ĐỀ CƯƠng chi tiết lesson phonetics (NGỮ ÂM) MỘt vài quy tắc về trọng âM (stress)

A, An, The: Mạo tõ a (an) vµ the

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Chuyển đổi dữ liệu26.07.2016
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A, An, The: Mo tõ a (an) vµ the

1- a vµ an

an - ®­îc dïng:

- Tr­íc 1 danh tõ sè Ýt ®Õm ®­îc b¾t ®Çu b»ng 4 nguyªn ©m (vowel) a, e, i, o

- Hai b¸n nguyªn ©m u, y

- C¸c danh tõ b¾t ®Çu b»ng h c©m.

vÝ dô: u : an uncle.

h : an hour

- HoÆc tr­íc c¸c danh tõ viÕt t¾t ®­îc ®äc nh­ 1 nguyªn ©m.

VÝ dô: an L- plate, an SOS, an MP

a : ®­îc dïng:

- tr­íc 1 danh tõ b¾t ®Çu b»ng phô ©m (consonant).

- dïng tr­íc mét danh tõ b¾t ®Çu b»ng uni : a university, a uniform, a universal, a union.

- tr­íc 1 danh tõ sè Ýt ®Õm ®­îc, tr­íc 1 danh tõ kh«ng x¸c ®Þnh cô thÓ vÒ mÆt ®Æc ®iÓm, tÝnh chÊt, vÞ trÝ

hoÆc ®­îc nh¾c ®Õn lÇn ®Çu trong c©u.

- ®­îc dïng trong c¸c thµnh ng÷ chØ sè l­îng nhÊt ®Þnh.

VÝ dô : a lot of, a couple, a dozen, a great many, a great deal of.

- dïng tr­íc nh÷ng sè ®Õm nhÊt ®Þnh, ®Æc biÖt lµ chØ hµng tr¨m, hµng ngµn.

VÝ dô: a hundred, a thousand.

- tr­íc half khi nã theo sau 1 ®¬n vÞ nguyªn vÑn.

VÝ dô: a kilo and a half vµ còng cã thÓ ®äc lµ one and a half kilos.

Chó ý: 1/2 kg = half a kilo ( kh«ng cã a tr­íc half).

- dïng tr­íc half khi nã ®i víi 1 danh tõ kh¸c t¹o thµnh tõ ghÐp.

VÝ dô : a half-holiday nöa kú nghØ, a half-share : nöa cæ phÇn.

- dïng tr­íc c¸c tû sè nh­ 1/3, 1 /4, 1/5, = a third, a quarter, a fifth hay one third, one fourth, one fifth .

- Dïng trong c¸c thµnh ng÷ chØ gi¸ c¶, tèc ®é, tû lÖ.

VÝ dô: five dolars a kilo; four times a day.

- Dïng trong c¸c thµnh ng÷ tr­íc c¸c danh tõ sè Ýt ®Õm ®­îc, dïng trong c©u c¶m th¸n.

VÝ dô: Such a long queue! What a pretty girl!

Nh­ng: such long queues! What pretty girls.

- a cã thÓ ®­îc ®Æt tr­íc Mr/Mrs/Miss + tªn hä (surname):

VÝ dô: a Mr Smith, a Mrs Smith, a Miss Smith.

a Mr Smith nghÜa lµ ‘ ng­êi ®µn «ng ®­îc gäi lµ Smith’ vµ ngô ý lµ «ng ta lµ ng­êi l¹ ®èi víi ng­êi nãi. Cßn

nÕu kh«ng cã a tøc lµ ng­êi nãi biÕt «ng Smith.

2- The

- §­îc sö dông khi danh tõ ®­îc x¸c ®Þnh cô thÓ vÒ tÝnh chÊt, ®Æc ®iÓm, vÞ trÝ hoÆc ®­îc nh¾c ®Õn lÇn thø 2 trong c©u.

- The + noun + preposition + noun.

VÝ dô : the girl in blue; the man with a banner; the gulf of Mexico; the United States of America.

- The + danh tõ + ®¹i tõ quan hÖ + mÖnh ®Ò phô

VÝ dô: the boy whom I met; the place where I met him.

- Tr­íc 1 danh tõ ngô ý chØ mét vËt riªng biÖt.

VÝ dô: She is in the garden.

- The + tÝnh tõ so s¸nh bËc nhÊt hoÆc sè tõ thø tù hoÆc only way.

VÝ dô : The first week; the only way.

- The + dt sè Ýt t­îng tr­ng cho mét nhãm thó vËt hoÆc ®å vËt th× cã thÓ bá the vµ ®æi danh tõ sang sè nhiÒu.

VÝ dô: The whale = Whales, the shark = sharks, the deep-freeze = deep - freezes.

Nh­ng ®èi víi danh tõ man (chØ loµi ng­êi) th× kh«ng cã qu¸n tõ (a, the) ®øng tr­íc.

VÝ dô: if oil supplies run out, man may have to fall back on the horse.

- The + danh tõ sè Ýt chØ thµnh viªn cña mét nhãm ng­êi nhÊt ®Þnh.

VÝ dô: the small shopkeeper is finding life increasingly difficult.

- The + adj ®¹i diÖn cho 1 líp ng­êi, nã kh«ng cã h×nh th¸i sè nhiÒu nh­ng ®­îc coi lµ 1 danh tõ sè nhiÒu vµ ®éng tõ

sau nã ph¶i ®­îc chia ë ng«i thø 3 sè nhiÒu.

VÝ dô: the old = ng­êi giµ nãi chung; The disabled = nh÷ng ng­êi tµn tËt;

The unemployed = nh÷ng ng­êi thÊt nghiÖp.

- Dïng tr­íc tªn c¸c khu vùc, vïng ®· næi tiÕng vÒ mÆt ®Þa lý hoÆc lÞch sö.

VÝ dô: The Shahara. The Netherlands. The Atlantic.

- The + East / West/ South/ North + noun.

VÝ dô: the East/ West end.

The North / South Pole.

Nh­ng kh«ng ®­îc dïng the tr­íc c¸c tõ chØ ph­¬ng h­íng nµy, nÕu nã ®i kÌm víi tªn cña mét khu vùc ®Þa lý.

VÝ dô: South Africal, North Americal, West Germany.

- The + tªn c¸c ®å hîp x­íng, c¸c dµn nh¹c cæ ®iÓn, c¸c ban nh¹c phæ th«ng.

VÝ dô: the Bach choir, the Philadenphia Orchestra, the Beatles.

- The + tªn c¸c tê b¸o lín/ c¸c con tÇu biÓn/ khinh khÝ cÇu.

VÝ dô: The Titanic, the Time, the Great Britain.

- The + tªn hä ë sè nhiÒu cã nghÜa lµ gia ®×nh hä nhµ ...

VÝ dô: the Smiths = Mr and Mrs Smith (and their children) hay cßn gäi lµ gia ®×nh nhµ Smith.

- The + Tªn ë sè Ýt + côm tõ/ mÖnh ®Ò cã thÓ ®­îc sö dông ®Ó ph©n biÖt ng­êi nµy víi ng­êi kh¸c cïng tªn.

VÝ dô: We have two Mr Smiths. Which do you want? I want the Mr Smith who signed this letter.

A. Prepositions

Exercise 1: Choose the best option to complete the following sentences

  1. When studying abroad, Mary was very happy to get a phone call _____ her parents.

A. to B. for C. of D. from

  1. Why don’t we stay ______ home _______ a change?

A. from/ as B. at / with C. at / for D. at/ on

  1. A horse is always mounted ______ the left side.

A. on B. to C. from D. at

  1. What would you like to have _____ lunch?

A. at B. in C. for D. of

  1. Surgeons use lasers _______ miraculously accurate scalpels.

A. for B. as C. of D. with

  1. The Medical Center is close______ the school.

A. to B. at C. next D. from

  1. Once scientists fully understand the cause ____ a disease, it becomes easier for them to find a cure ___ it.

A. of / of B. of / from C. from / in D. of / for

  1. There is a shop _____ front _____ my house.

A. at / in B. out / next C. in / of D. of / in

  1. He jumped ______ until the stinging return to his feet.

A. on and off B. out and in C. down and up D. up and down

  1. The only way ______ cross the river is ______ swim.

A. to / to B. of / by C. on / to D. in / by

  1. The summer is over. Pupils and students have to go ______ to school on Monday.

A. back B. on C. through D. into

  1. He threw stones _____ his attackers, trying to drive them _____.

A. to / out B. for / up C. at / away D. at / up

  1. The medical center is close ______ the campus.

A. to B. up C. for D. with

  1. I haven’t gone there _____ ages.

A. with B. in C. for D. of

  1. Most college football games are played ______ Saturdays.

A. at B. in C. with D. on

  1. Leaves turn color _______ the autumn.

A. for B. on C. at D. in

  1. _____ the whole, I enjoy the movie.

A. On B. In C. At D. Up

  1. She’ll come home ______ April.

A. on B. in C. at D. for

  1. The art museum is located next _____ the museum of natural history on State Street.

A. to B. for C. on D. with

  1. Minh was born_____ Ho Chi Minh city.

A. on B.at C.in D. up

B. Articles

Exercise 1: Put a/ an/ the in each space, or leave the space blank:

1.We went by _____ train to ­­­­_____ west of England.

2.______ who live in ______ Netherlands are called Dutch.

3.______ judge sent me to _____ prison for ______ ten years.

4.______ Columbus was one of _____ people to cross _____ Atlantic.

5.As ______ captain of ______ ship, I have _______ complete authority.

6.David learned to play _____ violin when he was at _______ university.

7.______ Trafalgar Square is near ______ Charing Cross Station.

8.Did you read _____ book I lent you _____ last week?

9.We’ll put up ______ shelves and then go to ______ café for something to eat.

10.Is that ______ present Bill gave you for ______ Christmas.

Exercise 2: Choose the best option to complete the following sentences

  1. My mother goes to church in ______ morning.

A. x B. every C. the D. a

  1. I eat ______orange everyday.

A. an B. orange C. the orange s D. any orange

  1. Harry is a sailor. He spends most of his life at _____ sea.

A. a B. an C. the D. X

  1. There are billions of stars in _____ space.

A. a B. an C. X D. the

  1. He tried to park his car but _____ space wasn’t big enough.

A. the B. a C. an D. X

  1. Can you turn off _____ television, please?

A. the B. a C. an D. X

  1. We had _____ dinner in a restaurant.

A. a B. an C. x D. the

  1. We had _____ meal in a restaurant.

A. a B. an C. the D. X

  1. Thank you. That was ______ very nice lunch.

A. a B. an C. the D. X

  1. ______rose is my favourite color.

A. a B. an C. the D. X

LESON 9: Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs.

I. Adjectives and Adverbs.

1. Adjectives:

* Positions: - Adj. + N . beautiful hat.

- be/ seem/ appear/ feel/ taste/ look/ keep.... + Adj. He seems tired now.

- be/ seem/ look/ taste...+ too + Adj. He is too young to drive a motorbike.

- be + Adj + enough . She is tall enough to play volleyball.

- be/ seem/ look/ taste/ smell/ ... + so + Adj. + that.

The story is so interesting that I can’t put it down.

- How + Adj. + S + V. How beautiful the girl is.

Notes: TrËt tù tõ cña tÝnh tõ:

- TÝnh tõ chØ c¶m nghÜ ®øng tr­íc tÝnh tõ miªu t¶: an interesting young man.

- §«i khi chóng ta dïng hai hay nhiÒu tÝnh tõ miªu t¶ trong mét c©u, th× trËt tù cña chóng ®­îc s¾p xÕp nh­ sau:

Sè l­îng + ChÊt l­îng + KÝch th­íc + Tuæi t¸c + Mµu s¾c + XuÊt xø( quèc gia)+ ChÊt liÖu + NOUN.

eg. a beautiful old French picture.

- TÝnh tõ chØ kÝch th­íc vµ chiÒu dµi( big, tall, long...) th­êng ®i tr­íc tÝnh tõ chØ h×nh d¸ng vµ chiÒu réng( round, fat, wide...). eg. a long narrow street.

- Khi cã hai hoÆc h¬n hai tÝnh tõ chØ mµu s¾c,ta dïng liªn tõ ‘and’.

eg.a red, white and green flag.

2. Adverbs: lµ nh÷ng tõ dïng ®Ó diÔn t¶ tÝnh c¸ch, ®Æc tÝnh, møc ®é, tr¹ng th¸i... vµ ®­îc dïng ®Ó bæ nghÜa

cho ®éng tõ, tÝnh tõ, tr¹ng tõ kh¸c hoÆc cho c¶ c©u.

* Positions: - V(trî ®éng tõ) + Adv. + V (th­êng). I have recently finished my homework.

- be/ feel/ look/ ....+ Adv + Adj. I feel completely interested in this book.

- V (th­êng) + too + Adv. He studied too lazily to pass his exam.

- V (th­êng) + so + Adv. + that. Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident.

- S + V ( + O) + Adv. He drives carefully.

- V (th­êng) + Adv. + enough. He worked hard enough to succeed.

- Adv. còng cã thÓ ®øng mét m×nh ë ®Çu c©u( hoÆc gi÷a c©u gi÷a hai dÊu “,”)

Suddenly, he heard a strange voice.

II. Degrees of comparison of Adj. and Adv.

1. Equal dgree: S + V + as + Adj/ Adv + as + N/ Pronoun.

eg. He is as tall as his father. / Mai is as beautiful as her mother.

- Cã thÓ thay ‘as’ b»ng ‘so’ trong c©u phñ ®Þnh. S + Be not + as/so +Adj + as N/ Pronoun.

S + do/ does not +as/so + Adv+............

eg. Your pen is not so expensive as mine.

- Cã thÓ diÔn ®¹t ý b»ng nhau, nh­ nhau:

S + V + the same + (noun) + as +noun(pronoun).

eg. My house is as high as his = My house is the same height as his.

Marry is as old as Tony = Marry and Tony are the same age.

2. Comparative degree:

a. Short Adjectives/ Adverbs: S + V + short Adj/Adv + er + than + Noun/ Pronoun.

eg. Today is hotter than yesterday./ He runs faster than I do.

-TÝnh tõ 1 ©m tiÕt tËn cïng lµ phô ©m ®¬n ( trõ w, x, z) ®øng tr­íc mét nguyªn ©m ®¬n th× gÊp ®«i phô ©m

cuèi + er. big-bigger

- TÝnh tõ 2 ©m tiÕt cã tËn cïng lµ : y, le, er, ow, et + er. quieter, cleverer, narrower....

- TÝnh tõ 2 ©m tiÕt nh­ng kÕt thóc b»ng mét phô ©m +y, ®æi ‘y’ thµnh ‘i’ + er. happier.

- So s¸nh h¬n cã thÓ ®­îc nhÊn m¹nh b»ng c¸ch céng thªm ‘much’ hoÆc ‘far’.

S + V + far/ much + sh.Adj/ Adv + er + than + noun/ pronoun.

eg. Today is much hotter than yesterday.

b. Long Adjectives/ Adverbs: S + V + more long Adj/ Adv + than + Noun/Pronoun.

eg. This chair is more comfortable than the other.

He speaks English more fluently than I do.

-NhÊn m¹nh : S + V + far/ much + more + long Adj/ Adv + than + noun/ pronoun.

eg. Hoas watch is much/ far more expensive than mine.

He reads much more rapidly than his brother.

-So s¸nh kÐm h¬n: S + V + less Adj/ Adv than noun/ pronoun.

eg. My TV is less beautiful than yours.

He drives less carefully than I think.

3.Superlative degree:

S + V + the + sh.Adj/Adv + est + in( danh tõ ®Õm ®­îc sè Ýt)

+ the most + long Adj/ Adv + of( danh tõ ®Õm ®­îc sè nhiÒu)

+ least + Adj/ Adv

eg. He is the tallest in my class.

Nga is the most inteligent of all the students.

Those shoes are the least expensive of all.

Note: - good/ well better the best

- bad/ badly worse the worst

- many/ much more the most

- little less the least

- far farther the farthest(vÒ kho¶ng c¸ch)

further the furthest( vÒ thêi gian)

- near nearer the nearest(vÒ kho¶ng c¸ch)

the next( vÒ thø tù)

- late later the latest( vÒ thêi gian)

the last( vÒ thø tù)

- old older the oldest( vÒ tuæi t¸c)

elder the eldest( vÒ cÊp bËc h¬n lµ tuæi t¸c)

4. So s¸nh kÐp( double comparatives):

a. Cµng ngµy ....... cµng, mçi lóc mét...... h¬n.

* Víi tÝnh tõ ng¾n: Adj + ER and Adj + er. The weather gets warmer and warmer

* Víi tÝnh tõ dµi: more and more + Adj. She becomes more and more beautiful.

b. Cµng ngµy cµng Ýt...., cµng ngµy cµng kÐm....: less and less + Adj.

eg. He is less and less hard-working.

c. Cµng .... th× cµng.......

* Víi tÝnh tõ ng¾n: The adj. + er......., the adj. + er.

eg. The darker it gets, the colder it is.

* Víi tÝnh tõ dµi: The more adj......., the more adj.........

eg. The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her husband is.

* Víi ®éng tõ: the more...., the more...... The more you learn, the more you forget.

Note: NhiÒu khi hai vÕ kh«ng cïng mét lo¹i tÝnh tõ dµi hay ng¾n nh­ng cã thÓ sö dông lÉn lén víi nhau.( hoÆc vÕ tr­íc tÝnh tõ, vÕ sau ®éng tõ hoÆc ng­îc l¹i...)

eg. The more she smiles, the more graceful she is.

d. Cµng Ýt........, th× cµng Ýt........ Cµng kÐm....., ....th× cµng kÐm......

* Víi tÝnh tõ: The less + adj........, the less + adj. .......

eg. The less difficult the lessons are, the less hard-working the students.

* Víi ®éng tõ : the less....., the less.....

The less I live with him, the less I like him.

5. Nh÷ng c¸ch nãi kh¸c cã tÝnh c¸ch so s¸nh.

a. Other .... than........: kh¸c. I want to read other novels than these.

b. Rather than: h¬n lµ. We want to be poor rather than rich.

c. Had better: nªn Youd better stay at home than go fishing.

d. Had rather hoÆc Would rather: thÝch.. ..h¬n .Wed rather watch a film than read a book.

6. Danh tõ còng cã thÓ ®­îc dïng trong so s¸nh:

S + V + as + many/ much/ little/ few + noun +as + noun/ pronoun.

hoÆc S + V + more/ fewer/ less + noun + than + noun/ pronoun.

eg. He earns as much money as his brother.

I have more books than she does.
Exercise 1:Choose the best option to complete the following sentences:

  1. No one else in the class plays the guitar ______ John.

A. as well B. as far as C. so well as D. as soon as

  1. The town was nearer _____ we thought it would be.

A. then B. that C. as D. than

  1. The economic conditions today are _______ they were in the past.

A. much more good B. much better than C. much better D. the best than

  1. Peter is ______ student in my class.

A. taller than B. so tall as C. the tallest D. tallest

  1. The deep oceans contain some of the ______ of all living creatures.

A. strangest B. strange C. as strange as D. stranger

  1. Jane is not _____ her brother.

A. more intelligent as B. intelligent as C. so intelligent as D. so intelligent that

  1. He drives as ______ his father does.

A. careful as B. more carefully C. the most careful D. carefully as

  1. What’s the ______ film you’ve ever seen.

A. good B. best C. better D. the best

  1. I’ll be there _______ I can.

A. sooner as B. no sooner as C. as soon as D. soonest as

  1. Mr. Lam cannot earn _______ his wife.

A. as many money as B. as much money as C. as many money than D. as much money than

  1. I like English ______ French.

A. than B. more C. less D. better than

  1. My car is _______ yours.

A. more fast and economical than B. more fast and more economical than

C. faster and economical as D. faster and more economical than

  1. Of the two sisters, Linda _______ .

A. is beautiful B. the most beautiful C. is more beautiful D. is so beautiful as

  1. The lab is _____ from the bus stop than the library.

A. far B. farther C. furthur D. B and C

  1. The ______ accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the Freeway.

A. badest B.most bad C. worse D. worst

  1. He finished the test _______ of all.

A. rapidly B. the most rapidly C. most rapidly D. more rapidly

  1. Many chemicals react ______ in acid solutions.

A. more quick B. more quickly C. quicklier D. as quickly more

  1. It’s becoming ______ to find a job.

A. more difficult and more B. more and more difficult

C. most and more difficult D. more difficult than

  1. ______ electricity you use, _______ your bill will be.

A. the more / the higher B. the most / the higher C. the more / the high D. more / higher

  1. The more I got to know Tom, _______ I liked him.

A. least B. the less C. the least D. the fewer

Exercise 2: Chän mét lçi sai trong nh÷ng c©u sau:

  1. “Tomorrow Never Die” is one of the more exciting films.


  1. Most babies will grow up to be as cleverer as their parents.


  1. New York is the larger of all American cities.


  1. The new models are not only less expensive but also the more efficient.


  1. The more they advertise, the least expensive things are.


  1. The problem is the more serious because there has been no relevant solution up to now.


  1. The more he earns, the most happy he is.


  1. Nam plays the piano better than I am.


  1. Mary looks more prettier than she used to be.


  1. Jim has failed the examination. He is the baddest in our class.


LESON 10: Phrasal verbs

MÖnh ®Ò ®éng tõ , lµ nh÷ng ®éng tõ ®i kÌm víi mét hoÆc hai tõ( mét tr¹ng tõ hoÆc mét giíi tõ). Víi mçi tr¹ng tõ ®i kÌm th× mÖnh ®Ò ®éng tõ sÏ mang mét ý nghÜa kh¸c nhau.

Vd: -Look! There is a cat!

-My mother looks after carefull.

Cã bèn lo¹i côm ®éng tõ kh¸c nhau:

1. Lo¹i 1:

§éng tõ ®i víi mét t©n ng÷ trùc tiÕp- ®©y lµ ngo¹i ®éng tõ . NÕu t©n ng÷ trùc tiÕp lµ mét danh tõ, nã cã thÓ

®øng tr­íc hoÆc ®øng sau tr¹ng tõ. Tuy nhiªn, nÕu t©n ng÷ trùc tiÕp lµ mét ®¹i tõ th× nã ph¶i ®øng tr­íc ®¹i tõ. C«ng thøc:

V + Adverb +O

Vd:look up, bring (sb) up, let(sb) down, make up, put off, put on, take off, take away, try on, turn down, work out, turn on, turn off......

2. Lo¹i 2: §éng tõ ®i víi mét giíi tõ vµ mét bæ ng÷ trùc tiÕp- ®©y lµ ngo¹i ®éng tõ. §èi víi nh÷ng côm ®éng

tõ nµy kh«ng ®­îc t¸ch rêi hai phÇn cña côm ®éng tõ. C«ng thøc:

V +preposition +O

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