vietnamese.

With written discourse, data employed for analysis will be extracted from the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte – a famous writer in the nineteenth century realistic literature of England. This novel is taken from the website http://www.online_literature.com/brontec/janeeyre/. The reason for choosing Jane Eyre is that it is a well-known literary work in which can, may and must are widely used so that the contrastive analysis can be easily done. Based on thirty - eight chapters of this novel and its translation by TrÇn Anh Kim (1996), the data are chosen at random. Then the data are analyzed and systematized to work out a fresh insight into the meanings expressed by can, may, must and their equivalents in Vietnamese.

5. Design of the study

The study is composed of three parts.

Part A is the introduction which presents rationales, literature review, aims, scope of the study as well as the methodology for the research.

Part B is the main part which consists of three chapters.

Chapter one is about the theoretical background for the research. This chapter is aimed at establishing the framework of investigation. It chiefly deals with modality and modal verbs in English and in Vietnamese.

Chapter two is focused on investigating the meanings expressed by can, may, must and on contrastive analysis of the meanings expressed by can, may, must and the Vietnamese equivalents cã thÓ, ph¶i.

Chapter three deals with the applicability of the study results to the teaching of can, may, must to Vietnamese learners of English. It discusses some challenges in teaching and learning English modals. It also puts forward some suggestions for the teaching of English modals.

The final part is the conclusion which presents a recapitulation of the study and provides possible concluding remarks and suggestions for further research.
Part B: Development

Chapter 1: Theoretical background

1.1. Concept of modality in English

1.1.1. Definition of modality

From the Latin word modalitas, the quality of modality relates to manners (a way of acting or speaking), forms (shape, structure), and limits (something that restrains). The term is used to cover linguistic expression of these concepts other than through the modal auxiliaries: ‘It will possibly rain later this evening’, ‘I am sure that the plane has landed by now’, ‘You have my permission to smoke now.’

Modality is central to research done in many disciplines, but rarely receives unified treatment in logic, in (western) philosophy, or in linguistics. In modern logic, for example, one generally analyses a single semantic value for a modal verb such as can, may, or must in English or cã thÓ, cã lÏ or nªn in Vietnamese. As these verbs occur in different contexts and are sensitive to interaction with time and aspect markers, they can receive different values.

The modal value of a statement is the way, or ‘mode’, in which it is true or false: e.g. certainly so, currently so, necessarily so. In logic, modality usually means ‘logical modality’, that is the logical necessity or possibility of a statement’s truth or falsity.

Nevertheless, logic begins but does not end with the study of truth values. Within truth, there are modes of truth, ways of being true: necessary truth and contigent truth. When a proposition is true, we may say whether it could have been false. If so, then it is contigent true. If not, then it is necessarily true; it must be true; it could not have been false. Falsity has modes as well: a false proposition that could not have been true is impossible or necessarily false; one that could have been true is merely contigently false. The proposition ‘New York is a rich city’ is contigently true; the proposition that ‘Two and two is four’ is necessarily true; the proposition ‘Her husband is female’ is impossible, and the proposition that ‘Women don’t give births’ is contigently false.

In logic, modality is concerned with how what is said is related to the fact that rather than with what purpose, attitude or judgement a speaker has in uttering. It is because of this reason that modality in logic is considered objective modality.

While traditional logic has been more concerned with objective modality, which excludes speakers, modality in language seems to be essentially subjective, i.e. it refers to the speaker’s opinion or attitude. This is reasonable because in everyday conversation and in different contexts, all utterances show the purpose, attitude or assessment of the speaker.

Modality in language is, then, concerned with subjectiveness of an utterance. In subjective modality, speakers express the fact with their own intention or judgement. The subjectivity is seen in different aspects: speakers’ commitment toward the factuality of what is said, speakers’ judgement toward a proposition, whether it is positive or negative, advantageous or disadvantageous etc. It is modality that gives more meanings to utterances. Together with fast development of semantics and pragmatics, modality has received more linguists’ concerns.

Lyons (1977) says that modality is the speaker’s opinion or attitude towards ‘the proposition that the sentence expresses or the situation that the proposition describes.’

Palmer (1986) defines modality as semantic information associated with the speaker’s attitude or opinion about what is said.

According to Frawley (1992), modality semantically reflects a speaker’s attitude or degrees of awareness of the content of a proposition.

In Vietnam, for the past few years, modality has been the focus of many linguists and researchers such as Hoµng Phª, §ç H÷u Ch©u and others. Hoµng Träng PhiÕn broadly explains modality as a grammatical category which appears in all kinds of sentence.

From the definition of modality mentioned above, we can see that to some extent linguists have one thing in common seeing that modality describes the speaker’s attitude or judgement toward the proposition and not the proposition itself.

The notional content of modality highlights its association with entire statements. Modality concerns the factual status of information; it signals the relative actuality, validity, or believability of the content of an expression. Modality reflects the overall assertability of an expression and thus takes the entire proposition within its scope. In the utterance ‘It may be raining’, for example, the speaker is not committing himself wholeheartedly to the truth of the proposition. He is not making a categorical assertion, but rather modifying his commiment to some degree by expressing a judgement of the truth of the situation.

1.1.2. Types of modality

Types of modality are classified differently according to different linguists. Von Wright (1951: 1-2) in “Studying modal logic” distinguishes 4 types: Alethic, Epistemic, Deontic and Existential. Rescher (1968), apart from these types, refers to one more type it is temporal modality. Leech and Startvik (1985: 219-221) suggest 2 types: Intrinsic and Extrinsic modality.

Types of modality in Halliday’s view.

Halliday’s view on types of modality could be summed up as follow.

“Polarity is the choice between positive and negative, as in is/ isn’t, do/ don’t.

However, the possibilities are not limited to a choice between yes and no. There are intermediate degress: various kinds of indeterminacy that fall in between, like “sometimes” or “maybe”. The intermediate degrees between the positive and negative poles, are known collectively as modality”. (Halliday, 1985: 85-86)

He further expresses the commodity exchanged & the speech function and the types of intermediacy in this chart

Commodity exchanged

Speech function

Types of intermediacy



Statement question


Probability (possible/ probable/ certain)

Frequency (sometimes/ usually/ always)

Goods & services




Obligation (allowed/ supposed/ required)


Inclination (willing/ anxious/ determined)

As can be seen from the chart, in a proposition, the meaning of positive and negative poles is asserting “It is so” and denying “It isn’t so”. He observes two kinds of intermediate possibilities: (1) degree of probability (possible -> probable -> certain) which is equivalent to may be “yes”, may be “no” with different degrees of likelihood attached and (2) degree of usuality (i.e sometimes “yes” sometimes “no”).

In a proposal, there are two kinds of intermediate possibilities: (1) in a command, the intermediate points represent degrees of obligation and (2) in an offer, they represent degrees of described duty.

However, the classification made by Sweetser and Palmer, in my opinion, seems the most acceptable for its clarity and generalization which can be applied to the linguistic study from different angles: semantic, logic and pragmatic. They are Epistemic & Deontic modality. Analyzing such a sentence as “He must be in his office”, we can see this may have two interpretations, depending on the modality assigned to the modal verb “must”.

In one sense, it means “I am certain that he is in his office” (By my reasoning and judgement). In another sense, it has the interpretation of “He is obliged to be in his office” (He has no choice but to be in his office). In the formal sense, the modal auxiliary “must” is epistemic and in the latter it is deontic.

Lyons (1977: 793) (in conjunction with other scholars) states: “Epistemic modality is concerned with matters of knowledge, belief” or “opinion rather than fact”. Palmer (1990:7) considers that epistemic modality in language is often, may be always, subjective in a way it is associated with the deduction of the speakers and not only simply interest in the subjective judgment in the light of reality.

And “Deontic modality is concerned with the necessity of possibility of acts performed by morally responsible agents” (Lyons 1977: 823). By means of this, speakers intervene in or bring about changes in events.

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