ĐỀ CƯƠng chi tiết lesson phonetics (NGỮ ÂM) MỘt vài quy tắc về trọng âM (stress)

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu26.07.2016
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V d. She looks after h er children properly

3. Lo¹i 3: ®éng tõ kh«ng ®i víi bæ ng÷ trùc tiÕp- ®©y lµ néi ®éng tõ. Ta kh«ng ®­îc t¸ch rêi hai phÇn cña côm ®éng tõ. C«ng thøc:

V + Adverb

Vd: break down , break up, get away, get by, go down, hold on, pass away, pass out, set off/ set out, stand out, take off....

4. LoaÞ 4: ®éng tõ bao gåm c¶ tr¹ng tõ vµ giíi tõ. Chóng lu«n cÇn mét bæ ng÷ trùc tiÕp. Ta kh«ng ®­îc t¸ch

rêi c¸c phÇn cña côm ®éng tõ nµy. . C«ng thøc:

V + Adverb + preposition +O

Vd:catch up with, come up against, come up with, face up to, fall in with, get along/on with, get out of, look up to, make up for, put up with, run out of, stand up for, stand up to...

Some common Phrasal verbs



Synonym ( Ngh ĩa)



return a telephone call  Gọi lại ( điện thoại)



cancel  Hủy bỏ



ask to speak in class  Gọi phát biểu ý kiến



make a telephone call  Gọi điện thoại



do again  Làm lại



find the solution to a problem  Tìm giải pháp



complete a sentence by writing in a blank  Điền vào



fill completely with gas, water, coffee, etc.  Đổ đầy, làm đầy



discover information  Tìm ra, phát hiện ra



enter a car, a taxi  Lên xe, tax i...



leave a bus, an airplane, a train, a subway, a bicycle Xuống xe buýt, máy bay ...



enter a bus, an airplane, a train, a subway, a bicycle Lên xe



recover from an illness  Bình phục, khỏi ốm



return something to someone  Trả lại



quit doing something or quit trying  Từ bỏ, bỏ



explode Phát nổ



give homework, tests, papers, etc., to a teacher  Nộp bài kiểm tra, bài thi...



give something to this person, then that person, then another person,. Phân phát



  1. hang on a hanger or a hook;  Treo

  2. end a telephone call  Kết thúc cuộc gọi đt



continue  Tiếp tục



omit  Bỏ sót, bỏ qua



look for information in a reference book  Tra cứu( từ,kiến thức...)



invent  Phát minh ...



return money to someone  Trả lai tiền cho ai



Lift   Đón



Postpone Hoãn lại



put clothes on one's body Mặc quần áo



extinguish (stop) a fire, a cigarette, a cigar  Dập tắt ( Lửa, thuốc lá ..)



meet by chance  Tình cờ gặp



stop a machine or light, turn off  Đóng ,tắt



start again  Khởi động lại



remove clothes from one's body  Tháo, cởi quần áo...



tear into small pieces  Xé ra từng mảnh nhỏ



put in the trash  Vứt bỏ



put on clothing to see if it fits  Thử ( quần áo )



decrease the volume  Vặn nhỏ âm thanh



stop a machine or a light, shut off  Tắt ( đèn, máy móc ...)



begin a machine or a light  Bật đèn, máy móc...



increase the volume  Vặn to âm thanh

Exercise1:Chän ph­¬ng ¸n ®óng ®Ó hoµn thµnh c¸c c©u sau:

  1. We are looking forward _____ you again soon.

A. to see B. to seeing C. saw D. have seen

  1. My mother was afraid to let the boy _____ the tree.

A. to risk climbing B. to risk to climb C. risk climbing D. risk to climb

  1. I remember _____ but he said I did not.

A. to buy him a book B. buy him a book

C. buying him a book D. to have bought him a book

  1. Remember _____ john a present . today is his birthday.

A. send B. to send C. sent D. sending

  1. I suggest _____ some more mathematical puzzles.

A. do B. to do C. doing D. done

  1. Would you mind _____ the door?

A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened

  1. You should give up _____ or you will die of cancer.

A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked

  1. The driver stopped _____ a coffee because he felt sleepy.

A. have B. to have C. having D. had

  1. That old man tried to stop _____ because of his bad health.

A. smoke B. smokes C. smoked D. smoking

  1. There is nothing prevent us from______ the mystery of that palace.

A. discover B. discovery C. discovering D. discoveries

  1. Mr. Thomas does not allow people_____ in his office.

A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoked D. smoking

  1. We are not allowed _____ in that restricted area.

A. to enter B. enter C. entering D. to entered

  1. You had better _____ at home until you feel better.

A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed

  1. The machine needs_____ .

A. B and C are correct B. to be repaired C. repairing D. to repair

  1. I couldn’t help _____ when I heard the story.

A. laughing B. to laugh C. laughed D.laugh

  1. Peter usually help his mother ______.

A. to do housework B. do housework C. with housework D.all are correct

  1. She used that money _____ a new car.

A.buy B. buying C. to buy D. for buying

  1. Can you manage_____ ______ the report in the morning?

A. finishing / to write B. to finish / writing C. finishing / writing D. to finish / to write

  1. Rex hotel was the best place for us _____.

A. stays B. staying C. to stay D. stay

  1. You can’t stop me from _____ what I want.

A. doing B. do C. to do D. that I do
LESSON 11: conjunctions- Adverbial clauses of time

I. conjunctions

1. so: cã nghÜa lµ ‘v× vËy’, liªn tõ nµy ®øng tr­íc vÕ thø hai trong mét c©u ghÐp, biÓu hiÖn vÕ thø hai lµ kÕt qu¶ t¸c ®éng cña vÕ c©u thø nhÊt. C«ng thøc dïng nh­ sau:

Clause 1, so + clause 2

Vd: Tim was too angry, so he left without saying anything.

But: cã nghÜa lµ’nh­ng’ liªn tõ nay ®øng tr­íc vÕ thø hai trong mét c©u ghÐp, biÓu thÞ ý nghÜa tr¸i ng­îc víi

ý nghÜa cña vÕ c©u thø nhÊt. C«ng thøc dïng nh­ sau:

Clause 1, but + clause 2

Vd: I tried my best to pass the exam, but I still failed.

3. However: cã nghÜa lµ’Tuy nhiªn’ liªn tõ nµy ®øng ë ®Çu mét c©u, biÓu thÞ ý nghÜa tr¸i ng­îc víi ý nghÜa

cña tr­íc ®ã vµ ng¨n c¸ch víi vÕ c©u ®i sau b»ng dÊu phÈy.Ngoµi ra nã cã thÓ lµ tõ nèi gi÷a hai vÕ c©u trong mét c©u phøc. Trong tr­êng hîp nµy nã sÏ ®i sau dÊu chÊm phÈy vµ ®øng tr­íc dÊu phÈy. C«ng thøc dïng nh­ sau:

Sentence 1. However, sentence 2.

Clause 1; however, clause 2.

Vd: -Studying English is not easy. However, it is benificial

- Studying English is not easy; however, it is benificial

4. Therefore: cã nghÜa lµ’v× vËy’ liªn tõ nµy ®øng ë ®Çu mét c©u, mang ý nghÜa chØ kÕt qu¶ cña hµnh ®éng trong c©u tr­íc ®ã vµ ng¨n c¸ch víi vÕ c©u ®i sau b»ng dÊu phÈy.Ngoµi ra nã cã thÓ lµ tõ nèi gi÷a hai vÕ c©u trong mét c©u phøc. Trong tr­êng hîp nµy nã sÏ ®i sau dÊu chÊm phÈy vµ ®øng tr­íc dÊu phÈy. C«ng thøc

dïng nh­ sau:

Sentence 1. Therefore, sentence 2.

Clause 1; therefore, clause 2.

Vd: -He didnt study hard. Therefore, he failed the exam.

-He didnt study hard; therefore, he failed the exam.

5. Sù kh¸c nhau gi÷a but vµ however; gi÷a so therefore

*buthowever chØ sù ®èi lËp . Tuy nhiªn but kh«ng thÓ ®øng ®Çu c©u mµ chØ cã thÓ ®øng ë ®Çu vÕ thø hai trong mét c©u phøc.

*sotherefore chØ kÕt qu¶ .Tuy nhiªn so kh«ng thÓ ®øng ®Çu c©u mµ chØ cã thÓ ®øng ë ®Çu vÕ thø hai trong mét c©u phøc.
II: Adverbial clause of time

* MÖnh ®Ò tr¹ng ng÷ chØ thêi gian ®ãng vai trß t­¬ng ®­¬ng víi tr¹ng ng÷ cña c©u. MÖnh ®Ò nµy kh«ng thÓ ®øng mét m×nh mµ ph¶i lu«n ®i kÌm víi mÖnh ®Ò chÝnh.

*MÖnh ®Ò tr¹ng ng÷ chØ thêi gian th­êng b¾t ®Çu víi c¸c tõ sau:

1. When (khi)

- When I was watching TV, it began to rain.

2. While ( trong khi)

- While Tommy was having a bath, the telephone rang.

3. As ( khi)

- As I was watching TV, it began to rain.

4. As soon as ( ngay khi)

- As soon as I finish reading this book, I will return it to you.

5. Until ( cho ®Õn khi)

- Please wait for me until I come back.

6. Before ( tr­íc khi)

- You must remember to turn all lights off before you go out.

7. After ( sau khi )

- After my parents have dinner, they often watch TV till late at night.

8. Since ( tõ khi)

- Since I move here, I have never met my next-door neiboor

9. As long as: (l©u chõng nµo)

- You can stay here as long as you want to.


* Ng­êi ta kh«ng dïng th× t­¬ng lai trong mÖnh ®Ò chØ thêi gian.Khi mÖnh ®Ò chÝnh cã ®éng tõ ë th× t­¬ng lai th× trong mÖnh phô chØ thêi gian, ng­êi ta sÏ dïng:

- Th× HTHT thay v× dïng th× TLHT.

- Th× HT§ thay v× dïng th× TL§

* Sau As vµ While ta hay dïng ®éng tõ th× tiÕp diÔn.

Exercise1:Underline the correct option in each of the following sentences:

  1. The school boy are in a hurry (not to/ in order not to) miss their school bus.

  2. They were talking in whispers (so that/ so as) nobody could hear them.

  3. My mother needs a tin opener(to open/ for opening) the bottles.

  4. Advice is given (in order that / in order to) students can choose the best course.

  5. You may put your money in a small coin bank (so that/ in order to) keep it safe.

Exercise2: Fill each blank with BUT – SO – HOWEVER – THEREFORE where appropriate :

1. You could fly via Singapore, ................................, this isn’t the only way.

2.The boy was able to learn English , ........................ he is very lazy.

3.He didn’t attend the lesson , ................................... he could not do his homework.

4.The rice is 5000 dong per kilo, ............................... we bought 10 kilos.

5.Your son is heading the right direction, ........................ I think you should encourage him to learn harder.

6.It was midnight, ........................ the restaurant was still open.

7.It was midnight, ......................... they closed the restaurant and went home.

8.He had written her many times , but she didn’t give any reply , ......... they had been out of touch ever since.

9.We discussed the issue all day, ......................... we couldn’t come to a final conclusion.

10.It started to rain hard , ............................... we decided to stay at home to watch TV.

11.The wind was howling outside, ................................... it was warm and comfortable indoor.

12.The highway was under construction, .............................. we had to take a different route to work.

13. Jackson was going to study all night, ............................ he declined our invitation to dinner.

14,There is still much to discuss . We shall, ........................... , return to this item at our next meeting.

15. The holiday had been a complate disaster. We , ........................ , decide to fly home early if we could..

Exercise3: Choose the most correct option:

  1. Mary jogs everyday ______ lose weight.

A. so she can B. so that she can C. because she can D. so that to

  1. We’ll be late ______ we hurry.

A. if B. despite C. unless D. when

  1. She failed the test ______ she studied hard.

A. although B. even though C. as D. A and B

  1. You should bring an umbrella ______ it rains.

A. if B. unless C. in case D. because of

  1. He went on working ______ feeling unwell.

A. although B. unless C. due to D. despite

  1. They decided to go ______ the danger.

A. because B. in spite of C. although D. so

  1. ______ they lost, their fans gave them a big cheer.

A. However B. In spite of C. Although D. if

  1. Jane has a computer, ______ she doesn’t use it.

A. and B. since C. but D. in spite of

  1. ______ we had got on the plane, it started to rain.

A. If B. While C. Before D. As soon as.

  1. We have to wait ______ everybody else finishes their turn.

A. when B. but C. so D. until

  1. Mark heard the news on the radio _______ he was driving home.

A. while B. as C. until D. A and B

  1. What are you going to do _______ graduating from university?

A. before B. after C. so D. because

  1. I am not so good at English, _______ I have to practice more.

A. but B. so C. while D. despite

  1. ______ the fact that she fail the exam, she didn’t look disappointed.

A. although B. despite C. in spite of D. because of

  1. We didn’t go to France last summer______ we couldn’t afford to.

A. so B. when C. because D. because of

Giaó viên: Lê Thị Minh Huệ- THPT Bình Xuyên

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